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1. distance n.距离 ► 归纳拓展 at/from a distance of在/从……远的地方 in the distance在远处 keep a distance away(from) (与某人或某物)保持一定距离;(对某人或某物)冷淡,疏远 [英文典例] ① A shark can smell blood at a distance of half a kilometer. 鲨鱼能在半公里外闻到血腥味。 ②The lion looks dangerous,so I decide to keep a distance away from it. 狮子看起来很危险,所以我决定离它远点儿。 ③We saw lights in the distance. 我们看到了远处的点点灯光。 2.reduce vt.&vi.减少,降低,折扣 ► 归纳拓展 reduce(from...)to... (从……)减少/降低到 reduce by 减少了,降低了(降低的幅度) reduce sb./sth.to... 使处于(某种状态),使成为 [英文典例] ① She reduced her weight by 5 kilograms. 她把体重减轻了五公斤。 ②In order to reduce the price of their products,they will take measures to reduce costs at first. 为了降低产品价格,他们将采取措施首先减少成本。 ③If you buy more than 5 at a time,we will reduce the price by 10 percent. 如果你一次买五个以上,我们就给你减价10%。 ► 点津 表示增减升降的起/终点,用from/to,幅度用介词by,能够搭配的动词有rise,raise,grow,fall,increase,decrease,reduce等。 3.go off离开;(爆竹、铃等)响;爆炸;(食物等)变坏;不再喜欢 [英文典例] A crowd of young men went off with Jenny's portable computer. 一群年轻人抢走了詹妮的手提电脑。 ②At midnight she was watching an interesting TV series when the door bell went off. 午夜她正在观看一部有趣的电视连续剧,这时门铃响了。 ► 归纳拓展 go against 违背;反对;对……不利 go over 仔细检查;复习;再来一遍 go ahead 开始;继续;进行;前进 go along 继续进行 go into 从事(某职业);调查;研究 go through 仔细检查;经历(困难);浏览 go without 没有……也能忍受过去 ③Don't go against your boss;otherwise you will be laid off someday. 不要违背你的上司,否则总有一天你会被解雇的。 4.take up占据,占;开始从事或学习;拿起(武器等) [英文典例] ①The president called on all the country to take up arms to fight against the enemy. 总统号召全国人民拿起武器抵御外敌。②He is always very busy with paperwork,piles of documents taking up half of his desk. 他总是忙于文书工作,成堆的文件占了半个书桌。 ► 归纳拓展 take back 收回(话语);退(货) take down 记下,拿下 take in 吸收;收留;欺骗;领会 take on 雇用;承担(工作、责任);呈现 take off 去掉;脱掉;起飞;(事业)腾飞 take over 接管 take charge(of) 掌管,掌控 take one's time 不急,慢慢干 take it easy 别紧张,别着急,放心好了 ③Facing the challenge of life,Tom was determined to take up the course of design so that he could take on better work after graduation. 面对生活的挑战,汤姆决定学习设计课程,以便于能够在毕业后从事更好的工作。 ④Mr.Bush took over his uncle's furniture company,but the problem was whether he could take charge of it. 布什先生接管了他叔叔的家具公司,但问题是他是否能掌控得了。 5.at the moment此刻;目前;那时(用过去时态) [英文典例] ①I know the address well enough but I can't think of it at the moment. 我完全知道地址,但一时想不起来了。 ②The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion. 警察就在爆炸的那个时候赶到了。 ► 归纳拓展 in a moment 马上,过一会儿(常用将来时) for a moment 一会儿 for the moment 目前,暂时 (at)any moment 随时,马上 the moment(that)=as soon as/the minute/the instant/immediately/instantly/directly一……就……(引导时间状语从句) ③We are all free today and if you need help you can call us at any moment. 今天我们都有空,需要帮助可随时叫我们。 ④We have been waiting for the expert for a moment,but he hasn't showed up for the moment. 我们已经等专家一会儿了,但他目前还没有出现。 ⑤I recognized her the moment I saw her. 我一眼就认出了她。 6.as well as 既……又……,和……一样好 [英文典例] ①My old classmate as well as his wife and daughters takes interest in those TV plays. =Not only my old classmate but his wife and daughters also take interest in those TV plays. 我的老同学和他的妻子和女儿一样喜欢看那些电视剧。 ► 点津 (1)作为副词进行同等比较,即字面意思 ,译为“如同……一样好”。 (2)作为一个并列连词。A as well as B表示“即B且A;不但B而且A”。该结构作主语时,侧重点在第一个主语A上,谓语应与第一个主语A在人称和数上保持一致。比较:not only A but also B,neither A nor B,either A or B等结构作主语时,谓语动词要就近一致。 ► 拓展延伸 as well 也(常在句尾,相当于“too”) may/might as well 不妨,还是……的好 as good as 实际上(放在v./adj.前) as far as 就……而言 as long as 只要 as soon as 一……就 ②What he did has as good as shown his attitude. 他的行为实际上已经表明了他的态度。 ③A customer is complaining of our product's quality;you might as well give him a reasonable explanation. 一个客户在抱怨我们的产品的质量,你不妨给他一个合理的解释。 ④You can switch on TV as long as you finish today's assignments. 只要你完成今天的作业,就可以看电视。

