[英语作文写一件事情 初中]初中英语作文:成为一个勇敢的女孩ToBeABraveGirl


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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。以下“初中英语作文”由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】成为一个勇敢的女孩 To Be A Brave Girl

People tell us that we should to be a brave girl, so that we can get over the difficulties. But to be a brave girl is not easy for me, I always tell myself I must face the difficulty, but I give up in the last minute. So from today, I must learn to be a brave girl, I am not saying to be brave right now, I should take it step by step. First, I must tell myself not to fear the difficulty. When I meet the trouble, I should learn to solve it by myself instead of depending on others, so I will learn something gradually. Then I should open my mind, trying to know more things.

  【篇二】秉烛夜读 Study At Night

Since I came to middle school, I have to learn so many subjects, at first, I could not catch up with my classmates, I felt so worried. So I decided to keep studying every night. After finishing dinner, I went to my bedroom and did my homework. But when I finished my homework, I forced myself to go over other subjects. Though I was very tired, I still kept studying until midnight. But it did not work, I did not made progress. I talked to my teacher, she told me to relax and had a good rest, I needed to be patient and made progress step by step. I realized my mistake and adjusted my method and it works.
自从我来到中学,我要学习很多科目,起初,我无法赶上我的同学,我感到很担心。所以我决定每天晚上坚持学习。吃完晚餐后,我去卧室,做我的家庭作业。但当我完成了作业后,我强迫自己复习其他科目。虽然我很累,但是仍然一直学习到午夜。但没有收到效果,我没有取得进展。我和我的老师聊天,她告诉我放松,休息好, 我需要耐心,一步一步取得进展。我意识到我的错误,调整了方法,确实奏效了。

  【篇三】我的舞台 My Stage

I am a shy girl, when my teachers ask me the questions, I will always low down my head and answer them with small voice. Because of my character, I miss the chances to make myself stand out and I also don’t have many friends. I really want to change my situation, I don’t want to be a stand by anymore, I want to be part of the group. So I force myself to join the class activities, I find I enjoy them and I talk to my classmate a lot. I become active and start to try more things, I take part in the debate competition and show my ability, I find my stage.
我是一个害羞的女孩,当我的老师问我问题,我总是低下我的头低, 小声音回答。因为我的性格,我错过了让自己脱颖而出的机会,我也没有很多朋友。我真的想改变我的处境,我不想成为旁观者了,我想成为班里的一部分。所以我强迫自己参加班级活动,我发现我爱上这些活动,跟同学有个很多交流。我变得活跃,开始尝试更多的东西,我参加了辩论比赛,展现我的能力,我找到舞台。

初中英语作文:成为一个勇敢的女孩 To Be A Brave Girl.doc
