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  【篇一】你有什么才艺 What Skills Do You Have

When I was in primary school, my mother sent me to learn ballet, like other mothers, she hoped me to act like a princess, but I was not interested in dancing, so I quit the class. Later my mother tried to send me to learn singing, but I had no talent in it. When my mother’s friends were talking, they were so proud of their children, because they had the talent in dancing and singing. I felt a little loss, I must find my own talent and learn some skills. I found I was very interested in painting, now I have learned it for four years, my teacher speak highly of me.

  【篇二】最后一天 The Last Day

Most people have thought about the question of what will they do if tomorrow were the last day for them. Some parents said they wanted to travel to the place they had always wanted, or they just spent the day together, having a date liked they just met before. When the children were asked, they gave the answer that they wanted to spend the time with their parents. The parents were so moved as they saw the video, the underestimated their children’s love for them, because sometimes arguments happened and the children would say bad words to hurt their feelings. The children love their parents always, no matter what happens.

  【篇三】死去的老鼠 The Dead Mouse

Recently, there were a lot of mice running in and out of my house at night, so we bought the drug to poison the mice. Two days later, my mother found two dead mice in the corner of the house, I was so scared, it was so disgusting and I refused to see the bodies. When my mother throwed them away, I though about the cleaners, they needed to clear the rubbish, they face these things every day. I admire them so much, they are doing the greatest job. I feel guilty to throw away the rubbish, making them to do the extra job. From now on, I will behave myself and be a polite girl.


初中英语作文:你有什么才艺 What Skills Do You Have.doc
