
时间:2023-07-27 01:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假的来临,给我们以往枯燥的学习增添了一些乐趣,当然,我们也不能忘记了学习,所以制定了一系列暑假生活计划。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《暑假计划英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.暑假计划英语作文范文 篇一

  After this summer vacation, I will be in fourth grade. As a young adult, I can no longer just focus on my iPad and TV. In order to make progress in my studies and grow healthier, I should learn to manage my time well and not let my parents worry so much anymore. I have decided to arrange my summer vacation life and have a fulfilling vacation this summer.

  How can a fulfilling summer vacation be considered? Actually, I had already thought about it seriously the night I just finished the exam. After expressing my idea of arranging my summer vacation life to my mother early this morning, she also agreed with me and felt that I had indeed grown up. With my mother's affirmation, I have more confidence in making my own decisions.

  I made a schedule: wake up at 8 o'clock every day and read 30 minutes of extracurricular books in the morning. After breakfast, complete the four courses of idioms, mathematics, English, and science as planned. Continue to take a few laps to the community for activities. After taking a nap, learn the piano and then go to a training class to study.

  After returning from the training class, I will do my daily homework. After dinner is my free time, you can go shopping and play, and combine work and rest! Read extracurricular books for a while before going to bed. Of course, I will also help my family with some household chores within my capabilities. I will do everything reasonably and systematically. This is my summer vacation plan, please supervise me!

2.暑假计划英语作文范文 篇二

  The summer vacation has finally arrived, and friends both big and small are very happy, but they cannot do nothing. Because of this, I have made a summer vacation plan. It is like this: I have to do three things every day, namely doing homework and playing. Now I will tell everyone the time and reasons for these things.

  First of all, let's talk about homework. Mathematics and English are relatively single, but Chinese is the most difficult. There are many homework assignments, and I plan to read first. During the vacation, there will be a total of two months, with a total of four and a half books to be read. In this way, I can read one book and complete two reading notes in half a month. Then I complete the weekly diary, one piece per week. Finally, I write calligraphy and memorize seventy ancient poems. After finishing these, I can do my math homework. After finishing, of course, I can play happily and sleep peacefully at night. I believe that doing so will make the entire summer vacation very enjoyable.

  In addition, you can also do other things when you have time, such as running and cycling in the morning, traveling, swimming, flying kites, and other interesting things. In short, this is a beautiful and interesting summer plan.

3.暑假计划英语作文范文 篇三

  In this sunny summer, summer vacation is coming soon. I want to design a summer vacation plan that belongs to me and have a fulfilling and happy holiday.

  Now I will share my summer vacation plan with everyone!

  Plan 1: Develop a daily schedule. Go to bed and wake up early every day, exercise your body, and have fun while studying.

  Plan 2: Complete a certain amount of homework on time every day. Design a time bank that can store a seal or a star when completing tasks every day. Otherwise, it can be reversed and accumulated to a certain amount to exchange for gifts.

  Plan 3: Participate in swimming training classes and strive to learn how to swim. So I can swim freely in the water like a fish.

  Plan 4: Practice your handwriting more beautifully. Spend half an hour every day practicing hard pen calligraphy. Over time, I hope my handwriting can become better and better.

  Plan 5: Keep reading every day. I have added several thick books in my bookshelf, hoping to fully enjoy the wonderful reading time during the summer vacation.

  Plan 6: Mobilize the whole family, exercise more, and have a great body.

  By the way, I almost forgot one important thing, which is that during the long vacation, I have to travel everywhere.

  Oh dear! My Happy Holiday train is about to start, I need to quickly take my plan, take the train, and start the journey of Happy Summer!

4.暑假计划英语作文范文 篇四

  Summer vacation has arrived. To make your summer vacation meaningful and fulfilling, it is necessary to make a reasonable plan and arrange your summer life and studies according to the plan.

  1、 Get up before 7:30 in the morning and go to bed before 10:00 in the evening every day.

  2、 Read one hour of books every day (mainly recommended by the teacher), and do 5 pages of summer homework each.

  3、 Write two diaries every week.

  4、 Use summer vacation time to practice calligraphy well.

  5、 Help dad and mom with some household chores within their capabilities.

  6、 Participate in certain physical exercises to make your body stronger.

  This is my summer vacation plan, children. If you have any good suggestions, please recommend them to me for our mutual reference.

5.暑假计划英语作文范文 篇五

  A semester of intense learning has finally come to an end. I have developed a summer vacation schedule, let's take a look:

  Firstly, with the help of parents, establish a study plan and schedule, ensuring one hour of study time each morning and afternoon. Carefully complete summer homework. Read extracurricular books for no less than an hour every day and record the gains from reading.

  I created a small technology project during the summer vacation. I am already a primary school student and should understand my parents' hard work. During the summer vacation, besides doing my own things, I should actively share some household chores with my parents. You must obtain the consent of your parents when going out. You cannot go out without permission or with people you don't know. Without the guidance of an adult, one cannot go swimming without permission. On Sunday, let my mother buy a set of "Encyclopedia of Chinese Children" and "Adventures of Little Carp" to enjoy themselves.

  If the schedule is shorter, I think it would be good to visit relatives in Chongqing and drop in at Yongchuan Zoo when I come back.

  This summer vacation plan may not be well planned, please support everyone.
