>>>免费试听:【超值特惠】雅思临考预测四科联报 核心考点大放送
Part 1
1.★★★★★ 个人观点类
Do you think the computer can totally replace human at work?
2.★★★★★ 姓名类
Would you like to change your name in the future?
3.★★★★★ 工作学习类
What’s your ideal job?
4.★★★★★ 节日类
Do you have many festivals in your country?
5.★★★★★ 天气类
What type of weather do you like?
6.★★★★ 旅行类
Do you always take train when you are traveling?
7.★★★★ 科学文化类
What are the differences between being a child and being an adult?
8.★★★★ 个人观点类
What style of clothe do you like most?
9.★★★★ 地点类
Where are you from?
10.★★★★ 朋友类
Do you have a lot of friends or just a few close ones?
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