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【#高二# 导语】高二变化的大背景,便是文理分科(或七选三)。在对各个学科都有了初步了解后,学生们需要对自己未来的发展科目有所选择、有所侧重。这可谓是学生们第一次完全自己把握、风险未知的主动选择。©文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二英语上学期知识点》,助你金榜题名!



-ing分词的被动式表示它的逻辑主语是-ing分词动作的承受者。根据-ing分词动作发生的时间,-ing分词的被动式有一般被动式(being done)和完成被动式(having been done)。如:

The question being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。

Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking. 被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了。

注意:在need, want, require, be worth等动词(短语)后,作宾语的-ing分词常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如:

Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。

This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看。


1.Calm down 平静下来;镇定下来
2.Be concerned about 关心;挂念

3.Make a list of 列出…

4.Be crazy about 对…着迷

5.According to 根据…所说;按照

6.Get along with 与…相处;进展

7.Fall in love 相爱;爱上

8.Try out 试验;试用

9.add up 合计

10.set down 放下;记下;登记

11.get sth. done 做…;使…被做;

12.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物

13.go through 经历;经受;

14.a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套


1. take sb. to court

2. in turn/ by turns/ in return

3. be amazed at/ to do/ that-clause

4. be confused by/ confuse… with…

5. break out/ into/ down/ up/ away from/ through/ in

6. put into prison/ end in prison/ send sb. to prison

7. stand by/ for/ out (as)/ up for/ aside

8. a large quantity of/ large quantities of

9. hunt for/ go hunting

10. do trade with sb./ trade sth. for sth. (with sb.)

11. be ruled by

12. be impressed by/ impress sb. with sth./ impress sth. on sb.

13. across the country

14. describe… as…

15. be covered in gold and silver/ be covered with

16. be available (to sb.)

17. paper money

18. be caught by/ be caught in/ sb. be caught doing

19. take dictation

20. the best-selling books

21. reply to/ response to

22. in huge quantities

23. it’s generous of sb. to do sth./ be generous with sth./in doing sth.


1. bring up 抚养

2. scene 现场,景色

3. permit 许可,通行证

4. go ahead 前进

5. by accident 偶然

6. stare 凝视,盯着看

7. stare at 盯着看

8. spot 发现,认出,斑点,污点

9. account 说明,总计有,账目,

10. account for 导致,做出解释

11. seek 探索,寻求

12. contrary 反面,对立面

13. on the contrary 与此相反

14. take a chance 冒险

15. in rags 衣衫褴褛

16. indeed 真正地

17. as for 关于,至于


1. uncertain 的用法
2. set off/out (出发)

3. in the air (在空中)

4. in a short while (过了一小会儿)

5. be uncertain about/of (对...不确定)

6. in (one's) search of (寻求)

7. in a hurry (匆忙)

8. bring up (抚育; 呕吐)

9. play the piano (演奏钢琴)

10. at the very beginning (就在刚刚开始)

11. a period of several weeks (在好几周期间)

12. put on a play (上演戏剧等)

13. at the age of 15 (在15岁)

14. A is recognized as B. (A 被认作B。)

15. A is known as B. (A以B闻名。) → as作,当作, 担任, 以......解。

16. of this kind (此类) [of this kind =this kind of]

17. the contributions to ... (对...的贡献)

18. as if 的用法
