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【#GRE# 导语】不积跬步,无以至千里,不积小流,无以成江海。©文档大全网整理为大家整理了“GRE阅读材料练习:科学验证睡眠和月相紧密相关”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  People do not sleep easy on nights when there is afull Moon.IT SOUNDS like an idea dreamed up over a few beersin the pub one evening.And that, those involved freely admit, is exactly what it was.As Christian Cajochen and his colleagues put it in their paper on the matter in Current biology,We just thought of it after a drink in a local bar one evening at full Moon.It was a way of testing the persistent but unproven idea that the full Moon affects humanbehaviour, generally for the worse.

  月圆之夜,不能安眠。这听起来就像某晚在酒吧喝了几杯啤酒后的胡说八道。提出这个观点的人也坦诚的这点子的确就是这么来的。他的同事和Christian Cajochen将有关睡眠与月相研究的论文放到了《当代生物学》上,我们就是月圆的那晚在附近一个酒吧喝了几杯才想到的。这是个未经证实的测试持久性的方法,满月会影响人的行为,总的来说,它将恶化你的行为。

  In prescientific days this was expressed in terms like moonstruck and lunatic.And it found even more sinistermanifestation in the form of the lycanthrope, who did not sleep when the Moon was full,but turned into a wolf instead.Though few now believe in werewolves some modern thinkers still suspect the Moon's phaseaffects sleep patterns,and on that particular moonlit night Dr Cajochen and his buddies realised they already had thedata needed to find out.


  Those data came from a study on body clocks and sleep patterns they had conducted a decadeearlier at the Centre for Chronobiology at the University of Basel,where they work.Between 2000 and 2003 they had looked at the effect of the daily body clock on the sleeppatterns of 33 volunteers.The protocol they had used was perfect.Volunteers were shut away from daylight for days at a time, so their sleep patterns could notbe affected by the illumination a full Moon brings.And it was also the ultimate in double-blind experiments.


  Neither the participants nor the organisers could possibly have been biased by knowing theexperiment was intended to look at the effect of the full Moon, since at the time it wasconducted it wasn't.A few days' number-crunching gave Dr Cajochen and his team what they were looking for.And the answer was yes, the phase of the Moon does affect human sleep patterns, even whenthe human involved cannot possibly see the Moon.


  Electroencephalography showed that the volunteers slept, on average, 20 minutes less aroundthe time of the full Moon.It also took them five minutes longer to get to sleep, their delta activity was 30% lower thanat other times, their level of melatonin, a sleep-related hormone, was reduced, and theyreported, subjectively, that they had not slept as well as usual.Nor was any of this connected, in female volunteers, with their menstrual cycles.


  Lest any astrologer reading this result get cocky, Dr Cajochen does not believe that what hehas found is directly influenced by the Moon through, say, some tidal effect.What he thinks he has discovered is an additional hand on the body's clock-face.Besides the well-known endogenous daily cycle which the experiment originally studied, there isalso an endogenous monthly cycle entrained to the Moon by unconscious observation over along period of the light from the heavenly bodies concerned.


  Lunar cycles exist in other species so this is not, as it were, a lunatic idea.But those species that have been studied are animals like marine iguanas, for whom knowingthe tides is important.What use an ingrained lunar calendar is to a human being remains to be determined.Perhaps sleeping lightly on moonlit nights was a defence mechanism against predators.Wolves, for example.


