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【#英语资源# 导语】每一个人,都有一个属于自己的新年愿望,那个愿望可能是遥不可及的,也可能是触手可得的,但是,每一个愿望都有一个属于它自己的意义!新的一年,你有什么新年愿望呢?以下是®文档大全网整理的《兔年新年的愿望英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇一

  Maybe you will be surprised because I talked about money from the beginning. No, I want money, but the headquarters doesn't approve it! One day on the second day of last year, my family went to another place for the New Year. As soon as I entered the door, many adults gave me lucky money one after another. No matter my parents were angry with me, they ran away. When I looked at the money, my eyes sparkled. Because I can take my parents to take a plane to see the endless sea. You can buy a mountain bike by yourself... This money is quite important to me. At this time, my father and mother saw that I was not doing my job again, so they knocked me on the head. I have many big bags on my head. Since today, I haven't talked about money with my parents. Money, money! Why don't you stay close to me? This is my first New Year's wish.

2.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇二

  Time flies. The year 20xx is coming soon. A new year, a new goal and a new starting point! In 20xx, what is your wish? My wish is to be admitted to a good junior high school and meet a good teacher, so this year, I can't live in vain.

  I decided that in the new year, I would completely change myself, let everyone see different themselves, see the good child in the eyes of parents, the good student in the eyes of teachers, and the good partner in the eyes of classmates

  First of all, I must get rid of my bad habits, like sleeping late and getting up late. Love talks back to her parents. Not obedient, etc., must strive to become a good child in the eyes of parents, help parents do more housework, understand their difficulties, and will not ask their parents for anything. Good child, I will become you one day.

  Secondly, I will study hard, actively answer questions in class, take the initiative to discuss with the teacher after class, and I will not be slow in learning. I will read more extracurricular books, increase extracurricular knowledge, use more brains, practice words, memorize words, learn well, good student, I am coming.

  Then, I will become a good partner in the eyes of my classmates. I will chat with them. I will become a bottle of their worries. If you have any worries to tell me, I will also keep my mouth shut and will not tell others. I must be my partner.

  Throw all the bad problems in 20xx! I believe that in the new year, I can face new things with a new mentality, good children, good students and good partners. It has become my wish and goal in the new year.

3.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇三

  Dang, Dang, Dang With the three heavy bells, telling us that it is xx hours, xx minutes, xx seconds, this announced that we have left the old year and ushered in a new one.

  I believe that many people made many New Year's wishes in the old year. Some people have realized their wishes as well as my classmates, while others have realized some and are still working hard. Of course, I hope that the more people who realize their New Year's wishes, the better. After all, everyone's New Year's wish is beautiful.

  New Year's wishes vary greatly. It varies with age. Adults take my father as an example and hope that their family will be safe, build a new house, and their children will achieve something. Children! Innocent, of course, I hope that the red envelope of the New Year will be more. Young generation! People often say "ambitious youth", and ambition is also a form of desire. I am also a member of the youth, and of course I have many New Year's wishes.

  My wish is neither simple nor complex. As a student, the first New Year's wish is, of course, the improvement of academic performance that every student will want; As a child, the second New Year's wish is, of course, to hope that parents are healthy; The third wish, of course, is for yourself, which is different from the general public.

  Everyone has his own aspirations. My third New Year's wish is that I hope that the first essay I wrote will win a prize, because it is an encouragement that other things can't match for me. If my confidence is the boat, winning the prize is the sail that takes me farther.

  For this reason, I specially made full preparations - first, I read a large number of compositions and picked out good words and famous sentences; Then I wrote several drafts and revised them. Finally, please ask our Chinese teacher to give us some advice. It can be said that I have done my best and left no effort.

  When. When. When. I had spent an hour unconsciously, and I went to sleep with a good New Year's wish.

4.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇四

  I felt that time passed in a flash and passed by me in a hurry and quietly. Unconsciously, it came to 20xx and ushered in a new year. At this time of leaving the old and welcoming the new, I believe that I have many new year's wishes like you, but pick a few key ones.

  My first wish is to improve my study. How can I say about my academic performance? Usually, it is not fixed, sometimes good or bad, but I always rank first in the big exam, such as the final exam. I hope that this good achievement will become permanent, not temporary. Get rid of my careless faults

  My second wish is to wish my family good health. The master is now in the hospital for treatment. I hope the master will get better soon. And all my elders are getting better and happier every day in the new year.

  My third wish is to dance better. Although I sometimes don't want to be lazy in practicing basic skills, I hope I can practice the crossbar and rear bridge this year, and by the way, I can also practice the rear tiger. I hope that this year's dance will reach a higher level.

  My fourth wish is to get a lot of lucky money. When I arrive at the New Year, my first priority is to take the New Year's money. As soon as I get the New Year's money in my hands, I will cling to my mother and go to the bank to save it, so that no one can get it. ha-ha. Both my parents said I was a "small money addict".

  These are my New Year's wishes, not too many. I hope my wishes can be realized as soon as possible. Here I wish you a happy New Year and all the best!

5.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇五

  Somehow, you can taste delicious cakes during the Spring Festival in previous years, but what about this year? Not a single cake! Why? Why not ask? It's the mother-in-law who killed people. My mother-in-law was called "boring scientist" by the family and even the whole village. On this day, the VIP mother-in-law came to fight. I'm so happy. My mother-in-law is the "savior" for me. But today I was disappointed because my mother-in-law was more wordy than Tang Monk today. When I was about to taste the delicious cake, my mother-in-law told me to stop immediately. My "cake dream" is gone. My mother-in-law and I talked a lot about the harm of cake. Alas! This is my second wish.
