【#雅思# 导语】为了帮助大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,下面就是©文档大全网为大家收集整理的2017年11月25日雅思听力小范围预测:Section One,供大家参考。
Section One 场次 20150212 20130829 20101127 2007 场景 其他 题型 填空 10 内容概述 注册驾照和保险 填空 10 1. town 2.plastic 3. softwares 4. distance 5.hill 6. 14.40 7. soup 8. shop 9. free parking 10. Name :WHRRGHU 场次 20150618 20140118 2007 场景 学校咨询 题型 填空 10 内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校 填空 10 1. from 8:40 to 9:00am 2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone 3. parents can attend art course with their kids 4. next gathering for parents: July 5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back 6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes do not wear boots. 7. Activities: cooking, music and chess 8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside 9. a professional dentist emergency took place 10. students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet
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