
时间:2023-08-01 05:34:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到,轻松把你揽入怀,舒爽无比;惬意把你身心爽,逍遥无比;快乐把你嘴乐歪,快活无比;问候把你心沁润,开心无比。愿你开怀,暑期愉快!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《快乐的暑假生活英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.快乐的暑假生活英语日记 篇一

  Today, the scorching sun is hanging in the sky, baking the earth, and cicadas are shouting "cicadas, cicadas" on trees, as if cheering for this hot weather. This damn weather, it's really hot! I sweat profusely from the heat.

  Grandma bought a big watermelon on the street. After seeing it, my mouth became extremely greedy. My grandmother cut the watermelon open, and I picked out a large and red watermelon petal and wolfed it down. I had watermelon juice all over my mouth. My grandmother smiled and said, "Eat slowly, no one's grabbing. Don't swallow the seeds, they will sprout and grow watermelons." After listening to my grandmother's words, I was filled with remorse. Because when I just ate, the speed was too fast and I didn't even spit out the seeds. I thought to myself that without singing, watering, or fertilizing, watermelons should not grow. My grandmother later said, "It will grow into a big watermelon!" I was so scared that I rolled around on the ground, trying to break the melon seedlings. Mom looked at me and said, "What's the matter?" I said, "Eating Xiguzi will grow big watermelons." Mom said, "If you eat the seeds in your stomach, you won't grow big watermelons." I felt embarrassed and touched my head.

  I couldn't help but eat the watermelon completely.

2.快乐的暑假生活英语日记 篇二

  The weather is nice today, with a clear sky and cloudless skies. It's a pity not to do anything in such fine weather. So, I said to my father, I want to learn cycling. Dad was under my sugar coated bullet and had to agree.

  At first, because I didn't listen to my father's advice. The car soon lost its balance and fell heavily to the ground. My palm was broken and the wound was very hot and painful. I was spinning pitifully. Dad said, "Learning bicycles requires skill, not impatience

  I stood up and patted the ashes on my pants, then continued to learn how to ride a bicycle. My father held the bike and earnestly instructed me to look forward, hold my hand firmly on my head, keep my body upright, and place my feet on the pedal. Unconsciously, with my continuous efforts, I finally needed no help from my father and rode my bike excitedly.

  Today is truly a joyful and unforgettable day!

3.快乐的暑假生活英语日记 篇三

  Today, all of us went to Ziwei Cave to play.

  When we drove to Ziwei Cave, my mother bought us ice cream to eat. This ice cream was so delicious. Walking inside and out, we saw a temple. We rested for a while in the temple and then continued walking forward.

  When we arrived at the cave, it was chilly and there were colorful lights inside. Each stone was unique, with some resembling gods and others resembling dogs. We came to a dark river and I said to my mother, "Why is there a dark river here?" My mother said, "You can row a boat here." The boat came and I got on board. At first, I was very scared, and my mother was giving me encouragement. I don't feel scared anymore. I arrived at the shore in a moment.

  After playing for a while, we reluctantly went home. But our laughter echoed in the Ziwei Cave.

4.快乐的暑假生活英语日记 篇四

  Today, while I was eating, I was watching TV when my mother came over and turned off the TV. I looked at my mother in confusion, and she asked me, "What are you doing today?" Oh! I remember, today is to move for my grandmother.

  At my grandmother's house, I first packed my sister's toys one by one and thought to myself: I didn't have so many toys when I was a child! I carried the packaged toys to the car, and the adults were carrying large items, especially the refrigerator. They first tied the refrigerator up and down with ropes, and then slowly moved it, making them sweat profusely.

  Hey, moving is really tiring! When I grow up, I will buy a big RV so that I don't have to move anymore.

5.快乐的暑假生活英语日记 篇五

  Today, my grandmother and I went to clean my uncle's new house.

  At noon, my grandmother and I took the bus to my uncle's new home. The house is filled with dust, and if you don't wear a mask, you won't be able to enter at all. Grandma walked into a bedroom and said to her brother-in-law, "Can't you just pour some water for this?" My brother-in-law said, "Oh, yes, I didn't expect it!" So I had a task, which was to collect water. I saw my grandmother and brother-in-law adding water and something, and with a push of cardboard, it became clean there. So I also found a piece of cardboard and pushed it up. After I finished pushing, I looked back and pushed a clean path on the dusty ground. I continued to push, pushing out many small paths, and in a short while, I pushed all the ground clean.

  Ah, the feeling of labor is really good!
