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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 1、京剧 Peking opera
2、昆曲 Kunqu opera
3、中国画 traditional Chinese painting
4、人物画 portrait
5、秦腔 Qin opera
7、太极Tai Chi
8、口 技 ventriloquism
9、木偶戏puppet show
10、皮影戏 shadow play
11、折子戏 opera highlights
12、杂技 acrobatics
13、相声 witty dialogue comedy
14、刺绣 embroidery
15、苏绣 Suzhou embroidery
16、泥人 clay figure
17、书法 calligraphy
18、中国画 traditional Chinese painting
19、水墨画 Chinese brush painting
20、中国结 Chinese knot
21、山水 landscape painting
22、花鸟 flower and bird
23、草虫 grass and insect
24、泼墨 paint-splashing style
25、写意 impressionistic style
26、工笔 elaborate style
27、毛笔 writing brush
28、书法 calligraphic art
29、书法家 calligraphic artist
30、楷体 formal script/regular script
31、行书 running script
32、微软雅黑 Song-dynasty script