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【#英语资源# 导语】寒假来,看一部电视剧,管它是白天还是夜晚;听一段摇滚乐,管它是音调是高是低;寒假就是要丢了烦恼,丢了压力,祝你逍遥一个假期,寒假快乐!®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.寒假生活英语作文 篇一

  During the winter vacation, many pleasant things happened, many interesting things happened, and many unforgettable things happened... What I am telling today is a thought-provoking thing. On that day, the weather was very cold. There was a thick snow blanket in the air. My mother and I were very excited about the whole snow-white world. We were ready to go to the street to play in the snow. When I came to the intersection of Cross Street, I saw a large crowd of people watching, so I hurried to see what had happened.

  It turned out that an old man was selling cabbage at the street corner. He is so old that he still has to carry two baskets of green cabbage to sell. What a pity! I saw a layer of snow on the cabbage! He was carrying cabbages and was found by three uncles who did not know whether it was the Industrial and Commercial Bureau or the Urban Management Bureau. He shouted at him and ordered him to leave immediately and not to sell vegetables anywhere, which affected the traffic order. At this time, an aunt was about to buy cabbage, and the grandpa said with a smiling face, "I will go as soon as I sell this." However, one uncle was rude to him before he finished. He pushed and bumped the old man, and threw the cabbage on the ground. The old man painfully pulled the cabbage up and put it back in the basket. I turned to my mother and said, "Why are they so cruel to old people? Can't they be old themselves?" My mother didn't answer my question directly. She just sighed and we left. On the way, my mood could not be calm for a long time.

2.寒假生活英语作文 篇二

  The long-awaited winter vacation has finally arrived. It is like a book. It opens the first leaf. I write happiness and wonderful stories on every page.

  Although it's winter vacation, I still have to study. Morning is a good time to read. With the dawn, our family read with interest, and all three became bookworms. My father is crazy when he reads literary works, and my mother's prose is affectionate, while my children's poetry is catchy. Books have broadened our horizons and increased our knowledge. Reading a good book is like communicating with a wise author. Whenever we read a happy place, we can't help laughing; When we read a moving place, we will shed tears... A good book often makes us forget to eat and sleep, and really reaches the realm of "reading a good book, three days without meat".

  In the winter vacation, there is also a Spring Festival, which is my happiest moment. On the New Year's Day, my father bought twelve small red lanterns from the street and strung them into two strings. My father smiled and said, "Twelve red lanterns indicate our family. In the new year, twelve months will be prosperous." Mom is busy preparing the New Year's Eve dinner, which is rich. There are seafood, vegetables, beef, and of course, fish. In the Chinese traditional Spring Festival, eating fish means "more than every year", which is auspicious. I'm not idle either. I bought orange juice, beer and other New Year goods from the supermarket.

  In the winter vacation, I could have enjoyed myself like all the children, but my eyesight was poor. I only looked at the computer and sighed. I occasionally killed several gobang games on the Internet. How happy I was!

  I really want to keep the pace of time and have been living in the winter vacation.

3.寒假生活英语作文 篇三

  As the New Year is coming, there are many red lanterns hanging on street lamps on the roads around the West Lake, and the bridges are covered with colorful ribbons. Although the Spring Festival is still several days away, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is already very strong.

  Although it rained for several consecutive days, the happy atmosphere of the New Year has not been diluted in the slightest, and the West Lake has become cleaner and more beautiful. Tourists flocked to enjoy the West Lake in the rain and fog. The combination of the West Lake in the rain and tourists is like a beautiful picture. Some trees have golden leaves on their heads, adding some color to the West Lake. The crisscross branches in the trees are like natural picture frames. Together with the rippled lake water, they are the most outstanding ink painting, which is very beautiful. Some tourists stood on the arch bridge, holding umbrellas, took out their cameras and pressed the shutter repeatedly; Some tourists simply put away their umbrellas and let the rain fall on them, with a happy smile on their faces; Some tourists take sightseeing buses to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. The West Lake adds a touch of moisture and mystery to the rain and fog.

  As the saying goes, "It is good to have a sunny water, and it is strange to have rain in the mountains. It is always appropriate to wear light makeup and heavy makeup if you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake." It's not too much to compare the West Lake to the West Lake. The drizzling rain seems to have made the West Lake more beautiful.

4.寒假生活英语作文 篇四

  During the winter vacation, my mother saw the method of making cakes on the Internet, so the whole family decided to make cakes together.

  Sister's "Kung Fu" is awesome! Separate the yolk and egg white of the six eggs, hit the egg white with three chopsticks very hard, and the eyebrows stood up. At first, there was not much egg white. Slowly, it became more and more in my sister's hands. Like magic, it was almost full.

  The egg white is not only beaten more, but also the color has changed. From clear light yellow to thick milky white. Now is the moment to witness the miracle, which turned into cream. I smell it and feel it is delicious. During the whole process, my sister spent 15 minutes and her hands were sore. She said that she felt her hands were almost broken.

  Mother is doing another process: add 3 spoons of flour, 6 spoons of pure milk and 2 spoons of white sugar to the yolk separated by her father, and fully mix them. I'm right next to you. I want to do this, and I want to intervene in that, but I don't have my place.

  The waiting process is long. The cake is in the rice cooker for 40 minutes. A smell came to my nostrils, and the cake came out of the pot! Finally, I cut the cake into beautiful patterns, including stars, love, moon, etc. In fact, I could not control the greedy insects in my stomach, so I ate like a hungry wolf. Finally, I would like to say an advertisement: "Homemade cakes are delicious, affordable, easy to make, and easy to eat. Homemade cakes are what you eat!"

5.寒假生活英语作文 篇五

  Today is the second day of winter vacation. As soon as I got home from cram school and was preparing to do my homework, I saw my mother washing clothes hard. I thought: How hard my mother is doing laundry in this cold winter. I should also share some housework for my mother. " When I thought of this, I gently said to my mother, "Mom, let me help you wash your clothes.".

  I wet my clothes first, and then put soap on it. After a while, a large piece of soap was wiped into a small ball by me. Then I rubbed the clothes hard, and then used the brush to brush the particularly dirty places. After that, I began to wash them. When I turned on the tap, I shivered with cold and piercing feeling, but I still bit my teeth and washed all my clothes.

  After hanging the clothes, I found a small stain on one of them. What should I do? Two villains appeared in my mind, one said to wash, the other said not to wash. I hesitated very much. Looking at the clothes, it seemed to say to me, "Would you please wash me clean?" After some ideological struggle, I decided to wash them.

  Through this laundry experience, I learned a truth: if you persist in doing things, you will succeed.

6.寒假生活英语作文 篇六

  One day in winter vacation, I was eating with relish. The wind blew down a bottle. I looked down and saw a football. I thought, in this cold weather, it's better to warm up by playing football. My father and I found a court. Unexpectedly, my cousin also came to our house, so I called my cousin to play together. We were divided into groups, my father and I, my cousin and uncle. The game lasts for 20 minutes. There is no goalkeeper to play directly. After we have said the rules of the game, we will start the football match.

  My father was in front of me and I was waiting for the opportunity. To my surprise, my father kicked the ball into the cage door with a feint. "Yes, good dad, we scored!" I said happily. Then we started again. I ran to my cousin to grab the ball. Unexpectedly, my cousin was so fat and ran so fast, but I was defeated by my fast runner. My uncle rushed to me, and my dad stepped forward to help me entangle my uncle. I immediately found the opportunity and shot the ball into the cage door. "Wow, we scored another goal!" I said excitedly. The game was still so fierce. Later, their team also scored two goals. One minute left in the game, my father and I were angry. I rushed to tackle the ball. Unexpectedly, it was successful. My father shot quickly, and the ball shot into the cage like an arrow. In the end, we defeated our cousins and uncles by 3 to 2. My father and I won the championship.

  This competition, I got happiness. Happiness is everywhere. I have a deeper understanding in this game.

7.寒假生活英语作文 篇七

  For me, winter vacation is a good vacation, it is much more interesting than summer vacation.

  The winter holiday is characterized by the Spring Festival, a festival for Chinese all over the world. In order to get together, people began to migrate like migratory birds.

  Once winter vacation comes, I will also become a small migratory bird, flying back from the south to my hometown in the northeast. When we arrived in the northeast, we played with snow. We can make snowmen, have snowball fights, and make ice lanterns. Remember the last time we went back, my friends and I had a very fierce snowball fight, and the other side was beaten everywhere by my snowball. You can also play in the Ice and Snow World after winter vacation. There are many ice lanterns and animals made of ice like stars in the Ice and Snow World; There is also a big ice dragon in the ice and snow world. Beside it is an ice slide, 50 meters high. It seems to have a magic power that makes people reluctant to leave for a long time; There is an ice castle in the ice and snow world. People walk around the castle as if they have turned the ice castle into a real world. There are also some soldiers and a pumpkin carriage in the castle. They are all made of ice and very beautiful.

  After talking about the fun ice and snow in winter vacation, let's talk about the delicious dumplings in winter vacation. During the Spring Festival, people get together to make dumplings and have competitions to see who can make them quickly and well. Everyone was very happy and very lively. People put all their expectations of happiness into this small dumpling, so it tasted very sweet.

  Ah, winter vacation is really a wonderful holiday!

8.寒假生活英语作文 篇八

  The annual New Year's Eve arrived. On that day, I got up early and ran out of the bedroom happily like a deer. I found my father was pasting Spring Festival couplets, so I stuck them with him.

  My father and I picked up the old couplets, and at the same time, my grandfather began to write them. Grandpa wrote beautiful and neat words on the red paper. I think the Spring Festival couplets written by Grandpa are more meaningful, more interesting and more fulfilling than those bought.

  After the Spring Festival couplets were written, I turned them over, stuck glue on them, and handed them to my father. My father said, "Help me get a stool." So I hopped to get the stool. Dad took the couplets to the door and stood on the stool like a giant. We started to paste the couplets.

  Dad said: "When pasting the Spring Festival couplets, you should put the upper couplet on the right, the lower couplet on the left, and finally the horizontal scroll, with the character of" fu "in the center. The character of" fu "can also be pasted upside down, indicating that" fu "has arrived." Dad pasted it, and I looked from a distance, and it seemed that the door was wearing new clothes, which was very beautiful! I couldn't help reading the Spring Festival couplets: "Everything is prosperous when the door is full of happiness, and the family is full of virtue and wealth, and the whole family is happy." When I finished reading, my father laughed. I asked my father, "Why are you laughing?" My father said, "You read it wrong, and you should read it on the right first." Then my father read to me again: "The family is full of virtue and wealth, and the door is full of happiness, and the whole family is happy." So I learned how to read the Spring Festival couplets. I began to read the Spring Festival couplets of my neighbor's house. "Wealth, honor, and prosperity come, and prosperity and prosperity come."

  In the twinkling of an eye, every household in the community has pasted Spring Festival couplets, and everyone is looking forward to the day when the good wishes come true.

9.寒假生活英语作文 篇九

  Today is New Year's Eve. Every family is making dumplings, and our family is no exception. My mother has already prepared the fragrant dumpling stuffing.

  I started to make dumplings. I watched my mother turn the rolling pin flexibly, and round and thin dumpling skins flew under her hands. That was a beautiful gesture. My father was no inferior. He took the leather with his left hand and put the stuffing with his right hand. Then he squeezed both hands and a plump dumpling doll was born. After watching for a while, I couldn't help itching and wanted to have a try. With my repeated pleadings, my mother finally agreed to let me pack some.

  I also learned from my father's way of holding my face in my left hand, but the seemingly light and thin face became extremely disobedient in my hands. There is too little filling in the dumplings. The dumplings are like a deflated ball. They are too much to close. Each dumpling bares its teeth, as if laughing at me. My father laughed happily, and I couldn't help losing heart. My mother encouraged me and said, "My son, practice makes perfect in everything you do. You must be able to do well with more observation and practice. How can you lose heart when encountering some difficulties? You must be able to pack a few more and try!" After listening to my mother's words, I picked up the dumpling skin and wrapped it patiently, imitating my father's movements.

  After several failures, I finally succeeded. My mother praised me for my ability. I ate the dumplings made by myself. My heart was very beautiful.

10.寒假生活英语作文 篇十

  Today, my parents were not at home. At lunchtime, my stomach was complaining. When I opened the refrigerator, there were only a few eggs left, a section of ham and a bowl of cold rice. It seems that I can only try to make fried rice with eggs.

  Do what you say. I'll cut the ham into small pieces first. Next, beat two eggs into a bowl, and then pour a little wine into the bowl to remove the fishy smell of the eggs, and then stir evenly. Turn on the range hood and pour a little oil into the pan. After waiting for a while, he poured the rice into the pot, only to hear the "Zila" sound in the oil pot, and the oil splashed out. I carefully took the shovel and kept turning, then poured the sausage cut in advance into the pot and continued to turn. After about 2-3 minutes, pour the eggs into the pot. After turning, sprinkle a little salt into the pot, and finally put a little chicken powder or MSG. Look! This dish of fried rice with eggs is complete!

  Just when I was elated, the doorbell suddenly gave a "ding dong". I opened the door. It was Mom and Dad who came back. I gave them a taste of the fried rice with eggs I made. After a while of wolfing down and sweeping through the clouds, there was nothing left of the fried rice with eggs. Looking at Mom and Dad's contentment, I felt very happy.

  Our children should also learn to stand on their own feet. If their parents are not at home, we should stand on our own feet. Don't let them worry, "sweat your own sweat, eat your own food, and do your own thing! You are not a hero relying on heaven, earth, and ancestors!"
