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【#英语资源# 导语】《红楼梦》一部精工细描的绝世之作!不同的人读出不一样的人生,不一样的心境读出不一样的境遇!《红楼梦》中每个人物的塑造和描绘都那样的深入人心,让后人百读不厌。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Xi turned his head and smiled at Baoyu. Daiyu glanced at Baoyu, and Baoyu only smiled. The Baochai over there didn't say a word, only looked at it with deep meaning, but Jia's mother couldn't close her mouth. Sister Lin is delicate. A gentle smile is enough to make Baoyu act as a flower escort. She looks at her eyebrows with a sentimental look and buries the dead peach blossoms with tears. Her brother Bao, who had been with women since childhood, also accompanied her to watch the lonely falling.      There are two camps in a dream of Red Mansions: Baochai and Daiyu. It should be said that Baochai is a girl deeply imprisoned by traditional ideology and culture. The article does not mention whether she likes Baoyu, but shows that Yuan Chun, the authority of the Jia family, is on the side of Baochai. No one cares about Baochai's opinion. Like Baoyu, she is just a victim of the feudal aristocracy. Baoyu made a mistake and was beaten. Baochai was righteous and said, "you should change it." so she was identified as the guardian of feudal rule by scholars. Sister Lin tearfully reddened her eyes and cried, "are you going to change?" she was named Jia Baoyu's confidant. What did Jia Baoyu say at last? He said: no change! Kill and don't change!

  When we read a dream of Red Mansions carefully, we will find that "may all sentient people in the world become family members." it is just an empty and beautiful wish. In the final analysis, only its difficulties, the suffering of the protagonist, can highlight the value of Baodai's love. We can't say who is right and who is wrong. However, we have to admit that it is a little more important than fame and wealth, money and youth. Not much, just a little.

  Xiren can be said to be the most pitiful role in it. Xiren is Baoyu's housemaid. When Baoyu gets married in the future, she also has a place. Lin Daiyu sometimes laughs that Xi Ren is his sister-in-law. It can be seen that Daiyu also has views on this matter. When I saw that the assailant began to gossip in front of people and wanted Daiyu to move out, I saw from her the common problems that ordinary people are easy to make, selfish, weak and rat headed. But she should be forgiven, because she either has compassion for others or has no compassion for herself.

  When we see the end of the Red Chamber: the tragedy of Daiyu, the tragedy of Baoyu and the farce of Baochai. You will find that being injured is also a blessing. Even if you are lovelorn like Daiyu, you don't mind being ten years old overnight. If only you could cry a lot. How many people can walk away with their ambitions and talents and their love and hate for Baoyu like her?

  I mean: if there is a life destination to choose, it is more desirable for me to die of sadness than to live in a dark life with a withered heart. Lin Daiyu's sadness of "blue clouds, yellow flowers" is not empty. Good feelings are always closest to the essence of human beauty. Women's pursuit of this should be more paranoid and doomed to suffer more.

  Baodai's story tells us that emotion is such a scarce resource that we have no choice but to cherish it.


  One is a fairy flower in langyuan, and the other is flawless. If you say there is no strange fate, you will meet him again in this life. If you say there is a strange fate, how can your mind become empty in the end? A vain cry, an empty worry. One is the moon in the water, the other is the flower in the mirror. How many tears can there be in my eyes? How can I go through autumn to winter and spring to summer!

  A smiling tragedy of a dream of Red Mansions not only describes the life of three generations of a feudal noble family from prosperity to decline, but also boldly accuses the shamelessness and degeneration of the feudal noble class, pointing out their hypocrisy, fraud, greed, corruption and evil. It not only points out the inevitable collapse and death of the family, but also implies the inevitable collapse and death of the class and society to which the family belongs. The protagonists created and loved by Cao Xueqin are the rebellious sons of the dying feudal aristocracy; Those who sympathize and mourn are the victims of the feudal system; What is criticized and denied is the hypocritical morality and unreasonable social system of feudal society. On one side is the former alliance of wood and stone, and on the other is the marriage of gold and jade. One side is the glory of fame that must be pursued in the feudal society, and the other is the yearning body of freedom.

  Cao Xueqin's "dream of Red Mansions" shows us this silent contest. The tragic love story of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu condenses all the smoke of the battle, "one is the fairy flower of langyuan, the other is flawless beauty", "quality comes and goes". In the face of all kinds of harm and indifference under the feudal ethics, and even at the cost of life, the pursuit of quality has never given up. When we lamented the tragedy of the love between Jia and Lin, we saw an important factor causing the tragedy: Lin Daiyu's lofty personality. Her personality was incompatible with the secular world at that time and could not "integrate" with the society. Her inferiority complex was the embodiment of her self-esteem and the beginning of her tragedy. A plot of her burying flowers in the "dream of Red Mansions", Is the focus of her personality. Her inferiority complex, self-esteem and self pity are revealed in her words about burying flowers: "flowers fade, flowers fly all over the sky, and the red fragrance disappears. Who cares?" "on 360 days of a year, wind, sword, frost and sword force each other. When can a beautiful and beautiful woman wander, it is difficult to find. Flowers are easy to see and difficult to find. People who bury flowers are sad at the front of the steps. They only steal tears with a flower hoe, and blood stains can be seen on the branches above." "May you have wings and fly with the flowers to the end of the sky. Where is the Fragrant Hill at the end of the sky? If the brocade bag gathers the beautiful bones, a handful of pure land covers the wind. It's better to be clean than to be clean. It's better to be clean than to be trapped in a ditch. When you die today, you don't know when you will be buried? I'm a fool to bury the flowers today, and I know who it is in the next year. Just look at the gradual decline of the residual flowers in spring, that's the time when the beauty dies. Once the beauty grows old in spring, the flowers grow old A secular person could not understand her thoughts. "When I die today, I will be buried. I don't know when I will be buried? I'm laughing at the flower burial today, and I know who it is in the next year." facing the falling flower, she thought of the scene after her death. She couldn't let go and burst into tears.

  Before the feudal ethics, her low self-esteem stimulated her self-esteem. When Baoyu was beaten, Xue Baochai, a scheming and sophisticated man, sent her pills and admonished Baoyu to correct her mistakes. However, as a rebel of the feudal ethics, Lin Daiyu, a kind and arrogant supporter of Baoyu, just kept crying and turned her eyes into peaches. Her crying was not soft Weak, she sincerely supported Baoyu with the unique emotional experience of crying and silently fought against the feudal ethics. Therefore, only their hearts were closest and loved the most. "Quiet like delicate flowers shining on the water, action like weak Liu Fufeng, heart more than dry, disease like Xizi wins three points." Through Jia Baoyu's eyes, the author depicts a morbid beauty who is intelligent, talented, beautiful and weak. Such a weak woman ignores the traditional laws of the secular world and does the opposite. After countless devastations, when the end of her life comes, the ferocious face of the feudal society accelerates her disappearance of jade.


  Once, the understanding of a dream of Red Mansions always stayed in "everything is just talking about love", and I was stunned and sighed for the sadness of treasure and the tragedy of Dai.

  Now I take down the dream of Red Mansions, which is on the shelf, and read it carefully like tasting tea. I suddenly realize that love is just an indispensable spice.

  Dream of Red Mansions: a touch of Pearl grass on the Bank of Qiling river was irrigated by God Ying. Because of too much irrigation, it was depressed within five years. We don't know how the stone became a god Ying waiter and how the God Ying waiter became Jia Baoyu. We just think it has some deified color.

  When I finished reading a dream of Red Mansions, I almost stayed for a long time. The tragic end of the daughter of the red chamber in the book makes me very sad. The amazing change of Ning Rong's second house from "full of gold and silver" to "empty house in a humble house" makes me take a breath of air-conditioning. It's like "Hula building tilts, lights are miserable, and dusk is near."

  At the beginning, Ning Rong's second house was busy and prosperous for a time. It was very luxurious, but in the end, it was a shabby room, empty house, withered grass and withered intestines. All the people in Ning Rong's second residence once owned gold, silver and jewelry and lived in a gorgeous hall. Who ever wanted to become a Dalit and others slander? The process of Ning Rong's second house from prosperity to decline made me ponder for a long time. It is people's endless greed and desire, because they dislike that the black hat is too small, but how can they expect to carry the yoke? Some people dream of getting something for nothing, but they are finally sent to the iron window. The struggle for power and the darkness of society led to the collapse of the Red Mansion. In such a feudal society, people in the Grand View Garden could not control their own destiny. Although Lin Daiyu was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and everyone praised her talent and temperament, in the end, she died of depression at a young age; Baochai is steady in everything, knows the general, and is proficient in all kinds of poetry and Fu. She was originally a golden and jade marriage. She can only read the league in front of wood and stone. It's a pity that Duan Xianzi missed her whole life; It's a pity to meet a coyote in the spring with both talent and appearance. It's a pity to sigh that the soul is beautiful and the quality is long... The children of the red mansions with thousands of talents scattered and gone. The once prosperous life was like a dream!

  Everything in a dream of Red Mansions is so sad. Closing the book, I feel how far away I am from the story of the children of Red Mansions. I am bathed in the spring breeze of the party and live in New China. How happy I am! Besides, the lower boundary of the falling pearl grass turned into a human shape, named Daiyu, who thanked God Ying for his irrigation with tears all his life. Daiyu's character is lonely and not innate. She lost her mother when she was young and lived in her grandmother's house. But this is not a family with warmth and love, but a dirty place.

