

时间:2023-02-17 19:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  2015年上半年 BEC-V(中级)


  1 听力

  Part 1,

  1) the sales manager leaves a message for one of the sales representative,something about

  contract details, such as the contract terms, the penalty clause, the first stage and so on.

  2) Chief Executive research for CEO'S appointment, such as salary and benefit, performance review and so on.

  3) Check with the detail of the contract. I have forgotten the specific message,sorry.

  Part 2

  1) How to start a business, which is the most important.

  eg. the training program, basic salary structure and employee motivated

  2) How to implement time management. eg, focus on the main tasks, have a short break after a stage, list the specific actions to do daily)

  part 3 a journalist interview an expert to explain the bloosom of one clothes company.


  2 阅读

  Part 1, about the management of the healthy and safety procedure in one company.有一个不太有把握,其他的还好。

  Part 2, how to motivate the managers. eg.retain them by offering the challenging opportunity and proper training program, different work task for getting the sense of achievement, highly motivated etc.

  Part 3, a manufacturing company making of some machine contribute to remanufacturing, describing the advantage and disadvantage of doing this and how this company compass his competitors and being adapt to the newest market trend.


  Part4, 完型填空


  A uniform factory which manufacturing clothes worn by airline staff, nurse and customer servicers collect and catalogue their customers. They exchange experience in the market and share their best practice within the employees.

  Part 5. 改错

  The article is about the necessary trait a personal assistant should have.文章总体不难,句子长而绕口就是希望把你绕晕,主要的错误还是围绕在冠词的用法,多余介词和副词的使用,以及词语冗余造成句子意思不通顺的情况。总体难度还好。

  3 写作

  Part 1, 小作文40-60字左右,write a email about that you will have a urgent meeting and demonstrate when to start the meeting. Please also explain the reason why have the urgent meeting and what document the attendant should take to the meetings.

  Part 2,大作文,120-160字左右,write a letter to Mr. Peters, who have asked for work chance for his students. Content request: Say yes and specify what kind of job in different department you will offer. Clear how many students you need and what type of company your corperation are. Point out the detailed information of the students you call for as the feedback.


  4 口语

  Part 1, What is your name?/Where are you from?/Are you a student or you are working?/What do you interested mostly with you study?/What do you like mostly about your job?/What’s your future goal in your career or study?/Do you like set a objective in you career?(why/why not)


  Part 2,What is important when you responsible for organizing a meeting?

  1 set a agenda for the meeting

  2 invite the proper person to attend

  3 set a specific target for the conference.

  What is important when you responsible for recruiting a new staff for your company?

  Part 3 Discussion: You company decide to publisher a online business magazine for your employee to interview. You and your partner should decide:

  What information should be included in the online business magazine?

  Who should be invited to write articles for our online business magazine?

  不知是不是我走狗屎运,总之这两个话题我貌似都练过,第一个item我因为紧张到嘴边的report on the charity our company work with老是说不出,灵机一动变成了put some beautiful articles in the magazine,大家觉得如何?反正肯定有不完美的地方,但也算本色发挥了,就这样拉。

