

时间:2024-08-15 23:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语学习是为了面对将来的全球化世界所必须要坚持的学习。尤其随着中国的进一步发展,世界各地的人都会来中国从事,掌握英语可以让你在将来的交流中先于一步。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。



go- went 去 look-looked 看 eat-ate吃


meet-met 遇见 see-saw 看 come-came 来 watch-watched 观看 draw-drew 画画 jump-jumped跳 open-opened 打开 taste-tasted 品尝 play-played 玩

feed-feed(fed) 喂养


go-went 去 please-pleased 请 have-had 吃 pass-passed 传递 use-used 使用


run-run 跑 get up-got up 起床 go to school-went to school 去学校

go home-went home 回家 go to bed-went to bed *睡觉 wear-wore 穿

put on-put on 穿上 close-closed 关 want-wanted想要 take-took 买



know-knew 知道 fun-funned 逗笑 wait-waited 等待 do homework-did homework 写作业 watch-TV-watched TV 看电视 read books-read books 看书

play-computer-did housework 做家务 cook the meals-cooked the meals 做饭

empty the trash-emptied the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor-swept the floor 扫地 clean the bedroom-打扫教室 wash the windows-washed the windows 擦窗户

make the bed-made the bed铺床 set the table-set the table 摆饭桌

wash the clothes-washed the clothes 洗衣服 do the dishes-did the dishes 洗碗碟

put away the clothes-put away the clothes收拾衣服 play chess-played chess 下棋

tell-told 说 work-worked 工作 use a computer-used a computer 使用计算机

have a try-had a try 试一试


do morning exercises -did morning exercises eat breakfast晨练

eat breakfast-ate breakfast 吃早饭 have English class-had English class 上英语课

play sports-played sports 进行体育运动 eat dinner-ate dinner 吃晚饭

climb mountains-climbed mountains 爬山 go shopping-went shopping 购物

go hiking-went hiking 去远足 play the piano-played the piano 弹钢琴

visit grandparent-visited grandparent 看望(外)祖父母 fly kites-flew kites 放风筝

plant trees-planted tress 种树 make a snowman-made a snowman 堆雪人 swim-swan 游泳

skate-skated 滑冰 sleep-slept 睡觉 draw pictures-drew pictures 画画

cook dinner-cooked dinner 做饭read a book-read a book 看书

answer the phone-answered the phone 接电话 listen to music-listened the music 听音乐 clean the room-cleaned the room 打扫房间 write a letter-wrote a letter 写信

write an e-mail-wrote a letter 写电子邮件fly-flew 飞 jump-jumped 跳 walk-walked 走 run-ran 跑 climb-climbed 往上爬 fight-fought 打架 swing-swang 荡秋千

take-took 讲话 drink water-drank water喝水 send-sent 寄 take picture-took pictures 照相

watch insects-watched insects 观察昆虫 pick up leaves-picked up leaves 采摘树叶

do an experiment-did an experiment 做实验 catch butterflies-caught butterflies 捉蝴蝶

count leaves-collected leaves 收集树叶 write a report-wrote a report 写报告

play chess-played chess下棋



go to school-went to school 上学 stop-stopped 停 get to-got to到达 find-found 寻找

wait-waited 等 remember-remembered 记住 mean-meant 意思是 drive-drove 驾驶

buy-bought 购买 turn-turned 转弯 get off-got off 下车 ride a bike-rode a bike 骑自行车

dive-dived跳水 live-lived 居住 teach-taught 教 go-went 去

play the violin-played the violin 拉小提琴 make kites-made kites 制作风筝

collect stamps-collected stamps 集邮 design-designed 设计 say-said 说


Think-thought 思考 study-studied 学习 kick-kicked 踢 bounce-bounced 反弹 do-did

go swimming-went swimming 游泳 go fishing-went fishing 钓鱼 study-studied 学习

learn-learned 学习 sing-sang唱歌 dance-danced 跳舞 row-rowed 划(船)

go skiing-went skiing 去滑雪 leave-left 离开 hear-heard 听见 trip-tripped 旅行

have a fever 发烧 hurt-hurt 疼痛 have a cold-had a cold 伤风

have a toothache-had a toothache 牙疼 have a headache-had a headache 头疼

have a sore throat-had a sore throat 喉咙疼

