【#英语资源# 导语】《小学英语300句》由300个基本句型构成,面向低年级小学生。文章涵盖了生活中常见的对话场景,涉及了英语基本句型及基础词汇。此外,本文还配有音频,听说两把抓,更好的帮助小学生掌握英语基础词汇和交际口语。说了这么多,我们快来一起学习下吧!
01: I am Eda.
02: Hello!
03: Good morning.
04: This is Kay.
05: This is Miss Dizzy. Your English teacher.
06: How do you do.
07: Hi!
08: Good bye!
09: So long.
10: Bye-bye!
A: Hello! I am Eda.
Hello! I am Mr. Write.
I am Bobby.
I am Kay.
B: Good morning Mr. Write.
I am Bobby.
Good morning.
Good morning. I am Andy.
I am Miss Dizzy. Good morning.
C: This is Kay.
This is Alum.
How do you do.
This is Miss dizzy. Your English teacher.
How do you do.
D: Hello! Bobby.
Hi! Eda.
Good bye!
Hi! Kay.
Hi! Bobby.
So long.
1: Is this your football?
2: Yes it is.
3: Thank you.
4: May I use it?
5: Please!
6: Sure!
7: No! it isn't.
8: It is my hat.
9: Here you are.
10: Thank you very much.
a: Robbie, is this your football?
Yes it is. Thank you.
Is this your hat, Boddy?
Yes it is. thank you .
b: Is this your nice cake?
Yes it is.
May I use it?
Please! thank you.
Is this your ink bottle?
Yes it is.
May I use it?
c: Is this your hat, Mr White?
No! it isn't.
Is this your football?
No! it isn't.
d: Is this your hat?
Yes it is.
It is my hat.
Here you are.
Thank you very much!
Is this your glass?
No it isn't
It is my glass.
Here you are.
Thank you very much!
1: I'm hungry.
2: Give me some bread.
3: Sit down.
4: Try on that new shirt.
5: Pass me the ball.
6: All right.
7: I'm cold.
8: Look!
9: Show me your hat.
0: My hat is old.
a: Mom! I'm hungry, give me some bread.
Here you are.
Thank you.
b: Sit down! Edda.
Try on that new shirt.
Oh! nice!
c: Robbie! pass me the ball.
All right.
I'm cold, Mom!
Pass me the coat.
All right.
d: Look! this is my new hat.
Oh! nice!
Show me your hat.
My hat is old.