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【#英语资源# 导语】据外媒报道,英国政府近日提案,向脸书、推特等社交媒体公司额外征税,帮助英国的网络安全战略筹措资金;该战略旨在解决针对儿童和弱势用户的网络霸凌、网络滥用和其它风险问题。这类政策在赌博行业已有先例,目前赌博公司承担了一部分治疗赌瘾的费用。

Facebook and Twitter could be asked to pay a tax to help fund educational campaigns about internet abuse. 脸书和推特或被征税,用于资助有关网络欺辱行为的教育活动。

It is among ideas suggested by the UK government as it considers its safer internet strategy. 这是英国政府关于互联网安全战略设想的一部分。

It also proposed that social media platforms reveal the true scale of online hate and how much content is removed each year. 英国政府还提议,社交媒体平台公开网络仇恨的真实规模,以及每年清除多少内容。

And it wants a code of practice to ensure providers offer adequate online safety. 英国政府希望制定一份行为守则,以确保企业提供的网络服务足够安全。


cyber-bullying 网络欺凌

trolling 网络喷子

abuse 网络欺辱

under-age access to pornography 未成年人接触色情内容

The UK's Culture Secretary, Karen Bradley, said social-media companies had to face up to their responsibilities. 英国文化部长凯伦•布莱德利称,社交媒体公司必须正视自己的责任。

"The internet has been an amazing force for good, but it has caused undeniable suffering and can be an especially harmful place for children and vulnerable people," she said. 她说:“互联网一直是一股神奇力量,但它也导致了不可否认的痛苦,对于儿童和弱势群体来说,互联网的危害尤其严重。”

"Behavior that is unacceptable in real life is unacceptable on a computer screen, and we need an approach to the internet that protects everyone without restricting growth and innovation in the digital economy. “现实生活中不可容忍的行为在电脑屏幕上同样不可接受,我们需要一种在不限制数字经济增长和创新的前提下保护所有人的方法。”

"Our ideas are ambitious - and rightly so. Collaboratively, government, industry, parents and communities can keep citizens safe online, but only by working together." “我们的构想是远大的,也是正确的。只有政府、企业、家长和社会一致合作,才可以确保公民的网络安全。”

According to the government, almost a fifth of 12- to 15-year-olds have seen something they found worrying or nasty, and almost half of adults have seen something that has upset or offended them, on social media. 据英国政府称,在12至15岁的青少年中,有近20%的人在社交媒体上看到过令他们感到不安或冒犯的内容,而近一半成年人有此经历。


One of the proposals is for an annual transparency report which could be used to show: 政府的提案之一包括一份呈现以下内容的年度公开报告:

the volume of content reported to companies and the proportion taken down 向企业报告的内容数量以及被清除内容的占比

how users' complaints are handled 如何处理用户投诉

categories of complaints, including from under-18s, women, the LGBT community or on religious grounds 投诉类别,比如来自未成年人、女性、同性恋团体的投诉,或基于宗教理由的投诉

information about how each site moderates content 关于每个网站如何净化网络内容的信息

Ms Bradley said that the government "could legislate in the future", adding that any changes to existing law would be underpinned by the following principles: 布莱德利称,英国政府“未来可能立法”,并表示对现行法律的任何修改都将遵循以下原则:

What is unacceptable offline, should be unacceptable online 在现实中不可接受的行为在网络中也不应该被接受

All users should be empowered to manage online risks and stay safe 所有用户必须能够管理网络风险、维持安全

Technology companies have a responsibility to their users 科技公司对其用户负有责任

It also wants to see a new body, similar to the UK Council for Child Internet Safety, to consider all aspects of internet safety. 政府还希望成立一个类似于英国儿童互联网安全理事会的新机构,以全面管理互联网安全。


In response to the consultation, Facebook said: "Our priority is to make Facebook a safe place for people of all ages which is why we spent a long time working with safety experts like the UK Safer Internet Centre, developing powerful tools to help people have a positive experience.We welcome close collaboration between industry, experts and government to address this important issue." 对此,脸书表示:“我们的首要任务是让脸书成为对所有年龄段的人都安全的地方,因此,我们花费大量时间和英国互联网安全中心等安全专业机构合作,研发能够带给用户积极上网体验的有力工具。我们欢迎企业、专家和政府密切合作,解决这一关键问题。”

Vicki Shotbolt, chief executive at social enterprise Parent Zone, said it was encouraging to see the government taking "concrete steps" to make the internet a safer place for children. 社会企业Parent Zone的首席执行官Vicki Shotbolt称,看到政府采取“具体措施”提高儿童的网上安全,此举令人振奋。

A spokesperson for the NSPCC said keeping young people safe online was "the biggest child protection issue of our time". 英国全国防止虐待儿童学会发言人称,保障年轻人的网上安全是“当今儿童保护最重要的问题”。

"Social media companies are marking their own homework when it comes to keeping children safe, so a code of practice is definitely a step in the right direction but 'how' it is implemented will be crucial. “在保护儿童安全方面,社交媒体公司自己执行,自己评判,因此颁布一份行为守则绝对是正确之举,但‘如何’执行将是关键。”

"Young people face a unique set of risks when using the internet and it is important any strategy recognizes the challenges they face online and requires industry to act to protect them." “年轻人在使用网络时会遇到一些特殊的风险,从战略层面认识他们在互联网中面临的挑战,并要求企业采取行动保护他们,这是非常重要的。”

Asking social-media companies to contribute towards the costs of educating the public about online dangers has precedence in the gambling industry, which currently contributes an amount to the treatment of gambling addiction. 政府要求社交媒体公司为有关网络危险的公众教育活动掏腰包,这在赌博行业已有先例,目前赌博公司承担了一部分治疗赌瘾的费用。

