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【#英语资源# 导语】夏令营对于孩子的人格发展和素质拓展有着非常重要的作用,可以让他们结交更多的朋友,开拓他们的视野,培养他们独立解决问题的能力和团队意识,对于孩子的个人发展有着非常重要的意义。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  I wonder if you have ever left your parents? This holiday I went to the glorious mission three armed forces national defense summer camp and separated from my parents for seven days. This is the first time since I was so old that I left my parents and went to a strange environment to live with strangers for 7 days. Seven days? My God? I can't imagine these seven days. I just feel an unspeakable taste, astringent. Now in retrospect, my nose is still sour, and I feel like crying.

  August 12 is the day when we went to the barracks to report for duty. When we first arrived at the barracks, we met instructors and life teachers. After they gave us a brief introduction, they arranged our entrance ceremony. At this time, I'm still a little excited. After all, I'm going to experience the real military life in the military camp where I've been worshipping for a long time, and I'm going to be a proud soldier again.

  The next afternoon, the formal military training began. The instructor asked us to train our standing posture against the sun like a fireball. We gritted our teeth and insisted. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Ten minutes later, I almost collapsed on the ground. Then the instructor asked us to look right, so I had to use all my strength to look right as required by the instructor. It took me a long time to look at it. My eyes were golden and my neck was sore until I heard the instructor order to look forward. At this time, the instructor who was originally serious in front of me looked like a devil who waved his teeth and claws at me. I was disgusted. At this time, a sentence came to my mind: the devil always appears in everyone's heart from time to time. As long as I persist, it will turn into a beautiful 'Angel'. I was enlightened and insisted on it. When the instructor announced his rest, I suddenly felt like a soldier who had won the war, and my heart was full of happiness and sweetness. oh On this day, I learned to bear hardships, to be strong, and to know that the sun is always after the rain

  During my stay in the military camp, I met many little comrades in arms. We learned to make dumplings, play three-dimensional magic cube, learn the battle song of a strong army, and exercise our living ability and self-care ability.

  Time flies like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, it slips to August 18, and the life of soldiers is coming to an end. When I leave today, I will miss my comrades in arms, instructors, life teachers, training ground, every plant, every word and every move here.


  In order to let me have a meaningful summer vacation, my mother helped me sign up for jinmeiling summer camp. With the experience of participating in the summer camp last year, I prepared all kinds of daily necessities early this time and waited for my departure.

  This day finally came. Early in the morning, I happily took my luggage and took the bus to jinmeiling, Anhui Province. At noon, we finally arrived at the summer camp base. As soon as I got out of the car, a heat wave rushed towards us, and I couldn't help but take a breath. First of all, we were greeted by a tall and handsome instructor. They helped us take our luggage out of the car and constantly told us to take care of our luggage. We found our luggage and walked in the direction of the dormitory instructed by the instructor. Beady sweat kept dripping on our foreheads and faces. When I got to the dormitory, I put down my luggage. I saw neat quilts on each bed and the air conditioner on. Just as we were preparing to cool down for a while, the instructor's order to assemble came.

  According to the instructor's order, we came to the open space and lined up. According to our grouping, the instructor announced the disciplines of the summer camp and told everyone in detail the precautions in the collective activities in the next few days. After the lunch break, the group training officially began. Although the instructor asked us to train in line under the shade of the tree, because the weather was too hot, it still made people feel so hot and uncomfortable, and the sweat on our faces kept dripping. Now we envy the day when we have classes in school.

  The two-day group training ended in the twinkling of an eye. On the morning of the third day, the instructor took us to see 5D movies and jungle walking. Although the weather was still hot, everyone had a good time. In the afternoon, we started the most exciting part of this summer camp activity - Live CS activity! Everyone was so excited that they quickly put on their equipment and began to hide in groups, ready to sneak attack the enemy. It's my first time to play live CS. I'm so nervous that I'm always afraid of being hit by the enemy. Look at the students around, everyone is very involved, all eyes wide, face tight, expression nervous. The weather was really too hot, coupled with mental tension, our clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to our bodies, but we didn't feel it at all. We move forward, hide, crawl and shoot... It seems that we have really come to the battlefield and are facing a test of life and death. Unfortunately, due to lack of experience, it was not long before I was attacked and killed by other groups. I was so upset that I had to quit and watch other students fight.

  In the next two days, the instructor also organized us to catch fish in the pool. Everyone had a good time.

  In the twinkling of an eye, the summer camp activity was over. We reluctantly said goodbye to the instructor and boarded the bus back to school. The past few days with instructors and students are hard but unforgettable, because I learned to insist, cooperate and be grateful. Thank you for the summer camp, which makes my summer vacation life rich and meaningful.


  I participated in the "military summer camp" this summer vacation. When I sat on the bus to the Armed Police Command School and saw so many strange friends around me, my heart was like a rabbit jumping around, a little excited and a little worried. I didn't know how to spend the seven days of military life.

  Indeed, in the past seven days, we had suffered a lot. On the last day, when we were about to leave the camp, it was like a bird escaping from a cage and regaining its freedom. These days, whether it's windy, rainy or scorching, we all practice unremittingly and can't shrink back. The instructor is very strict with us. When standing in the military position, we can't move. If we can't help it, we have to say, "report, move." It can only move for three seconds after being approved by the instructor. "My God! Even if you move, you have to report. Is this the same as the wife?" I thought. However, it also taught us persistence, tenacity and the indomitable courage of the armed police uncle.

  I also learned to take care of myself in the military summer camp. I wash my hair, wash my clothes and dry my clothes by myself. At home, I have never washed clothes. Most of the things in life are done by my parents. But here, I learned to be independent and take care of myself. I am very happy. Every morning, I also learn to comb my hair by myself. Although I don't comb my hair as well as my mother, I will comb my hair well one day. Because I believe that everything has its first time, and everything can be improved by practice.

  The instructor also taught us how to tidy up the internal affairs, especially folding the army quilt. The instructor asked our army quilt to be folded like a tofu block, each side should be aligned neatly, and each fold should be pressed by hand, so that each quilt corner is 90 degrees. This is a little difficult. After several practice, I finally learned. In the "broken army quilt" competition, I also won the second prize and got a little laughing cow I like very much. As soon as I see this calf in the future, I will definitely think of the days when I lived in the military camp.

  In my military life, I also made many new friends. What makes me feel happiest is that I can play all kinds of games with my friends in my bedroom during my break. "Tag game", "hero jump", "burning passion", you must have never heard of it? This is an innovative game invented by ourselves. It's very interesting! Our bed is upper and lower bunks, and there is a ladder next to it. We climb to the first level of the ladder, put one foot on the opposite bed, put our hands together, and hold on for 5 minutes, which is "passion burning"; We climbed to the upper bunk, jumped down without holding anything, and put a great pose, which is "hero jump." Haha, playing with everyone in the dormitory is also a great pleasure of this military life.

  Although this unforgettable military life is over, I will always remember the hard and serious instructors, amiable and respectable teachers, and lovely friends.


  As the saying goes, happy days always pass quickly. The 12 days of unforgettable summer camp life passed in the blink of an eye.

  From the teacher-student meeting on July 21 to the farewell meeting on August 1, I had a very happy time! When I first met my brothers and sisters from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (I still call them brothers and sisters, which are friendly), everything was strange. But after this short 12 days of friendly coexistence, we have changed from strangeness to intimacy. In these 12 days, we had a good relationship with five teachers in class 1 of the summer camp, Zi Qi, Ying Xin, Zhong Dazhang and the captain, although we occasionally had a big debate about something. We experienced the happiness of class, the difficulty of rehearsal, the excitement of winning awards, and the sadness of being famous. Now, let us experience the pain of parting again.

  These days, I really learned a lot. I recall the laughter of teachers in class and the joy of playing games. Everything makes me very unforgettable. At the interesting sports meeting, our class won the second prize; During the class song competition, we won the style award, the stage award and the first prize; The stage show at the farewell party. Our class 1 worked hard to rehearse and compete.


  On the morning of August 1, we came to the classroom early and saw a gift prepared by teacher Ziqi on the table of each student, which was a very good souvenir gift. In the morning, we didn't read books, but listened to teacher Ziqi sing. Listen, listen, the tears are not obedient and flow down involuntarily. The students were also very sad, and they all sang the class Song - onethousand and one wish. Singing, the students were crying. Outside the window, class two is taking photos happily.

  In the afternoon, the teachers of the whole team sang their team song, danced their team dance, and danced the rabbit dance to show us at the farewell meeting. Finally, we took a group photo of the whole class. In the evening, we shouldn't have come, but the teachers are leaving the next day. We privately organized a party at school in the evening. When the captain learned about it, he said readily, "have fun and I'll explain it to your superiors." When I learned this, I was so moved! However, that night, I was not happy at all. My heart seemed to be pressed by a big stone, so heavy. It makes me feel completely unhappy. Because the teachers are leaving.

  The next morning, the teachers left at 9:30, but I couldn't catch up, because I lost sleep the night before. I didn't sleep until more than 5 o'clock, but I overslept as soon as I slept, missing the time when the teacher had to leave. For this, I was sad for a long time. Although I didn't arrive at the scene that morning, I still felt the moment when my classmates and teachers left.

  teacher! This summer, this summer vacation, I am very happy with you! It is you who make this summer, this summer vacation colorful and beautiful! Thank you!


  This summer vacation, I participated in a summer camp activity, happily boarded the camp bus to wuyuezhai, Hebei Province, and thought: great, I can finally have a good time. But I was a little worried: This is the first time I left my parents. Is there any problem?

  Finally, we arrived at Wuyue village, the destination. The scenery here is really beautiful! Mountains and rivers are connected, trees are shaded, and bursts of cool wind make us feel very happy. When we were admiring the beautiful scenery, the teacher called everyone to talk about the schedule of this summer camp: first, military training, which is intended to train our will, second, train our spirit of hard work, and then cultivate everyone's sense of unity and mutual assistance.

  The military training began. We got up at five o'clock and went to the military training after washing. We stood in the military position for an hour. Even if there were small bugs flying on our faces, we couldn't pat them or scratch them. We were so hot that beads of sweat rolled down. At this time, the teacher kept encouraging us: you are all tough, you are very tough, and you are a warrior who can't beat anyone. At this time, we feel as if we are a soldier. No matter how hard and tired we are, we must persist in performing our military duties. Victory always belongs to us.

  The second training item is mountain climbing. I always think it is very simple to climb mountains, but this is not the case. The mountains here are very steep, some of them are gentle, and some of them are rugged and very difficult to walk. The road we walk is very narrow, only 20 or 30 cm, next to the cliff. I feel a drum in my heart. If this falls, it must be broken to pieces. At this time, the teacher seems to see our thoughts and reminds us: walking is not sightseeing, If you don't walk when watching the scenery, you should pay attention to your feet. Don't be distracted and don't talk. I believe we can definitely reach the camp safely. At last, we arrived smoothly. No campers left behind. The students cheered and celebrated the victory. At this time, waves of echoes came from the valley.

  The last project is the bonfire party, during which there are students' cooperation projects: slippers, concentric poles, flipping cards... There are also personal talent shows, some performing Latin dance, some performing Taekwondo, some singing, guessing riddles, some students also cook and cook in person, make dumplings, and we also rated many awards, such as winning teams, personal talent, and so on. The students had a lot of fun. In this way, we had an unforgettable summer camp night.

  Through this activity, I learned a lot: friends should help each other and unite as one to win. We need to have a strong will and face difficulties bravely. Success belongs to those who can stand the test of life.


  During the summer vacation, my good friend Han Chuqi and I went to an interesting summer camp - "island exploration". When I first heard the name, I was looking forward to it. I thought it would be a trip full of mystery and surprise.

  We went by train. On the way, we met two little friends in the same trade. Because they both like cats, we called them Zhang Mao and Yang Mao. We laughed and laughed all the way. We didn't know that we would arrive in Qingdao. First, we come to an expansion camp. First, we need to have the opening ceremony. The accompanying teacher divided our group into two groups, and the two groups will conduct PK for each activity after that. There are 8 people in our group. We named the group "flying eagle team". Our slogan is: roam the world, be exclusive. I thought we were going to land on Shanghai Island and travel in the sea. As a result, something disappointing happened to me. Because of the typhoon, all ships to Lingshan Island were suspended. We can only do activities in the camp. My desire to catch crabs by the sea seems to be unfulfilled.

  As soon as it comes, it will be easy. Although I can't go to Shanghai Island, I'm also very happy to be able to work with my partners in the camp. The camp teachers will arrange different development courses for us every day. My favorite project is "climbing trees", which is very physical. At first, I watched the teacher's demonstration with ease, but when I really let myself do it, I can use my hands and feet at the same time, and it's very difficult to climb. When I climbed to the top, I looked down, wow, it's so high, I really want to praise myself.

  In addition to physical training, teachers also teach us the skills we have learned in outdoor activities, such as learning to tie safety buckles with knots, simple trauma treatment and bandaging

  It's all content that we haven't learned at home and school. I feel very novel. In this trip, I completed all the tasks independently, learned that "unity is strength", learned to take care of myself and others, and got rid of my lazy mind. Every independent trip can make me grow up. If I have the opportunity, I will participate in such a summer camp again.


  This summer vacation, I had a very meaningful time, because my mother applied for a military summer camp for me. It was the morning of August 3. I took the bus to Hami with my backpack on my back. In other words, the backpack is called a heavy one, washing, medicine, and changing clothes with you. It's called a complete one, as if I'm going for three or five years. I have to say, my mother is really a real mother! The bus pulled us to the Hami armed police brigade training center, starting my ten day military career.

  Everything is new to the army. On the first day of training, I thought the instructor was very gentle, but I was wrong. I was required to stand in line for 15 seconds in the big class and 30 seconds in the small class. I couldn't stand well and run five laps around the playground. If I ran slowly, I would add three laps. Every time you whistle and gather, turn off the lights at a fixed point at night, or don't sleep all night. Fortunately, I don't have time to eat. This is a great gift for me who usually eats slowly!

  The discipline of the army is very strict, such as clothes, backpacks and shoes must be placed in the specified position. Washing clothes, making beds and cooking are all self-supporting. I suddenly feel that I can do many things well, and I can't help being complacent. However, the most important thing is the eight words I learned: self-confidence, self-discipline, self-reliance and self-improvement, which will benefit me all my life. Several instructors who train with us every day also left me an unforgettable impression. Among them, instructor Yang Kai is a sniper, instructor Mu Latin is a hygienist, instructor Cao is a singer in the Armed Police Brigade, and instructor Xi is the captain and the fiercest of their instructors. They all exude their own advantages, and I also admire these instructors very much. They taught me a lot of knowledge, These knowledge cannot be given by books and parents.

  Ten days passed quickly. I suddenly grew up a lot, understood my parents' hard work, and understood the teacher's good intentions. Ten days is very short, like a dream, and ten days is very long, which will accompany my childhood and emit dazzling light!


  I caught a sparrow on the road today.

  The sparrow's feathers are brown, but there are several black ones inside. The wings look small, with red eyes and sharp mouth, like bamboo shoots just emerging. The body is small and exquisite, and the small feet are as sharp as the claws of an eagle.

  I shut the sparrow in the cage. The sparrow kept looking at me, as if to say, "human beings are too much, and they put me in a cage." It suddenly occurred to me that the teacher said that birds are our friends and we should love them. So I opened the cage, and the sparrow flapped its wings and flew away with a sound.

  I was very happy when I looked at the back of the sparrow flying away into the distance.


  Today is a overcast day. My family went back to my hometown to visit the tomb. The mountains are shrouded in clouds. Not far away, I saw a plant growing luxuriantly. I asked my mother what it was. My mother said, "this is tea. Let's pick tea later."

  So we happily picked up tea. I hung Lanzi on the branch of the tea tree and picked tea carefully. The small tea buds were tender, green, and a little hairy on it. It smelled faint fragrance. Dad and grandma also joined our team, and soon picked a blue tea.

  How is tea made? Let me tell you something. First heat the iron pot, then pour the tea into it and fry it until it is dry, but don't fry it.

  Next, I began to taste tea. I put a handful of fried tea into the cup, poured boiling water into it and covered it. After a while, I opened the cover. I could smell bursts of fragrance coming from a distance. I felt relaxed and happy. It was really wonderful.


  This afternoon, when I was reading in my room, I suddenly looked up and saw a cloud like a "dragon head" in the sky outside the window. I quickly called my father to the balcony to observe the cloud.

  There are so many clouds in the sky, some like dragons, some like lions, and some like waterfalls... It's really changeable. Dad also told me that clouds are formed by the evaporation of small water droplets. Suddenly, I found a thin and long cloud in the sky. I as
