

时间:2022-03-30 05:38:00 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#翻译# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。®文档大全网整理了“2019年翻译资格笔译高级考试模拟试题:无处藏身”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!



食品行业因导致肥胖而备受指责。手机运营商面临如何保护青少年免遭网络色 情侵害的挑战。







今年,一些石油和矿业集团正受到来自于投资者、社会活动分子和英国政府组成的联盟的巨大压力,它们被要求公开其在一些国家的付款情况,其目的在于打击腐 败。





但是,也有一些公司主动采取这方面的行动,他们意识到这样做能提高其竞争力。据邓恩说,寻求竞争优势是俄 国、波兰、土耳其和南非等国家的一些公司开始热衷于企业社会责任的一个重要因素。






The food industry is blamed for obesity. Mobile phone operators are challenged to protect teenagers from online pornography.

Record companies are attacked when they sue music-lovers for sharing illegal files on the internet.

Big business is being asked to explain its approach to a growing number of social, ethical and environmental concerns.

“we’re facing the greatest demand for our assistance that we’ve seen in our nine-year history,” says Bob Dunn, chief

Microsoft, Lucent and United Technologies have joined BSR this year, as well as Altria, a more obvious target for pressure groups and litigation, as the parent company of both Kraft Foods and Philip Morris.

Industries that until now had avoided the spotlight are finding attention is now focusing on them. Campaigners are beginning to show interest in working conditions in factories that make equipment for computer and telecommunications companies.

The financial sector has come under pressure over lending to controversial projects in some countries. In June, a group of leading banks, including Citigroup, Barclays and ABN Amro, promised to avoid giving loans for socially or environmentally questionable projects.

Oil and mining groups have come under strong pressure this year from a coalition of investors, activists and the UK government to make public their payments to some countries in an effort to fight corruption.

Some of the world’s biggest footwear and clothing brands, including Levi Strauss, Nike and Reebok, have meanwhile taken voluntary measures through the US Fair Labor Association to increase the transparency of their supply chain.

They published on the internet the first independent audits of their supplier factories, along with the steps taken to improve often terrible labour standards.

Companies usually take action when they face a real or potential threat to their reputation, as when Kraft announced in July it would cut fat and sugar in its food, limit portion sizes and stop marketing in schools.

A lawsuit against Kraft over fatty acids was rapidly withdrawn after it said it would address the issue.

a few companies are, however, taking a lead because they believe it will give them a competitive edge. Mr. Dunn says the search for competitive advantage is one factor creating interest in corporate responsibility among companies in countries such as Russia, Poland, Turkey and South Africa.

In the UK, the trend is also reflected in the sharp rise in social and environmental reporting over the past two years. More than half the FTSE250 companies now produce annual reports , according to Directions, a study published this month by SalterBaxter and Context, two well-known UK consultancies.

Some sectors remain secretive, including hotels and leisure, and software and computer services. But they form a decreasing minority as investor interest, regulation and peer pressure combine to force greater disclosure.

When the first nonfinancial reports came out more than a decade ago, they focused on the environment, social and ethical issues. Forty of the fifty largest European companies also produce reports.

In the US, however, only 22 of the S&P top 50 reported, the study found. But how much can companies be expe4cted to achieve on their own? What is the role of government? Can consumers have it all, demanding such high standards of companies while refusing to change their lifestyle?

