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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩祖国,感谢它给予你我幸福生活;感谢祖国,感谢它赐予你我安宁社会;感谢祖国,感谢它丰富你我的世界。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  China, a giant standing in the east of the world. China, a giant dragon circling in the east of the world. We have a splendid culture of 5000 years and a history of humiliation, but the mother of China is still so lovely and great. We Chinese people still love him and are grateful to the mother who gave birth to us and raised us!

  China has a lot of glorious history. Take Chinese characters for example. Chinese characters are invented by China and our unique culture. Chinese characters are the most extensive characters in the world. From this, we can see how smart we Chinese are. There are many outstanding poets, artists and soldiers in the Chinese history. For example, Bai Juyi, Li Bai, Mei Lanfang and Cao Cao. These characters are a highlight of our history. Now how developed China's science and technology is, man-made satellites and Shenzhou series manned spacecraft have ascended to the sky one after another. This will be a turning point in our life. We have got rid of the hat of poverty and replaced it with a hat of prosperity and strength. Now we are moving towards prosperity and strength. But the Chinese calendar also has a yellow and bloody history. At that time, China's backward science and technology, foreign aggression and unequal treaties made the people miserable. It's sad and scary to think of it. Whenever I think of the moment when a foreign executioner killed people in Nanjing and raised a steel knife, I can't help feeling more angry. There is also more responsibility, more gratitude to the motherland and the heart of building the motherland. Let's study hard, build the motherland with knowledge and repay the motherland. Let the anger in our chest turn into a flame and ignite our patriotic passion.

  Even though China has a history of humiliation, he is still our mother. We should repay him, thank him, let the fire in our chest burn more and strive for a better tomorrow of our motherland!


  When spring comes, looking from a distance, there is a touch of new green on the branches! He was carefree and didn't realize that the root underground was working silently. Finally one day, the green leaf asked, "root, root! Why do you struggle so hard?" root smiled and said, "struggle is to let the green leaf meet spring."

  In the spring of this new century, we are like the happy green leaves, growing in the branches of the times, looking forward to a better future. Our great motherland is the root of silent struggle in the soil. He is tired all day and works hard just to make the trees more prosperous. In order to let us grow up better.

  Every drop of kindness should be rewarded by the spring. The mother of the motherland gave birth to 1.3 billion Chinese children and gave us happiness and peace. The motherland has taught us to help others. Look, on the ruins of Wenchuan, how many fresh lives have been rescued. If there were no help from others, there would not be so many people who would get help. Look, that red flag is flying over hope primary school, carrying our sincerity and the gratitude of the children. In order to make life better for our compatriots, more and more volunteers set out for Wenchuan. Smiling faces, greetings and warmth are passing around us. Thank you, motherland.

  The motherland taught us to work hard. Look, we are in high spirits in the arena, rush forward with the Chinese fighting spirit, get rid of the contempt of foreigners for us, and tell them with our own success that the Chinese are better than you! Listen, the National Anthem echoes over the bird's nest. It's a proud voice. By the table tennis table, there is a vigorous figure of the Chinese people. With their love for the motherland, they won three medals. It is precisely because of their hard work that they have achieved today's results. Thank you, motherland.

  Love is pure, the heart is sincere, gratitude is real, moving is eternal, and the grateful heart is full and happy.

  The motherland has taught us a lot. We should be grateful to the motherland and repay the motherland with our own growth.

  Green leaf said, "I am willing to decorate the whole tree with my life to make it more prosperous.


  The motherland is our mother. She shines on the earth and us. It makes us progress. He makes us rise step by step.

  I often thank God for his gift with a pious heart. I am moved to thank the existence of life, the sunshine and the rich life.

  In the morning, when the cheerful birds wake me up from my sleep, I open the window and look at the blue sky, green grass, brilliant morning glow, crystal dew or the clear and refreshing morning wind. I am thankful that God has given me another beautiful day. At night, it boils all day. There are stars in the night sky, the earth is quiet and the moonlight is gentle. I made a cup of hot tea, opened a Book of poems, and wrote down this day's life with the pen of my heart. Feel or push away antique books and immerse yourself in poetry and painting. At this moment, my heart is full of gratitude. I thank the earth for giving me peace and tranquility. As soon as I recovered from my serious illness, I shook off all the dust, took a few deep breaths of fresh air, and rejoined my hot life. At this moment, I have unspeakable gratitude in my heart. I am grateful to my family, my classmates, my motherland and the society. I am grateful to God for giving me a new beginning. Friends get together and the wine is fragrant.

  I am grateful that God has given me so many good friends and let me enjoy the warmth of friends and the fragrance of life. Like a song. Friendship, weekends and holidays, go out of the house and go to nature. Mountains and rivers are unique, willows are green and flowers are red, cicadas sing, frogs sing, orioles sing and swallows dance.

  All this is the gift and credit of the motherland, ah! I am grateful to you for the glory you have given me today. I will always keep you in my heart.


  Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, birds are grateful for the sky, and mountains are grateful for the earth. But I have a lot to be grateful for... First of all, I am grateful to my parents for giving me life and a warm home. My father's mountain back carries my laughter for ten years.

  My mother's gentle hands dry my wronged tears... Then I thank my teacher that you stick to the podium day after day, year after year, without complaint or regret, depicting our gorgeous childhood. Write an immortal and brilliant chapter with your youth. Being your student is my happiness. Finally, what I am most grateful for is our great motherland. It is the motherland 'mother' that has enabled us to live a happy life now. From "God one" to "God seven", the motherland's "mother" has experienced too many ups and downs.

  Today, this manned spacecraft, which embodies the efforts of countless scholars, has proved to the world that we in China can also soar in the universe. When the motherland's "mother" suffers from natural disasters such as earthquake and flood, your children hold out their warm hands to donate money and materials to the disaster area with a grateful heart. With the support of all sides, we finally won the victory of earthquake relief. Motherland, you are like a rising sun, like a soaring dragon. Although you have experienced all the vicissitudes and hardships, but you care for your children, we have a happy and beautiful today. Therefore, I want to thank the motherland and repay the motherland. No matter where I go in the future, you are my pride.


  Gratitude is a virtue in the world. Each of us has his own gratitude. We should be grateful to our friends for providing us with selfless help, to our teachers for teaching us knowledge and the truth of life, to our parents for giving us a strong life, and to the society for bringing us harmony, happiness and peace. We should also be grateful to our great mother motherland, who has brought us 5000 years of brilliant civilization and thriving brilliant achievements.

  Opening the long scroll of history, we can see: Yue Fei's loyalty to serve the country in the Southern Song Dynasty and his noble feelings of "thirty achievements, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon"; In the Ming Dynasty, Qi Jiguang fought against the Japanese pirates, fought bravely against the enemy and defended the peace of the frontier; Lin Zexu's destructed opium in Humen in Qing Dynasty showed the Chinese nation's determination to resist aggression and the unyielding spirit. Sun Yat Sen, the father of the Republic of China, "expelled the tartar prisoners and restored China", exhausted his life's energy for China's revolutionary cause and made indelible contributions... Although they are part of the long history, they have made great contributions to China's prosperity, independence and dignity. They are full of patriotism and gratitude to repay their great country. Today, we will be proud of China's 5000 year civilization and countless national heroes, but we can't forget what our ancestors did for our country for a moment. Without them, there would be no China today, no stability, unity, harmony and happiness in China today.

  We are grateful to our ancestors and our motherland. As a new generation of middle school students, we are the new generation of strength of the motherland. We are always ready to take over the important tasks of history and the country in the future. Now is a good time to learn. We should devote ourselves to study, concentrate on hard study, and contribute our strength to the prosperity and development of the motherland in the future.


  What is the motherland? It's our mother! Without it, we may not be in this world. The motherland is built with sweat from generation to generation. What a long song from the fragile motherland of the Qing Dynasty to the powerful China. When Japan entered China in 1937, Mao Zedong led the motherland to defeat Japan. How weak we were at that time, but the motherland finally won the eight-year war of resistance against Japan!

  When the people's Republic of China was founded, it proved to foreign countries that we are not a weak country from now on. In the future, our two bombs and one satellite have achieved great success! The Shenzhou series was launched again and again, fulfilling China's dream of flying for thousands of years.

  With the growth of our motherland, our life is getting better and better. Our school used to be a large piece of sand, but now there are plastic runways and artificial grass. The environment and air are better, which is presented to us by the motherland.

  In my home, thanks to the blessing of the motherland. Our family has taken on a new look. The small TV is gone. Replaced with a 32 inch LCD TV, and the floor was also replaced with a good floor. Before, our house was very dirty. With the prosperity of my motherland, I can eat fresh and delicious food every time. It's a hundred times better than rural food, but rural people can bear hardships and stand hard work. We are lazy and tired of doing a little work. I hope we can do a good deed to repay the motherland. Even picking up a piece of garbage is to make a contribution to the environment of the motherland!

  We are grateful for the benefits our motherland has given us, for the rich life it has given us, and for the contributions it has made to us!


  We grow up in the sunshine of love, we moisten the true growth of the world, how many times we go to sleep with the feeling of happiness, and how many times we imagine the future with moving tears. People who are always grateful are the happiest, and life with a grateful heart is the sweetest.

  Thank my parents for bringing me to this world. Thanksgiving teachers, they taught me the truth of life. Thanksgiving to the motherland, is the motherland nurtured me to grow up.

  This is a traditional Chinese virtue. We Chinese have a deep understanding of this conscience in human nature since ancient times and regard it as the most basic quality of being a man in the world.

  Grandpa Deng said in his seventies: "I am the son of the Chinese people, and I deeply love my motherland and people!" with a grateful heart, the poet Ai Qing wrote in his poem: "Why are my eyes full of tears, because I love this land deeply."

  Students, we are the pride of our motherland and the master of the new era. Let's serve our great motherland with a grateful heart and practical actions.

  Let's be grateful to our motherland! The motherland is a big family. We grow up in this big family. If she is soil, we are flowers and plants; If she is the sky, we are white clouds; If she is the sea, we are beads of water.

  We should study hard now, make achievements when we grow up, and repay our great mother - the motherland. Because we are Chinese!


  Everyone's heart will have a flower of gratitude. Once it opens, it will always bloom. Is there such a flower called Thanksgiving in your heart.

  There is no lack of love in this world, because everyone has a heart full of love. Some people will use these love to treat the people around them, while others hide their inner love deeply and drown it in silence. In fact, we can find love everywhere in our life. As long as you feel it with your heart, you can feel it.

  The final math exam was supervised by a short, ponytail, glasses, hoarse female teacher in red cotton padded clothes. And she is today's protagonist: I want to be grateful. "Cold! What seat number is not good, but No. 1! Not only against the window, but also against the door!" I looked at the open door and sighed. My heart is full of complaints and helplessness.

  Just when the teacher came in, he pushed the door and didn't close it completely. The door was ajar. Because the door is broken, it can't be closed from the inside. But the damn crack of the door was facing me, and a cold wind blew directly into my face and hands, as if a man was looking at me provocatively, causing my hands to shrink into my sleeves. Ah... I want to close the door, but although it's close, the door is broken. I think: it's over, it's frozen! I watched my hand change from local "redness and swelling" to "carrot". It hurts! Gradually, I began to shiver as I answered the questions.

  Suddenly, a message came from the remaining light in the left eye: the teacher is coming. I was wondering what the teacher was going to do (no matter what teacher rarely came to my "humble house"). The teacher held a cardboard in his hand, stuck it on the door, pushed it with his body, and the door was closed. She turned around again and asked me in a low voice, "is it better? It's cold and wear more clothes." her voice was very hoarse, but it was not the hoarse voice used to describe the devil. Her voice is hoarse and kind. She should face the soft smile that can feel the warm sunshine in March. I just feel a warm current coming to my face and flowing to my heart. I smiled foolishly and nodded desperately, as happy as a 5-year-old child receiving candy from his mother. The teacher turned his mouth, bent his eyebrows, flashed his glasses and smiled. After that, the teacher quietly continued to invigilate the exam.

  The door was open. The wind only blew to me, not to other candidates, not to the teacher himself, but the teacher closed the door for me alone. She was the only teacher who closed the open door, but I still don't know the teacher's name and the class I teach. I think I'm so ashamed.

  Thanksgiving is not necessarily a great kindness. Thanksgiving can be an attitude and a moral sentiment good at discovering beauty. Let's all pay our hearts and sow the seeds of love!

  Even if you think about thousands of words, you will eventually write no words. I sincerely thank you, teacher!


  Gratitude is the fulcrum of learning to be a man. The heart of gratitude is a kind of beautiful emotion. It is to express gratitude for the help given to all people in the world. Keep in mind that gratitude is the fine tradition of our nation and the minimum moral character of an honest person. The key to gratitude is reward. Return is to be grateful to those who feed, cultivate, teach, guide, help, support and even rescue themselves, and repay them with practical actions through their ten times and one hundred times efforts.

  So, as a middle school student, how to be grateful?

  First of all, we should be grateful to our parents, because everyone's life is the continuation of our parents' blood. Our parents have given us all love and let us enjoy the family affection and happiness in the world. Therefore, we should thank our parents.

  Nature is the basis for the survival of all things. Human life activities are inseparable from it all the time. Our human clothing, food, shelter and transportation are obtained from nature. Therefore, we should be grateful to nature.

  Teachers are our growth leaders and our friends. Teachers respect, understand and love us, teach by example, and let us benefit for life. Teachers pay hard work and sweat for us. We should be grateful to teachers.

  Students are our companions in learning and life. Students encourage and help each other, overcome difficulties and setbacks together, and taste the success and happiness of learning together. We should thank the students who accompany us every day.

  The school provides us with a good reading environment, a place for us to exercise and a stage for us to display our talents. We should be grateful to the school.

  The motherland is our root and our source. Without the motherland, there would be no safe place for us; Without the motherland, there will be no human dignity; Without the motherland, there would be nothing we have! We should be grateful to our motherland.


  Since the reform and opening up, China has become richer and stronger. The red flag of China's five pointed star has gone farther and higher. He led us to a new life, a new life, a new hope

  Thank you, the motherland, for letting us Chinese people walk around the world with our heads held high; It's you who let our Chinese people show their grandeur in Asia. Motherland, I love you!

  As a middle school student, I have no ability to serve my motherland now. I feel guilty. I don't give up. I keep my energy. Ten years later, I will lead the hope of my motherland to soar and create brilliance again.

  Now, I pick up a piece of paper on the ground, which is my gratitude to my motherland. Saving resources is also gratitude to the motherland. Studying hard is also gratitude to the motherland. There are thousands of ways to be grateful, and my love for the motherland remains unchanged. Motherland, you have created talents and multiplied generations of elites.

  Whose masterpiece is the magnificent Great Wall? Whose masterpiece is that beautiful Wanli River and mountain? Whose masterpiece is that people's face with a sincere smile? Yes, he is our great motherland. He dedicated himself and made you and me. Students, let's have a grateful heart to thank the motherland and serve the motherland.

