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my friend 英语作文_第1篇:   I have a good friend, he is our class Wang Shengfei. He is a very brave boy, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, with a glib mouth. Although some tongue, but speaks English but he croaked, we called "little diplomat." His eloquence is very good, always speak correctly, but also humorous, often makes us laugh.   Once we are on the composition, the topic is "XX readme" requirements with his own breath, make you of the language, action and character of all kinds of stationery owners. The teacher let ourselves think for a moment, then said: "who is to express your own ideas." Hands at this time no one in the class, and only Wang Shengfei raised his hand and looked at his confident appearance, the teacher asked him to speak happily. He cleared his throat first, then poses ground to say: "I said is trash readme." A listen to is the subject, students can not help but burst into laugh. Wang Shengfei unhurried, calm voice said: "please be quiet! Listen to me!" He continued to speak: "hi! I'm a trash can, perfect body is there is no place clean... very excited, he said, as if he really into the trash can. He told me he was elated, depressed, and at the same time also with his own action! He's the a speech made us laugh, some striking table, some students tried stamping... but he spoke of benefit to us. Later, the teacher asked us to write, we seem to be suddenly enlightened thinking, such as writing. Everyone wrote wonderful good article.   You said, my this friend is brilliant!   我有一个好朋友,他是我们班的王圣霏。他是一个非常大胆的男生,一双眼睛炯炯有神,长着一张能说会道的嘴巴。虽然有些大舌头,但是英语却讲得呱呱叫,被我们称为“小小外交家”。他的口才的确很好,向来出口成章,而且内容幽默,常常令我们捧腹大笑。   有一次,我们正在上作文课,题目是《XX的自述》要求用自己介绍自己的口气,使你笔下的各类文具拥有人的语言、动作和性格。老师先让我们自己思考一会儿,接着就说:“谁来表达一下自己的思路。”这时班里没有一个人举手,只有王圣霏举起了手,看着他自信满满的样子,老师高兴地请他发言。只见他先清了清嗓子,然后神态自若地说:“我说的是垃圾桶的自述。”一听是这个题目,同学们就不禁失声笑了起来。王圣霏不慌不忙,沉着嗓子说:“请大家安静!听我说!”他继续讲:“大家好!我是一个完美无缺的垃圾桶,浑身上下无一处是干干净净的……他说得可起劲了,仿佛他真的成了他所讲的那个垃圾桶。他一会兴高采烈的、一会儿又垂头丧气,同时还配上了他自创的动作呢!他的这一段发言使我们哄堂大笑,同学们有的拍桌子、有的使劲跺脚……不过他的发言对我们受益匪浅。后来,老师要我们下笔时,我们的思路好像豁然开朗,下笔如有神。人人都写出了精彩的好文章。   你说,我的这个朋友是不是才华横溢呀!   my friend 英语作文_第2篇:   My friend Chen Yiying has a pair of black shiny eyes, long hair is dark black, her face is white. She likes to smile, a laugh with two small dimple, have more cute.   On one occasion, the teacher let the students to participate in the competition each do a small bookmark. I was doing at home on Saturday, bookmarks, yi ying come to my house to play. Suddenly, I found I do wrong, is that with a piece of cloth to stick. She saw it, said: "without a Lynn, what are you stick? In this place as long as don't draw on a person become?" Yeah, why didn't I think! Yi ying has a master of painting, she volunteered to help me out a beautiful and lovely little girl, and then to guide me how to give the little girl with color. To make bookmarks, I found myself a bookmark is one of the most delicate, review won the first prize in the class. Yi ying often play her strengths to help me, I will do something for her.   Once, yi ying is doing a little, she wants to be a beautiful flower to do adornment, but she will not do, do a few times have failed. I asked her: "what do you want to do handmade flowers?" She nodded. I hurriedly brought material, I think the most beautiful silk flowers. Yi ying saw said: "really beautiful, without a Lin, thank you." I say you're welcome, friends should help each other.   In class small making comparison, yi ying's works is the most beautiful, the teacher also praised her say: "yi ying, you did great!" Yi ying turned his head smiled, at me from her smile I feel strong feelings between us.   Yi ying is under each other and help each other and I forged a deep friendship.   我的朋友陈怡颖有着一双乌黑得闪闪发亮的眼睛,长长的头发也是乌黑乌黑的,衬托出她的脸蛋格外的雪白。她非常喜欢笑,一笑起来就露出两个小酒涡,越发得逗人喜爱了。   有一次,老师让同学们每人做一张小书签去参加比赛。星期六,我正在家里做着书签,怡颖来我家玩。忽然,我发现自己做错了,正那着一块碎布准备粘上去掩饰。她看见了,说:“漪琳,你在粘什么呢?在这个地方只要画上一个人物不就成了吗?”是啊,我怎么没想到呢!怡颖是个画画高手,她自告奋勇地帮我画上了一个美丽可爱的小姑娘,然后指导我怎样给小姑娘涂颜色。到了交书签的时候,我发现自己的书签是最精致的,在班级里评得了一等奖。怡颖常常发挥她的长处帮助我,我也会为她做一些力所能及的事情。   有一次,怡颖正在做一件小制作,她想做一朵漂亮的花来做装饰,可是她不会做花,做了几次都失败了。我问她:“你要做手工的花吗?”她点点头。我连忙拿来材料,把我想像中最美的绢花做出来。怡颖看了说:“真美丽,漪琳,谢谢你。”我说不用谢,朋友之间就是应该互相帮助的。   在班级小制作评比的时候,怡颖的作品是最美的,老师也夸奖她说:“怡颖,你做的真棒!”怡颖转过头冲我微笑着,我从她的笑容感受到我们之间浓厚的情谊。   我和怡颖就是在互相帮助下结下了深厚的友谊。

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