
时间:2023-05-17 05:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】夏天是一年中最热的季节,也是欢迎的季节之一。在这个季节里,人们可以享受到阳光、海滩、游泳等各种活动。©文档大全网为大家准备了以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿,让我们一起来感受夏日的魅力吧!

1.以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Summer comes quietly to the world with heat, like a great painter who draws a colorful picture and presents it to people. Although she is not as vibrant as spring, as fruitful as autumn, and as snowy as winter, with a crystal like fairy tale, she brings us endless happiness.

  The rain in summer is very colorful. Gradually drizzling rain, with a cool and fresh melody flying around, gradually turning into heavy rain. The sky was covered in thick black clouds, and the thunder rolled down. Soon, it began to pour cats and dogs, and the summer rain, like an arrow, came down with colorful colors and quickly. I don't know how long it took for the rain to stop and the whole earth cooled down. The summer rain brings comfort to people and brings color to the earth.

  How beautiful the summer nights are like poetry and painting. The summer breeze gently blows on the earth, like a summer girl gently caressing the earth. In the sky, stars like countless pearls scatter all over the sky, shining silver like a beautiful Milky Way. The twinkling little stars twinkled their eyes, embellishing the dark night sky with colorful colors. The gentle moonlight filled the earth, as if covered in a layer of silver gauze. In the grass, crickets and grasshoppers sing heartily, and the beautiful singing echoes in the sky, making people intoxicated.

  Summer is also one of people's favorite seasons. The scorching sun baked the earth so hot that it seemed to emit wisps of green smoke. At this time, people like to swim by the river the most, and everyone enjoys playing in the cool water. Water splashed everywhere on the red face, and happy laughter enveloped the small river, turning it into a joyful ocean.

  Ah! I love this colorful summer because it brings richness and diversity to the earth and people.

  thank you.

2.以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿 篇二

  hello everyone!

  Looking forward, looking forward, the hot wind is coming, and the footsteps of summer are approaching.

  Everything was wrapped in a heavy heat, baptized by the scorching sun. The sound of frogs sounded, the trees flourished, and the farmers were busy.

  Summer is really hot to the extreme, even the wind is steaming hot, carrying the fresh fragrance of soil, and the air is filled with a hot smell, rushing forward. The wind passed by my ears, but the heat did not diminish the children's longing for play. I opened my arms and walked against the wind, feeling the heat wave rushing towards me. If it falls back, the wind should also warmly catch it.

  The wind is not often hot, and occasional heavy downpours can moisten the air. At that time, the wind seems to be drenched by rain, making it cool and icy. Even if the rain does not know the end of spring, once it clears, one can feel the depth of summer. "Summer is hidden in the rain, and when it clears and rains, it is summer. The rain was so heavy that it hit the green grass, swaying one by one, and a large area of grass turned into turbulent waves; The rain is so heavy, hitting the electric pole, echoing the swirling bird song, playing a crisp and coherent music; The rain was so heavy that it hit the roof and was shrouded in a thin layer of smoke; There are children watching under the roof, waiting for the rain to stop and feeling the cool and comfortable after the summer rain.

  At this moment, there were more farmers in the rice field than usual, and what they could smell were bursts of rice aroma and strong fruit flavor. Mischievous children will quietly sneak away to steal lychees from baskets and hide under trees to enjoy them with relish. The scorching summer sun casts sunlight through the gaps between the tree leaves, embellishing the surroundings of the children.

  Summer is the splashing of water under the bright sun, carrying the joy and romance of children; Summer is a transitional season for sending off spring and welcoming autumn, making us always full of enthusiasm for the future.

  thank you.

3.以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Some people like the spring with peach blossoms and willows green, some like the autumn with abundant fruits, some like the winter with ice and snow, while I like the scorching summer with scorching sun.

  Summer is fun. We can go to the clear and bottomless river to catch crabs and small fish. Every time we catch crabs, it will clamp us with big pliers, causing us to scream in pain and want to pull off their pliers. When catching small fish, the fish would use the "divine dragon to swing its tail" and throw us a face of water, which was extremely cool. Sometimes they would slip and fall when stepping on moss, and standing in the water would become a drowned rat. We looked at each other and laughed loudly.

  Summer is happy. Under the thick shade of the trees, there was a white haired grandfather playing chess, an old grandmother chatting about family life, and we children running barefoot all over the ground, like crazy women. The happiest thing is to go to the swimming pool, where we can puff our cheeks like frogs, lurking underwater, and see who can't hold their breath first and surface.

  Summer is beautiful. In the lotus pond, the lotus leaves open green umbrellas, some like Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle), some like iron pans, and some like a round of sun. The lotus flower also opened up reluctantly and danced with the wind, as if saying, "Look! I am beautiful!" The willows on the shore were green, and the willows danced with the wind, like a girl's hair.

  Summer is really interesting, it brings me joy.

  thank you.

4.以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿 篇四

  hello everyone!

  Spring has gone with the falling flowers, and summer is coming with green leaves dancing in the warm breeze.

  Summer is not as vibrant as spring; It's not as cool and breezy as autumn; It's not as icy as winter. It has its own unique flavor.

  Summer is a hot season. A fireball like sun hung in the azure sky, and the clouds seemed to have been burned by the sun, hiding without a trace. The cicadas shouted "know know know" on the tree, sometimes with a deep and slow voice, as if telling an ancient story; Sometimes it's high and fast, like playing a beautiful and melodious song. The little birds in the forest lazily rest on the trees, as if dreaming of a 'bountiful harvest'.

  Summer is another season of joy. The sparkling water of the river lured children in groups to come to the riverbank and play heartily in the cool water. Various fresh fruits are also on the market. Round and rolling watermelons and sparkling clusters of grapes make people drool.

  Summer is even more a beautiful season. The gentle moonlight filled the earth, everything seemed to be covered in a layer of silver gauze. The seemingly profound bamboo forest made a "rustling" sound, while in the grassland, there were occasional cries of small insects, and by the pond, there were occasional cries of frogs. Some people talk about the past and the present, while others sing and sing softly, with joyful laughter floating in the small courtyard. All of this melts into this beautiful summer night.

  Summer is really a colorful season!

  thank you.

5.以夏天为主题的英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  I really enjoy summer. Because in summer, I can eat my favorite cold and delicious ice cream and sweet watermelons. I can wear short sleeved shorts and go swimming, fishing, and catching crabs with my friends in the small river. You can also catch cicadas in the small forest

  Summer is hot. The red sun is like a big fireball, the earth is baked like a steamer by it, and smoke comes from the hot door. Although people have already put on short sleeves and shorts, they are still sweating profusely in the heat. Even the big yellow dog crouched under the big tree at the door with its tongue stretched out, panting heavily.

  Summer is colorful. The dense trees, lush grass, and delicate flowers outline a vibrant, colorful and beautiful picture. The thought of flowers attracted colorful butterflies and hardworking little bees. The little girls wearing beautiful flower dresses are like butterflies flying around in the garden. They are eating ice cream while playing, running, jumping, and having a great time!

  Summer is noisy. During the day, cicadas kept barking in the trees, like singers one by one. In the evening, under the streetlights on the road, many crickets were singing heartily. My sister and I always finished dinner early and caught crickets with a small bottle.

  Summer is charming. I love summer.

  thank you.
