

时间:2023-03-01 18:26:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Microsoft is cutting more jobs from its smartphone hardware and global sales divisions by shedding an additional 2,850 positions, the company said last Thursday.


The news came in a corporate annual report filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


It noted the company had announced in May it was cutting 1,850 jobs and that the new cuts were "an extension of the earlier plan".


The cuts are expected to be completed by the end of June 2017. As of late last month, Microsoft employed about 114,000 people.


"As anticipated, our change in phone strategy resulted in a reduction in units sold and associated expenses in fiscal year 2016, and this trend is expected to continue in fiscal year 2017." the filing said.


Microsoft purchased Nokia in 2013 in a bid to get a leg up in mobile. Nokia was the world's leading mobile phone maker from 1998 until 2011 when it bet on Microsoft's Windows mobile platform which proved to be a flop. The Finnish company sold its unprofitable handset unit in 2014 for some $7.2 billion to Microsoft.

微软于2013年收购了诺基亚,力求在智能手机领域占上风。诺基亚在1998年至2011年曾经是世界手机制造商。随后当其押注于微软的Windows移动平台,但最终被证明是失败的。 这家芬兰公司于2014年以72亿美元的价格卖出了其亏损的手机业务。

职场新概念英语:微软再裁员2850人 进一步退出智能手机业务.doc
