
时间:2023-07-27 01:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假期间的旅行经历,包括旅行的目的地、行程安排、所见所闻以及自己的感受和体会。可以了解暑假期间的生活和旅行经历,也能从中获得一些有趣的旅行经验和启示以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《暑假游记英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.暑假游记英语作文 篇一

  During the summer vacation, my parents and I went to Guangxi, and I experienced the unparalleled scenery in Guilin. At night, I heard that I was going to visit the two rivers and four lakes and take a big cruise ship. I was so happy that I danced with joy. But I encountered something that I didn't know was good or bad, which kept me constantly struggling.

  That night, we bought tickets at the crowded dock and went on a cruise ship. The ship moved slowly, and the moon in the sky was so fresh and bright. Several stars were scattered around the moon, and compared to the moon, the stars were more like a backdrop to the brightness of the moon. My father and I stood at the stern of the ship, looking out at the scenery, feeling very comfortable.

  At this moment, I heard the tour guide's uncle say pay attention to watching. There was a fish catching performance by an Osprey ahead, and I saw an old fisherman sitting on a small boat, with several Osprey next to him. Suddenly, with a wave of the fisherman's long pole, the Osprey jumped into the river from the air as if receiving an order. After a while, the Osprey came up empty mouthed. But he was beaten down by the fisherman. Finally, the Osprey caught a small fish about two inches long. But the fisherman was still not satisfied. When I wanted to see the boat again, it had gradually drifted away, and I could only reluctantly move my gaze away, but my heart was still resting on the Osprey.

  I think: Are fishermen and eagles happy to perform and earn money every day? The Osprey was originally a free bird, flying in the vast sky every day, perhaps the happiest. But will it lose its essence by performing repeatedly every day in this carefree environment? In the wild, animals rely on themselves, and only the winner can survive. All animals are self-reliant. If this continues, will there be no wild animals? Although animal performances are great, what will happen in the future? What will it look like?

  Seeing such a problem, I don't know if it's a joy? Still worried?

2.暑假游记英语作文 篇二

  The summer vacation has finally arrived, and I am very excited. I originally planned to travel to Beijing, but because my mother couldn't take a vacation, we had to choose a nearby trip, a two-day trip to Changzhou Dinosaur Park and Xixi Valley.

  The day of the trip finally arrived, and we got up early to gather. At this time, it was not yet fully bright, and the sky was dark. However, there was a cloud in the east that seemed much brighter than the others. I estimated that the sun was about to rise from there, and there was silence all around. Only the birds in the trees were chirping and singing.

  The happy journey began. Sitting on the bus, I saw the vast Yangtze River, verdant mountains, magnificent bridges, and beautiful cities. There were not many strong winds and waves on the river, and it was as calm as a huge mirror. There were many ships coming and going on the river, making it incredibly lively.

  Finally, I arrived at Changzhou Dinosaur Park, where I saw a sea of tourists and a sea of people. Dinosaur statues in various shapes can be seen everywhere, with exciting events such as roller coasters, Thor Fury, big windmills, and big pendulums being the most attractive. Many people are queuing up and I want to try them out, but they say I am too young to participate. I only played some small events that are suitable for children. Among them, we played the game of rushing forward with rapids. Our boat rushed down from high altitude, and my heart seemed to jump into my throat, so exciting! There were also performances of sea lions and birds, which drew applause from the audience.

  Later on, we went to Xixi Valley again, climbed to the top of Xixi Valley, watched a 5D movie, put on my glasses, as if I had jumped off a cliff, dived into the sea, and flew up into the sky, mysterious and unpredictable! Finally, we also played in the water world, which was cool and exciting, and it was truly unforgettable!

  Although this trip was not long, it was very meaningful and deeply touched me. I will definitely come out again next summer to play.

3.暑假游记英语作文 篇三

  It has been two weeks since summer vacation, and I have been staying at home to avoid the big fireball in the sky. My parents were afraid that I might get bored, so they arranged for my aunt and cousin to take a trip that they could just leave.

  My original goal was Nanjing, and I was about to take the highway. My mom said that I have played in Nanjing many times. Let's go to Nantong to play. I heard that the newly opened wildlife park there is good. Everyone unanimously approved my mother's proposal, so we temporarily changed our route to Nantong.

  After about two hours of driving, we arrived in Nantong to find a hotel to stay. The hotel room is a small duplex apartment, and my cousin and I are very rare. Because it was already afternoon, we strolled around and went to bed early after dinner. Prepare to refresh yourself and go to the zoo tomorrow.

  The next day, when I woke up early in the morning, it was pouring rain outside the window. It was really unlucky. Opening the door, I saw my cousin sitting on the sofa with his head down. Dad saw us both feeling down and clapped our hands and said, "It's not bad to go to the zoo on a rainy day. It will definitely have a unique flavor." After breakfast, we arrived at the zoo. At this point, there was only a drizzle, which did not affect our intimate contact with animals. We played all day at the zoo, watched several animal shows and circuses, and gained a lot of knowledge related to animals. It wasn't until evening when the zoo closed that we reluctantly returned home.

  I had a great time on this trip. When my mother's baby is born, we will take him there again. I will tell him the stories of these animals well then.

4.暑假游记英语作文 篇四

  During the summer vacation, my mother took me to Lamma Island Island in Hong Kong. Starting from the dock and passing through winding mountain roads, we finally arrived at the beach.

  There are blue skies and white clouds, endless seas, waves after waves, and endless beaches. There are still many people basking in the sun! Seeing such a magnificent scenery, I couldn't wait to rush towards the sea. We kick waves at the beach, pat water in the shallow sea, swim, and even rent an oversized swimming circle as a "small boat" to sit on and drift with the waves. A big wave suddenly came over, my "boat" was overturned, and I was also washed into the sea. The sea was so salty!

  I have been playing for almost an hour, so my mother asked me to go ashore and rest. I slowly walked back to the beach. Suddenly, I felt something pricking my feet. I lowered my head and saw that there were many broken shells on the beach! I looked at both sides for a while longer, and it wasn't just that there were broken shells in my area, but that the length of the beach on both sides was determined by the length of the Shell Road. I'm thinking, why are there so many broken shells? I have been observing all along, but suddenly, looking back, it turned out that the big waves washed up the shells in the sea here. Although stepping on it may feel a bit painful, as long as you slow down, it feels a bit like taking off your shoes and stepping on pebbles. It's still very comfortable! When I was mesmerized by it, my mother shouted, "Son, what are you doing there? Come back and rest

  Lamma Island not only gives me happiness, but also lets me discover the beauty of nature. The most impressive one is the seashell road, which not only looks good, but also allows me to pick up many beautiful seashells. I am very happy about this trip!

5.暑假游记英语作文 篇五

  During the summer vacation, the sun was scorching and scorching. In order to avoid the heat, my mother and father were planning to take me on a vacation to the seaside.

  Today, my parents are taking me on a trip to Qingdao, Shandong. As a prefecture level city in Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is located in the southeast coast of Shandong Peninsula, in the east of Jiaodong Peninsula, adjacent to Yantai, Weifang to the west, and Rizhao to the southwest. It is the economic center of Shandong and also a seaside resort tourism city.

  Arriving at the seaside, looking around, the azure sea is boundless, with white waves embedded in it one after another. The sea and sky are one color, very spectacular, with sunlight shining on the golden beach, dazzling and dazzling. Seagulls soar in the blue sky and sea with their robust bodies and powerful wings. At this moment, the tide was receding, and the seawater slowly receded. Only the waves occasionally turned around, as if they couldn't bear to leave. I ran happily, running, chasing the distant waves. I suddenly realized that there were many small holes and bubbles on the beach, and there were many small sand balls next to them. Curiously, I used a tool to pick them up, but there was actually a small crab hidden inside. I saw him open his tongs, tighten his body, foaming at the mouth, and looking like a victorious general. We were catching crabs, collecting seashells, fishing for seaweed, and building sand castles by the seaside, and we were extremely happy.

  How time flies! After a while, the sun set and people left in twos and threes. I also turned back step by step and reluctantly left the beach. This was really a pleasant seaside trip, and I always think of it with great joy.
