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【#英语资源# 导语】英语成语、短语、惯用语很多。有时,它们的构造看起来不合逻辑,甚至不合常理,但又不能随意更改。今天是由©文档大全网就给大家分享一下有关于英语常用介词的英语短语,欢迎大家来阅读!


  get even with……:向……报复

  “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.”

  get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪

  “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.”


  “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.”

  get……off the ground:使……开始进行

  “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.”

  get on someone's nerves:使人厌烦

  “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this really gets on my nerves.”


  “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.”

  get the better of……:胜过……

  “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.”

  get a feel of……:尝试

  “In this country, it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races.”

  get the hang of……:懂得……的窍门

  “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.”

  get the picture clear:准确地了解情况

  “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.”

  get the message:了解人家所说的

  “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.”

  get to grips with……:努力对付……

  “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.”

  get to the bottom of……:弄清……的真相

  “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; let's get to the bottom of it.”

  get wind of:得到密报

  “Please keep the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.”


  “I don't object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so don't get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.”

  get down to business:认真办事

  “Time is running short; let's get down to business now. ”

  get a move on:赶快

  “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.”

  get one's head down:静静地工作

  “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.”

  get one's hands on……:要得到……

  “They all want to get their hands on the old man's money.”

  get someone's back up:使……讨厌

  “You will just get your friend's back up if you keep on being nasty.”


  Have a good time:过着愉快时光;

  Have no say in…… :对……没发言权;

  Have a good eye for……:对……有鉴赏力;

  Have one's hands full:某人很忙;

  Have a weakness for……:(不知何故)很喜爱……;

  Have one's heart in……:热衷于……;

  Have too many irons in the fire:同时要做的事很多;

  Have designs on……:对……有不良企图;

  Have the edge over……:比……占着有利地位;

  Have a way with……:有应付……的才能;

  Have a word with……:与……作简短谈话;

  Have words with……:与……争吵;

  Have……on one's mind:担心……;

  Have……on one's hands:手头有存货;

  Have a bearing on……:和……有关系/对……有影响;

  Have faith in :对……有信心;

  Have a grudge against……:和……过意不去/不喜欢……;

  Have no qualms about……:对……毫不犹疑;

  Have a finger in every pie:插手一切事情;

  Have one's finger on the pulse:充分掌握的消息;

  Have one's fingers in the till:在工作的部门里偷钱;

  Have one's head screwed on the right way:头脑清醒。


  如果说某人参与某事,可用“He has a hand in that matter.”

  如果只为“个人打算”或“另有企图”,他就是“has an axe to grind”了。

  为了达到目的,他会急于做某件事:has a great mind to do something,而且可能着眼于心中的计划:

  has his eye on the plan in mind,然后下决心去完成它:

  has his mind set on accomplishing it. 有些人生性善良,奉公守法,“讨厌” 不正当的行为:

  They have an aversion to improper acts. 他们有“天赋的才华”做非凡的事:

  They have a gift/flair for doing unusual things, 比如擅长于音乐或语言:

  have an ear for music or languages, 而出了名:

  have a name for these skills. 无可讳言,他们对音乐和语言的确有所偏爱:

  have a weakness for both of these, 对这两个领域的知识了如指掌:

  have music cal and linguistic knowledge at their finger tips.


  ①a. What is the reason of all this shunning away from blue-collar work?

  b. What is the reason of all this shying away from blue-collar work?

  ②a. I am working on the behalf of my company.

  b. I am working on behalf of my company.

  ③a. We need a capable person to help us in time of difficulties.

  b. We need a capable person to help us in times of difficultes.

  ④a. In term of economic development, our country has done a good job.

  b. In terms of economic development, our country has done a good job.

  ⑤a. Few would like to make friend with hypocrites.

  b. Few would like to make friends with hypocrites.

  ⑥a. Let's discuss this matter in details.

  b. Let's discuss this matter in detail.

  ⑦a. That rich woman is covered with jewellery from top to toes.

  b. That rich woman is covered with jewellery from top to toe.

  ⑧a. For the better or worse, we must try to get along with our colleagues.

  b. For better or worse, we must try to get along with our colleagues.

  ⑨a. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worst, she hated to mingle with people.

  b. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worse, she hated to mingle with people.

  ⑩a. All must come to the meeting without failure.

  b. All must come to the meeting without fail.

  11a. Most of the students learn historical facts by hard.

  b. Most of the students learn historical facts by heart.

  12a. A holiday abroad will take your mind of the work tension for a while.

  b. A holiday abroad will take your mind off the work tension for a while.

  13a. It is out of question for you to go tonight; you haven't finished your assignment yet.

  b. It is out of the question for youto go tonight; you haven't finished your assignment yet.

  14a. Students should spend their time studying instead of involving in destructive activities.

  b. Students should spend their time studying instead of involving themselves in/ getting involved in destructive activities.

