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Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?

【New words and expressions】(5)
railway n. 铁路
porter n. 搬运工
several quantifier 几个
foreigner n. 外国人
wonder v. 感到奇怪
★railway n. 铁路
railroad 铁路(美)
railway/railroad station 火车站

★several quantifier 几个
several=a number of… 一些,只能修饰可数
several times 许多次(不能说some times)
some 一些, 即可以修饰可数, 又可以修饰不可数
a great number of… 大量的
some time 一段时间 
some time age 一段时间以前
sometime adv. 某时
I will defeat you sometime. (总有一天我将打败你)
sometimes adv. 有时, 偶尔

★wonder v. 感到奇怪
① n. 奇迹,奇观,奇才;惊奇,惊讶
Jane is a wonder. She never fails in her examinations.
the seven wonders of the world in ancient times 世界古代七大奇观
② vi.&vt. 感到惊讶,感到诧异,对……事情感奇怪
They wondered that there was a modern building in district.
wonder at sth.
I wonder at the beauty of the old town.
③ vt.&vi.(对……)感到疑惑/怀疑,想要知道
wonder +if +从句 是否……
I wonder if you have any spare time.
wonder +特殊疑问词 +从句
I wonder what time it is.
I wonder why you are late.
I wondered where you were going.
Could you tell me how to get to?/I wondered how to get there. 问路
no wonder 难怪
wonderful adj. 极好的

I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English?

我终于到了伦敦. 火车站很大, 又黑又暗. 我不知道去饭店的路该怎么走, 于是向一个搬运工打听. 我的英语讲得不但非常认真, 而且咬字也非常清楚. 然而搬运工却不明白我的话. 我把问话重复了很多遍. 他终于听懂了. 他回答了, 但他讲得既不慢也不清楚. “我是个外国人, “我说. 于是他说得慢了, 可我还是听不懂. 我的老师从来不那样讲英语!我和搬运工相视一笑. 接着, 他说了点什么, 这回我听懂了. “您会很快学会英语的!” 他说. 我感到奇怪. 在英国, 人们各自说着一种不同的语言. 英国人之间相互听得懂, 可我却不懂他们的话!他们说的是英语吗?

1、Do the English speak English?
The English often talk about the weather.

2、I arrived in London at last.
arrive vi. 到达
arrive at 小地点;arrive in 大地点
When will you arrive?
reach vt. 到达……(后面一定要加宾语)
When will you reach(arrive in) BeiJing?
get to+宾语 到达……
When will you get to BeiJing?
How can I get there?
home/there都是副词,副词跟动词连用的时候不需要加介词,arrive也一样;但一般不用“reach home/there”,如一定要这样写则把“home”看作名词,“there”当代词看, 不作副词看
get home 到家;get there 到那

3、The railway station was big, black and dark.
并列的表达方式中前面都是用逗号隔开, 最后两个用and连接
balck 颜色(建筑物)
The room is black.
dark 没有光线
It is dark.

4、I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter.
the way to … 通往……路
Can you tell me the way to…
I don't know the way to…. Can you tell me how to get there?
I don't know the way to the school and where is it?
I know the way.
know sth. well 对……很熟悉
I know the boy well.

5、I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.
not only...but...as well= not only…but also… 不但……而且……
I can speak not only Chinese but English as well.
Mary not only found her aunt, but stayed with her for two weeks as well.
Not only you but also I will go there.主语并列(一般不这么用)
not only喜欢放在动词的前面,一般遇到实义动词和非实义动词的时候, 习惯放在两者之间
I can not only speak Chinese but English as well.(更习惯的说法)
I not only like my mother but my father as well.
as well本身的含义是“也、又、还”
If you go home tomorrow, I’ll go as well.
He lent me his pen, and his dictionary as well.

6、He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.
neither…nor… ……既不,也不……
Neither the boss nor his secretary is flying to New York.

7、My teacher never spoke English like that!
There’s no one like you. 没有人像你一样。
He speaks like a foreigner.

To learn English well is to study hard.
但在口语中 : To learn English well is study hard. (没to)

【Letter Writing】
St.是 Steet的缩略
I am in class 1,Grade 1.
在日期里, 月和日之间不需要逗号,且月和日的顺序可互换,但在年代之前要有逗号,日期是以序数词出现的,月份一定要是英语字母
February the fourth, 1998 =the fourth of February, 1998

Haidian District,(海淀区)

【Key structures】 
however 用在句号的后面, 单独成句, 于前边的句子只有意思上的承接, 没有语法上的承接, 语法上的承接表转折只能用 but
一些并列句的连词:and,and then,but,so,yet,or,not only…but…as well 不但……而且……,neither…nor… 既不……也不……,either…or… 或者……或者……,both…and… 两者都
yet adv. 然而
放在句末或句中, 与否定句, 疑问句相连, 并且与现在完成时用得比较多
Have you finished yet?
yet=but 连词,放在两个句子间, 起转折作用
or adv. 或者, 否则
Hurry up ,you will be late. /Hurry up,or you will be late.
当主语由and或both…and连接, 通常采用复数谓语动词.
Both the girl and the boy are his friends.
当主语由 neither...nor,either...or,not only...but also 或or 连接时,谓语动词与nor,or,but also后面的词一致,在英语语法中,这被称之为“就近原则”,离动词最近的名词是单数, 整个主语就视为单数;离动词最近的名词是复数, 整个主语就视为复数
Neither he nor I am going to the airport.
Not only Mary but also her parents have jgone abroad.

【Multiple choice questions】
5 He didn't speak slowly and he didn't speak clearly ___b___ .
a. neither b. either c. too d. nor

8 I repeated my question several times. I repeated it ___b___ times.
a. much b. a number of c. only a few d. three
several = some = a number of
much后面不加可数名词,没有only a few这个短语,quite a few 相当多的

9 At last he understood. He understood ___a___ .
a. in the end b. at least c. lastly d. at the finish
at last= in the end 最后、最终
lastly adj. 最新的、最近的一段时间
at least 至少

1.They ___B____ the trip until the rain stopped.
A. continued B. didn't continue  C. hadn't continued D. would continue

2.The local peasants gave the solders clothes and food without which they __A___ of hunger and cold. (without 在这里表示条件)
A. would die B. will die C. would be dead D. would have died

3.It was not until then that I came to know that the earth __D__around the sun.
A. moved B. has moved C. will move D. moves
It was not until that是强调结构,首先将“It was…that”去掉,再将“not”移到“that”后面的句子中,分析句子时后半句改为 :
I didn't come to know that the earth around the sun until then.
(until then 是在那个时候之前)
His father did not leave until he returned home.
变成强调句形式 : It was not until he returned home that his father left.
I don't get up until lunch time.
变成强调句形式 : It is not until lunch time that I get up.

4. When all those present(到场者)__D__he begin his lecture.
A. sit B. set C. seated D. were seated
seat vt. 做动词的时候两种情况① seat sb.;② sb. be seated
sit vi. 坐
sb. sit down

5.If I had had time, I would have written to you. But in fact I___not.
A. have B.would have C. had D. had had

