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  【篇一】尊敬老人Respect the Old

One of the main basic principles that all the religious and traditions obey is to respect the old. In my opinion, the old have made contribution to our society when they are young, so it is reasonable for them to get the world’s honor. 所有的宗教和传统都应该要遵守一条主要的原则,那就是要尊敬老人。在我看来,老人家在年轻的时候为我们的社会做出了贡献,因此他们理应得到世界的尊重。 First, respecting the old is our country’s tradition. China has more than five thousand years’ history, our culture is diverse and profound, the merits such as loving peace and respecting the old have been inherited, and the generations keep these merits all the time. These traditions make people being a warm-hearted guy, so we can live in a harmonious world. We should carry on the behavior of respecting the old, let the world be full of love. 第一,尊敬老人是我们国家的传统。中国有超过五千年的历史,我们的文化多种多样,博大精深,爱好和平和尊敬老人这样的美德是沿袭下来的,世世代代的人都保持这些美德。这些美德让人们变得热心,因此我们生活在一个和谐的世界。我们应该执行尊敬老人的行为,让世界充满爱。 Second, we have inherited the world from our ancestors, If not for the hard work and contribution they have done for us, we can’t enjoy the comfortable moment and live a happy live. Before we were born, some of the old people fought in wars for the freedom, in case the next generation still being slaves, they sacrificed their comfortable lives. So we should show our respect to the old, they deserve it. 第二,我们从前人那里继承了这个世界,如果不是他们为我们努力付出和奉献,我们就享受不到当下舒适的日子,开心的生活着。在我们出生前,一些老人在战争中为自由而战,为了后代不再当奴隶,他们牺牲了舒适的生活。因此我们应该对老人家表示尊敬,他们也值得我们这么做。 In conclusion, the old deserve people respecting them, what they sacrifice for the world will be remembered. We should be thankful for what they did. 总的来说,老人家值得人们去尊敬,他们为世界所做的贡献会被人们铭记。我们应该感谢他们做的一切。

  【篇二】退休年龄之我见 My View on Retiring Age

In China, there is law to set the specific retiring age for women and men. Female can retire at the age of 55; while male have to be 60. Aim at this phenomenon, now there is a hot discussion about this age problem. Many people think this age is not scientific, and the government should issue new policy to give more chance to the new generation. As far as I am concerned, it would be better if the retiring age can be more flexible. 在中国,有法律规定男性跟女性具体的退休年龄。女性55岁时可以退休;而男性就要到60岁才可以退休。针对这一现象,如今对这一问题的讨论是很激烈的。许多人认为这个年龄是不科学的,而且政府应该出台新政为新的一代提供更多的机会。就我而言,如果退休年龄可以更加灵活是的。 On the one hand, as different people will be different in health situation, work stress, work age, so everybody needs their own suitable retiring age. For example, some people are in good health, so they can work for a long time even do some labor work, while for those whose health situation is not good may be difficult to work so long. Other situations also have the similar reason. If the government can carry out some flexible retiring age, they can get rid of the job not suitable for them quickly. Otherwise, some people work for their whole life, but couldn’t enjoy their life for a long time. On the other hand, if the old generation doesn’t retire, the new generation couldn’t have the opportunity to walk into their working position. It is not good for the development of a country. 一方面,因为不同的人身体状况,工作压力,工作年龄会不一样,所以每个人适合退休的年龄是不一样的。例如,有些人身体健康,所以他们工作时间可以点,甚至可以做一些劳力的工作,而那些健康状况不是很好的可能就难以适应工作那么长。其他情况,也是同样的道理。如果政府可以实施弹性退休年龄,他们就可以更快的摆脱这个不适合他们的工作。否则,有些人一生都在工作,到最后却没多长时间来享受生活。另一方面,如果老一代不退休,新一代就没有机会步入工作岗位。这是不利于一个国家的发展的。 In conclusion, it would be better if retiring age could be more flexible based on different people. It is not only good for people, but also the whole society. 总之,如果退休年龄可以根据个人情况而实现弹性化会更好。这不仅仅对我们大家有好处,对整个社会也是好的。

  【篇三】有必要存钱吗? Is It Necessary to Save Money for The Future?

There is a popular saying, “money is not almighty, but without it you can do nothing.” Money is necessary in our life. Some people treasure it very much, so they save it. However, some people think it is important just because it can bring lots of benefit for them, so they use up their money to exchange what they want. Which living style is better? Do you think it is necessary for us to save money for the future? In my opinion, saving money is necessary. Reasons are as follow. 有一种流行的说法,“钱不是万能的,但是没有钱却是万万不能的。”钱在我们生活中是不可或缺的。有些人很珍惜钱,所以他们把它存起来。然而,有些人则认为钱之所以重要是因为它能为他们带来很多的好处,所以他们用光了自己的钱来换取他们想要的东西。哪种生活方式更好呢?你觉得我们有没有必要为未来存钱呢?在我看来,存钱是有必要的。原因如下。 First of all, saving money is helpful to deal with the unexpected things happen in the future. The future is unknown. We are not sure that we won’t meet any unexpected things, which need money to solve in the future. If we have save some money in our daily life, we can deal with such kind of problem easily when they are happen, instead of worrying and doing nothing. What’s more, sometimes saving money can bring you happiness. When you have save some money, you can make some surprise for your life or improve your life quality. Even you can use your saving money to help other people who are in need. You will be happy from such kind of things. 首先,存钱有助于应付将来意想不到的事情。未来是不可预测的。我们不能保证我们不会遇到需要用钱解决的意料之外的事。如果我们在日常生活中存一些钱,我们就可以轻易的处理这类问题,而不是干着急,什么都做不了。而且,有时候存钱也可以带来幸福感。当你存了一些钱后,你可以为你的生活制造一些惊喜或者提高一下自己的生活质量。你还可以用你存下来的钱去帮助有需要的人。你会从中得到幸福的。 In a word, it is better to save money properly than not. Sometimes your life will be different with the saving money. Save happiness for yourself! 总之,适当的存点钱比不存更好。有时候你的生活会因存钱而不一样。为自己积点幸福吧!

大学英语作文:尊敬老人Respect the Old.doc
