【#高中作文# 导语】本文《高中英语作文范文:两会语言 Languages In Two Sessions》由©文档大全网高中作文频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享~感谢你的阅读与支持!
Recently, Two Sessions has been the hottest issue in China. The foreign media focuses their attention and keeps reporting every detail of the meeting. I am so impressed by the enthusiasm of the foreign media. The journalists makes the short conclusion of Chinese fast change and they want to explore how this country can make such big program in the short period. When foreign media interview the deputies, most of them speak fluent English. On the contrary, the foreign reporters ask the questions, they speak the good mandarin. During the last decade, more and more foreign people learn Chinese and they treat it the important language to help them find success. There is no doubt that English is the International language and Chinese is spoken by most people. These two languages will take the lead in the future.