

时间:2023-06-02 22:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Not Sticking to Agreements
  When agreements are made, women tend to break them or change them to suit their needs, no matter what the situation is.
  1. 不守约定
  2. Keeping Their Feelings
  It's stereotypical to believe women share automatically how they are feeling. Actually, women will hold in their feelings until they are asked often enough that they spill what is on their minds.
  2. 憋住自己的感受
  3. Try to Change Their Men
  Women often understand men but don't agree with the way they are. Women try to change them to suit their needs or leave them alone completely.
  3. 试图改造自己的男人
  4. Mate Comparison
  Women, sometimes unknowingly, compare their current mate to their ex in terms of negative aspects. Comparisons should be made when it's favorable.
  4. 比较伴侣
  5. Belittling His Hobbies
  Everyone has a hobby or two that their mate doesn't like. However, you should never keep them from doing it. Also, never demand that they take an interest in your hobby. The message you send is that your hobbies are much more important than his and that's not the message you should be sending.
  5. 贬损他的嗜好
  6. Gossiping
  While it would seem to stroke the man's ego, men don't like women gossiping about them, whether it's good or bad. It doesn't matter.
  6. 八卦
  7. Nagging
  Men do not like it when a woman constantly nags them about getting things done whether or not it's with good intentions.
  7. 唠叨

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