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【#英语资源# 导语】®文档大全网为大家提供关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容,儿童节是一个专门为儿童设立的节日,旨在弘扬人道主义精神,关注儿童权益,提高社会对儿童的关注度。在世界范围内,儿童节的庆祝方式各异,但都以鼓励儿童成长、保护儿童权益为宗旨。通过手抄报的形式,可以让孩子们更加深入地了解儿童节的意义和历史,同时也可以提高他们的动手能力和创造力。®文档大全网提供的手抄报内容包括儿童节的起源、庆祝方式、儿童权益等方面的内容,希望能为孩子们的成长和教育提供一些有益的启示。

1.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇一

  The annual Children's Day has arrived again, and students are all looking forward to it. However, the teacher said that today is not June 1st, and the school is organizing activities in advance to celebrate and have classes, so don't be too excited.

  In the afternoon, the students were very happy because they could play games and win prizes. The teacher gave us the prepared bookmark, which said "Happy Holidays". The teacher said, "This bookmark is for everyone to remember." Then he queued up to play the game at tangram. The campus is filled with classmates and laughter everywhere, after all, this is the only event that happens once a year, and when I think about it, my heart feels sweet.

  I watched a 3D movie called Dinosaur Baby, and the rules for watching were to use a pair of 3D glasses. Wearing 3D glasses makes you see more clearly. Then I lined up to get the marshmallow, and it was my turn. I picked up the marshmallow and carefully looked at it, saying to myself, "The marshmallow looks like a piece of white cloud." I took a big gulp and melted it as soon as I put it into the mouth. I also played a game about 3D glasses, which is called 3D glasses watching pictures. The rules for watching are to wear 3D glasses. After watching, the teacher will ask what is the difference between wearing 3D glasses and not wearing 3D glasses. I also played many games, such as Angry Birds A, Yellow Scrolling Down Stairs, Chalk Drawing, and so on.

  Happy times always pass quickly. At 4:30 in the afternoon, students gradually return to the classroom. Everyone looks very excited, and the teacher sends us gifts from the school. The students can't wait to open the gifts to see what's delicious. Some students communicate with other students about what games they just played, what prizes they won, or exchange gifts, chattering and discussing, and each student's face shows a sweet smile. When school was over, the teacher said to us one by one, "Happy holidays

  I'm so happy today. How I wish every day was International Children's Day.

2.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇二

  The sun shone in the sky, and the flowers blushed with a bright smile. Today's air was filled with a sense of joy, as our school's grand "Celebration of June 1st" event was about to begin.

  Firstly, we watched the performances of each class carefully. Next comes the game activity we have been waiting for for a long time. As soon as the teacher gave us the game scorecard, we excitedly ran to the playground with it. We started the game and first tried "Kangaroo Jump". Our number one contestant Liu Rui cleverly put himself in a bag. At one command, she jumped with all her strength, each jump resembling a zebra crossing. Just as he was nearing the finish line, an accident occurred and Liu Rui fell on his back, which was really a bad start! Fortunately, she flexibly supported herself with her hands and made a continuous leap before standing flat and continuing towards the finish line. We teammates are all very scared. The second contestant He Lingyun is a girl who loves to jump, like a happy little kangaroo, easily jumping to the finish line. It's my turn to go on the stage. I quickly put on my bag, jumped and jumped with force, and rushed to the finish line in one breath. Although the rest of us played well, we only got a second place due to our unfavorable start, which made us feel a bit depressed.

  Two people and three feet "is our advantage. Because our group has been an old partner for many years. With a start, we quickly ran up and left our opponents far behind, letting them feel what it meant to end before we even started. It goes without saying that we must have secured the top spot.

  Listening to music and guessing people ", we are all old friends who have been together for five years. There's no need to think it's right once. As expected, we can do it once. Each of us, just after saying the designated words, 'Guess who I am', had already spoken the other party's name before the referee could react. Sure enough, there will be no fake five-year understanding.

  The final game is' Run! Caterpillar '. At the beginning, in order to play this game well, we queued up and watched how others played. Then we made an appointment to shout "one, two, one" commands, one for our left foot and the other for our right foot. As a result, when we officially started playing, we became anxious and simply stood up and took small steps to run there. That feeling is indescribable, just happy and joyful, as if we are running towards happiness, it is extremely satisfying.

  Although the various activities on June 1st have come to an end, the students are still immersed in the joy of June 1st. If June 1 is a beautiful picture, then this activity must be the most gorgeous color of June 1, a International Children's Day that I will never forget.

3.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇三

  On International Children's Day on June 1st, our class organized some activities, and I felt very happy on that day. Especially the team activities in the afternoon left me with vivid memories.

  The first game is table tennis. The game rules are to blow a table tennis ball filled with water out of the basin, and whoever blows out the most balls is the champion. Because it was my first time participating in this game, I felt a bit nervous. When I tried hard, the ball didn't move, and the entire basin shook. However, none of the balls blew out of the basin, and my face was covered in water. I became a "soup man" and the teacher declared it invalid. At that time, my heart was very depressed, but more importantly, I was not convinced.

  I failed the first game, but the second game disappointed me even more. This game is "Shooting Balloons". The rules of the game are: each student takes two darts and stands three meters away to shoot balloons. There is a piece of paper in the balloon that can be taken out to see if it is punctured. Some of the content written on the paper is prizes, while others are done according to the content written inside. I threw two darts: one missed and the other only pierced the tail of the balloon, but only scratched it. The balloon didn't break at all, and I didn't win any prizes. This game made me lose confidence. Today, I haven't found my excitement yet! I will continue to work hard!

  The game that helped me regain my confidence was the balloon race. The teacher asked us to find good friends and use our backs to break the ball in one minute. I have many good friends, and four of them came to me to play this game, but different friends have different ways of holding balloons. When I was sandwiched with Lin Bingjiong, I was panicked and chose a gourd shaped balloon. No matter how hard we tried, the balloon didn't seem to break at all. We lost in the first round. But in the second round, when I was working with Zhi Yifan, I learned a lesson. We were back to back, pushing the balloon hard, but the balloon couldn't stop our powerful force. Finally, we bravely died in the last two seconds, ah! We both won. In the next two rounds, I became proficient in playing. With just a slight effort, the balloon would automatically explode. I won three games in a row, and I immediately felt extremely happy. All the unhappiness I had just had was forgotten, and my mood changed from negative to positive. A bright smile appeared on my face.

  Ah! On June 1st, you brought me joy, ah! Games, you have made happiness endless, I hope every day is as happy as June 1st! happy!

4.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇四

  Today is a happy day because "June 1st" Children's Day has arrived, and the school will hold colorful celebration activities. As a primary school student who loves sports, I am just as happy!

  In the morning, I arrived at school early. Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the classroom door, the cheers and blessings of my classmates, as well as the sound of many balloons being blown out, flooded into my ears like a tide. I quickly stepped into the classroom, wow! Balloons were floating all over the classroom, colorful: red, yellow, green, pink... It really dazzled me and overwhelmed me. In order to make the activity more lively, the students also bought various colored ribbons and hung balloons and ribbons on the ceiling. As soon as the window opened, it was like many butterflies dancing in the classroom!

  Students are really excited in such a joyful atmosphere! After a while, Teacher Wang arrived and we all cheered together. Teacher Wang announced the official start of the "June 1st" activity, and various prize winning games were played one after another, including the 50 meter and 100 meter race, fishing, friendship run... We all actively participated, and the scene was very lively. I am temporarily holding back and thinking: since I am here to participate in the event, I must win the prize! But the first few game activities were not good at, so I temporarily gave up. When it comes to the relay game, each group sends several people to take part in the game, holding the red scarf, running from the starting point to the other side, and then coming back to see which group is fast and good enough to win. I think this is my strong point, so I signed up to participate. I was the first to enter the stage. I put the red scarf on my left hand, concentrated, used the basic skills that I usually practiced at home, and kept moving forward smoothly. I was the first to return to the starting point and handed the relay tools to the next student. With my initial advantage, our group has left the other groups behind. But Liu Song, who was the last to enter the stage, may have accidentally removed the red scarf due to nervousness when returning to the starting point. We can't help but feel a cold sweat! finished! We were about to lose our victory, but we still shouted loudly 'Come on'. Fortunately, he also showed calm, quickly picked up the red scarf, rushed across the starting line, and finally our group won. We cheered excitedly and hugged together... After the cheering, we continued to play other games happily. This "June Day" event is really rich and colorful! It's too exciting! That's so interesting!

  Happy times always pass quickly, and when it's time to finish school, various activities have also come to an end. We are still unable to give up and are reluctant to let go. This "June 1st" Children's Day will always be imprinted on the beach of my memory, shining like a shell!

5.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇五

  The International Children's Day in the second semester of Grade 5 is finally coming. The day before the June 1st Day, the teacher told us that International Children's Day would be celebrated tomorrow. The students were very happy. Look, some of our classmates cheered loudly, some danced beautifully, and even the quietest little girl in our class shouted 'Yeah'.

  The next day, the students came very early. I think many of them were excited about the upcoming June Day and couldn't wait to think about the school celebrating it. It's time for morning class, Teacher Wu has entered the classroom. We all thought Teacher Wu was going to tell us about the activities for today's June Day, but to our surprise, Teacher Wu told us to continue with morning classes, continue classes in the morning as usual, and have activities in the afternoon. Teacher Wu's words made the faces of the classmates who had just smiled suddenly become depressed.

  Finally, it's afternoon. First of all, the teacher announced the four good students of this year. I think: This time, the four good students_ The two must be Xiaolu and Xiaowang, they are usually so quiet that they will definitely be selected. However, things are completely different from what I thought, Four Good Students_ Surprisingly, it's me and Xiaoma, and the boys are Xiaozhang and Xiaotai. The person who is rated as a "Four Good Students" will receive a book and a disc. The teacher asked Ma Yixuan and I to choose books ourselves. I chose a character chapter from "Little Stories, Big Principles", and Ma Yixuan chose a character chapter. The matter of the four good students has been settled. Then we are going to play a game. Mr. Wu asked a question about watching the Expo, and who answered correctly gave a lollipop. There were five questions in total, and the boys with poor grades got up and answered them all correctly. Teacher Wu said to us, "lollipop is so powerful!" The students laughed, but those boys got a lot of lollipop, which was really mouth watering. Next, I will play Balloon Stepping for a total of four times. The first time, the boys will play first, and Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Xiao Cai, and Xiao Wang participated in the game. I think they played very fiercely, and I think it was quite fun. The second time I played, I also participated in the competition, and we_ For the first time, there was no tie, and in the end, only Ding Min and I were left. I thought I would lose because Ding Min was in our class_ The best in Chinese sports, she definitely won against me, but things are different from what I thought. I won, and I am so happy. There is still a book left on the table, and the teacher said to play another game. Whoever wins will have the book. This game is called 'grab the bench'. Teacher Wu said that when time is running out, let the boys play it well. The boys are happy, but we girls are almost furious.

  How time flies! A day is about to pass, and we are all reluctant to part with this June Day holiday. International Children's Day is really happy!

6.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇六

  With the thoughts of the wind, the fragrance of flowers, and the singing of birds, we cannot help but welcome Children's Day on June 1st.

  June 1st brings endless joy to children; June 1st is a stage for children to perform themselves; June 1st is a day for children to breathe freely; June 1st

  The Children's Day, which children have long dreamed of, has arrived! The school organized us to participate in the "Garden Tour" activity (playing games), with a variety of projects: hoop, dribbling, pinball clip... Our class's activity is to grab chairs. The game rules are: put five chairs in the middle of the classroom, and then the teacher plays music. Six people walk around the five chairs. When the music stops, six people immediately grab seats. Those who are not sitting on the chairs are eliminated, and one chair is lost for each game.

  The game is starting! I participated with an excited heart. I stood by the chair with five classmates, staring eagerly at the chair. When the music started, my classmates walked leisurely around the five chairs, and I was no exception. I thought to myself: Even if I didn't grab the chairs, it's okay. Everyone is happy and happy together! Although I thought so in my heart, I kept my eyes fixed on these five chairs, afraid that I might be taken away by other classmates when I was not on guard. Looking at the classmates again, they all looked serious and focused on the five chairs, worthy of the demeanor of Bao Qingtian. Some furrowed their brows as if thinking about something, and the word "Chuan" appeared on their foreheads; Some of them turned their eyes and then looked around, as if they were calculating their intentions with the words' cunning 'in their hearts; Also... many onlookers couldn't help but cheer us up, look! They stomped their feet in excitement, and the cheers of "Come on! Come on..." lingered in my ears, boosting my courage. At this moment, the music suddenly came to an end. Fortunately, I had quick eyes and quick hands, and I sat down in a chair with my legs crossed, in a winning posture. When I faced the final challenge, my opponent turned out to be a male classmate. We circled around this chair with the music, and we were all focused on each other, afraid that it might slip away in an instant. In an instant, I was dizzy and dizzy, while the music teacher seemed to be in opposition to me. Unfortunately, at this moment, the music stopped and we rushed up towards the chairs, as if we had found a treasure. However, I was squeezed by the male classmate and fell on all fours. At this moment, the onlookers were all laughing back and forth, and the teacher also joked, "Wang Yilan, your stocks are too small!" I couldn't help but laugh

  June 1st brought us a day of joy; June 1st has made us all sunny girls; June 1st has changed our usual quietness; June 1st

7.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇七

  June 1st is Children's Day, which is a holiday for our children.

  That day, we had planned to have a good time at the amusement park. However, the sky didn't cooperate and it started to rain. We must run quickly to the classroom.

  When we arrived at this classroom, the teacher assigned the students and asked them to play games with the first grade students in the first grade classroom. Coincidentally, I was also a supervisor, so I followed a few other supervisors to the classroom for improving the first grade teaching. When I came to the first year classroom of university, the teacher there called China and we were mainly responsible for organizing activities. We need to discuss several aspects for a while and have come up with the following game questions that are more suitable for first grade elementary school children to play. The game includes sticking the nose, singing nursery rhymes... but playing it can be considered as a way to grab a seat. We should first allow first grade students to develop themselves and build eight parts of the students, and then choose to move out seven chairs for them to sit on for eight people. Each person sits in a chair. Students who cannot sit in chairs are eliminated by society. The game activity has started, and one of our national students, who was the lead student, was able to pick up a ruler and tap on the table. Here we go, I'll tap the table with a ruler. I kept tapping, fast and slow, and suddenly my voice became louder, producing a deep and deep sound... First grade students kept competing for seats in their daily lives. Suddenly, I knocked heavily on the table and suddenly stopped. At this moment, each of the six people took a seat, and two of them were sitting in the same seat. This suddenly stumped us. Because the original law of enterprises stipulated that if people were not eliminated based on different seats, now they are generally educated to sit in their seats. We can't just ask the students sitting next to us, knowing that as one person sitting first, the other affects the students to sit slowly. Our teacher eliminated the students who sat slowly. The game of grabbing seats is continuing. Now, we have moved down another chair. Seven people sit on six chairs, and one person with only one area is eliminated. Finally, using the remaining one person is considered the world champion. We must give him the prize to solve our own mental preparation. The other students watched with envy as he received these prizes.

  We also organize first grade students to play other games and make them laugh.

8.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇八

  Excited, excited, really excited! The long-awaited literary and artistic performance "June 1st" has begun! Because this year's Children's Day is on Saturday, our school held it in advance today.

  The homeroom teacher recommended that Fei Yuchi and I perform cross talk together, so after lunch, we walked into the lecture hall and started putting on makeup. After finishing our makeup, we went to practice playing the pottery flute. We were so busy that we couldn't help but enjoy ourselves.

  At 3 pm, the "June 1st" Children's Day cultural performance officially begins! Under the arrangement of the host, the first program came on the stage, which was a dance performed by the sophomore students - "We Are the Flowers of the Motherland". After the second program, we came to our crosstalk "Glory for the Motherland". In order to be like the crosstalk performed by Guo Degang and Yu Qian, we moved two tables onto the stage, and asked the tuner to come for two talk frames and put on the newly bought performance clothes, which were almost identical to the real crosstalk performers. We walked onto the stage with excitement and began the performance, and there was a burst of enthusiastic applause from the audience.

  Hello everyone... what is it? The Olympics is the Ultraman Athletic Games. Our humorous and witty language made all the teachers and students present laugh, and applause went on and on. Seeing this scene, my heart was particularly sweet.

  So we continued talking, getting even more excited as we spoke. It felt like something was wrong. I think it seemed like we had missed a paragraph, but we had already had the flexibility to adapt and saved the scene. In the end, we managed to perform smoothly.

  After performing this program, we had to go and play the pottery flute. We asked the teacher, "Teacher, what about this hair?" The teacher said it was okay, and I put on the clothes for the crosstalk show. "It's great, there's no need to change clothes." We were extremely happy. At this point, there is still some time before our pottery flute performance. A second grade teacher asked me and Fei Yuchi to play a piece for him. I think we can showcase it and practice it again! So Fei Yuchi and I played all the famous songs in one breath. Soon, it was our turn to play the pottery flute program. Because our costumes were different from everyone else's, we stood by the microphone and played along with the accompaniment. The melodious sound of the pottery flute drifted around the square, and everyone was immersed in the beautiful music. At the end, applause from the audience was thunderous.

  Exciting programs one after another, gorgeous stages, and beautiful dance movements, I watched them with ecstasy. Unconsciously, the wonderful cultural performance has come to an end, and we are eagerly looking forward to the next Children's Day cultural performance!

9.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇九

  Ah, time flies so fast. Last year's International Children's Day seemed to be a short time ago. This year's International Children's Day is coming again.

  Whenever I think of this holiday, I feel particularly happy.

  Why is this?

  Firstly, this is our own holiday for young children. It's great to have your own holiday. The country values us and cares for us. We are the successors of the socialist construction cause, the future of our country, the hope of the people, and the beloved treasure of our parents. On this day, everyone smiles at us, the grass is particularly bright green, the flowers are particularly beautiful, and even the breeze is refreshing. We feel very comfortable and happy in our hearts.

  Secondly, on this day, the school will suspend classes for half a day, hold celebration meetings, and hold literary and artistic gatherings. On this joyful holiday. Our entire school gathered on the playground to participate in the celebration ceremony and watch literary and artistic programs, and the scene looked very spectacular. After the meeting began, the principal first gave a speech, expressing warm holiday congratulations to our children and children, and earnestly putting forward the requirements and hopes of "studying hard and making progress every day" to us. Subsequently, we, the representatives of the Young Pioneers, spoke to express our happy mood, as well as our determination and ambition to study hard, strive for progress, and strive for success. Then, the exciting literary and artistic program began. All students in each class need to come up with a program. Among these colorful programs, there are soloists, choirs, group dances, cross talk, allegro, music performances, and more. Due to thorough preparation, almost all programs are very popular. We couldn't help but applaud as we watched, and the enthusiastic applause kept coming one after another. Even the birds on the tree stopped chirping, as if they were also attracted by the lively scene.

  Ah, the exciting International Children's Day is really wonderful. After a June Day holiday, the feeling of happiness will last for a long time.

10.关于儿童节的英语手抄报内容 篇十

  Today is International Children's Day. We are wearing school uniforms and red scarf and walking happily to school.

  Along the way, birds chirped at me as if sharing our happiness. The small tree swayed its leaves, "Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand" as if saying, "Happy holiday!" The flowers smiled as if greeting me.

  When I entered the school gate, I felt as if I had entered the world of flowers. The sea of balloons. The basketball stands around the stage were full of colorful balloons. In the center was a big arch supported by balloons. On it was written "Happy Holidays to Students". Around it were some paintings decorated with stars and letters, and Peppa Pig, a "social man". It looked very interesting.

  The program officially started, and what impressed me the most was the performance of "Childhood Bells" by the dance club. The young actors wore high buns, held two trumpet shaped bells in their hands, and looked at the audience with a smile. Each action was playful and cute, and the bells were "jingling". The classmates were all staring at them, seemingly reluctant to miss every beautiful action. Next is the performance of "Kite Mistake" by the teachers, who painted exquisite makeup, dressed in pink and blue clothes, holding blue oil paper umbrellas, like women from Jiangnan. They stretched out their graceful postures, as if taking us to a water town in Jiangnan. Their every move was so gentle and elegant, and applause erupted from the audience!

  The program proceeded in an orderly manner, and soon it was our turn to perform the finale of the third grade dance series' Love China '. As the music slowly sounded, "56 ethnic groups, 56 flowers..." Li Yanyi and I dressed in red army uniforms ran onto the stage. Watching many spectators below, I was extremely nervous. We finished the military salute in the position of a soldier, and rushed forward in the position of a stormtrooper. When we held the five-star red flag in our hands, our emotions were particularly excited.

  What an exciting moment, what a happy day, looking forward to meeting again next June 1st!
