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(2016·长春市质检)It's hard to talk to Dad sometimes. His silence about his feelings and thoughts made him mysterious and hard to see through. You could never break his hard shell and get to know him. And he seemed to want to stay that way too.

But a year ago when my relationship with my wife and career took a hit, I needed my dad to pull_back_the_curtain so I could see him as real and accessible. I was facing serious problems, and I wanted to know whether he had faced them before and how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine. In desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key, so I wrote him one, telling him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it.

Two weeks later, it showed up in my inbox: a much­thought, three­page letter. Dad, a 68­year­old retired technologist and grandfather of four, had carefully considered my message, and crafted a response. He mentioned his lost love, the foolish mistake he made in career and the stupid pride he had between him and his parents. He comforted me that“life will still find its right track despite many of its twists and turns”.

I closed the email and started to cry, because I wished I had opened it up earlier but was grateful it wasn't too late. I cried because at 33, in the midst of my own struggles, his letter instantly put me at ease. And I cried because in the end, it was so simple: I just had to hit “Send”.

We've since had many email exchanges. This increasing communication opened a door into his world. My problems haven't been magically solved, but getting to know my dad better has made the tough stuff more manageable and life sweeter. It's hard to talk to dads sometimes, but I'm glad I found a way to talk to mine.

1.The author's dad can be best described as ________.

A.quiet and caring

B.optimistic and careless

C.selfish and lonely

D.indifferent and serious

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by “________”.

A.draw the curtain

B.become more optimistic

C.show his true self

D.clear the misunderstanding

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.My dad's email was quickly written.

B.I was moved when reading the email.

C.The email contained much information.

D.I wished I could have consulted him earlier.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Communication Is the Best Policy

B.Emails from My Dad

C.A Man of Few Words

D.My Mysterious Dad


(2016·南昌市模拟)China's admiration of outstanding scholars has turned the well­preserved childhood home of Tu Youyou, the Chinese pharmacologist (药理学家) who won Nobel Prize in Physiology (生理学) or Medicine, into a popular tourist destination.

Since it was announced on Monday that 85­year­old Tu had become the first Chinese citizen to win this international prize, her former home in the old town of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, has attracted visitors, especially parents and their children — even though it is not open to the public.

The house, where Tu lived until she went to university in Beijing, covers an area of 2,200 square meters and is priced at 150 million yuan ($23.6 million). It is part of a complex of 37 traditional buildings, including several city­and­district­level cultural relic preservation sites, that have been transformed into a high­end art and commercial zone.

“There are continually parents taking their children, from infants in strollers to college students, to take photos in front of Tu's former home. Security guards have been ordered to go on patrol around the clock,” said Mr. Zhao, a salesperson from Ningbo Real Estate Inc Co.

Shanghai resident Xu Lingfei, who was on a trip to Ningbo, took her 9­year­old son to walk around the complex on Wednesday. “Chinese people believe in exams and awards and have a strong preference for high performers. Taking children to visit the former dwelling places of celebrities (名人) is a way to inspire them to study harder,” Xu said.

Something similar happened after Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. Tourists started visiting Mo's former home in rural Gaomi, Shandong Province, in an endless stream starting the day after he won the prize. Some even pulled the radishes planted in front of the house and carried away some bricks.

5.Tu Youyou's former house is now popular mainly because ________.

A.Tu won the Nobel Prize

B.it has some cultural relics

C.it covers a large area

D.it is a great art and commercial zone

6.Why did Xu Lingfei take her son to visit Tu's former home?

A.She admired Tu very much.

B.She planned to buy the house.

C.She intended to take photos there.

D.She wanted her son to be inspired.

7.Where is Mo Yan's former home located?

A.Shanghai.     B.Gaomi.

C.Ningbo. D.Beijing.

8.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Tu Youyou's former home is for sale.

B.More Chinese have won the Nobel Prize.

C.Nobel Prize winner's home becomes an instant attraction.

D.Children benefit from visiting Nobel Prize winner's home. C

(2016·长沙四校模拟)Can you imagine an engineer building a tall skyscraper without a plan? Someone said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Success is no accident. It doesn't just magically happen. You have to plan for it to happen. As one guy put it, “You must plan for a great future. After all, you have to spend the rest of your life there.” We must have some kind of plan of what we want and how we'll get it.

You see, if you achieve nothing, you'll hit it every time. A wise person said, “If you've accomplished everything you've planned in life, then you've probably not planned enough. You're getting too old when all your dreams are reruns (重演).”

The very successful head of the Chrysler Corporation, Lee Iacocca, used to ask his workers, “What do you want to do? What do you want to be? What do you want to have? Where do you want to go? How do you plan to get there? Write it down. Now go to do it. It doesn't get any simpler or better than that.”

So why not start living your life on purpose? First dream it, and then do it. They say that one hour of planning will save you three hours of wasted time and work. With a plan, your work is working for you. Your plan will keep you in control of your life, moving ahead toward your goal of success and happiness.

After you plan your work, you have to make your plan work. Discipline is what brings your dreams into real life. A dream with no discipline will just remain a dream, and a plan without work will be a plan that won't work.

9.We should live our life on purpose because ________.

A.making a plan reduces the cost of our work

B.making a plan leads us to get close to success

C.we can finish our work easily with a good plan

D.making a plan lets us achieve our goals immediately

10.We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A.planning your work is the most important

B.discipline makes up for an imperfect plan

C.one will fail if he makes a plan without carrying it out

D.everyone needs a detailed plan in order to realize his dream

11.What's the best title for the text?

A.Never give up your dream

B.How to plan your work

C.Success requires hard work

D.Make a plan ahead of time



Eco­friendly Car Racer

Can you image a car racer is so eco­friendly that its tyres are made from potatoes, its body is created from hemp (大麻) and rapeseed oil and it runs on fuel made from wheat and sugar beet? The one­seater racing car called Eco One is built by experts from Warwick University, who hope that Eco One will be adopted by the automotive industry. It is sold at £ 41,000.

Pollution­sensitive Dress

Don't be caught outside unaware of pollution levels in the air. The pollution­sensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly. This dress — which is actually quite pretty — looks like you pull it from the bottom of the dirty laundry pile when the air is dirty. It might protect your health by advising you to stay indoors for the day, but it won't do you any favor if you're meeting with clients.

Eco­friendly Umbrella

Traditional umbrellas come with a fixed surface. Although it's changeable, you cannot replace it easily. This eco­friendly design is more flexible. It's actually only an umbrella skeleton without any surface, which can be folded, so you can put anything such as newspapers, plastic bags or whatever you want to serve as the protecting surface.

Eco­friendly Moss (苔藓) Carpet

It's said that walking on fresh grass increases your blood circulation. The Moss Carpet, created by Nguyen La Chanh, looks at getting the grass to your feet. The mat includes ball moss, island moss and forest moss. The humidity (湿度) of the bathroom makes sure that it grows well. And that's why you need to place it there and not anywhere else.

12.According to Paragraph 1, we can find Eco One________.

A.can seat one passenger and one driver

B.is mainly made from some kinds of plants

C.can't be afforded by the public at present

D.will take the place of the traditional car industry

13.Why is EPA Dress designed?

A.To advise people to stay at home as often as possible.

B.To make women look pretty even in the polluted air.

C.To stop people from meeting their clients if necessary.

D.To keep users informed of the polluted levels in the air.

14.Compared with traditional umbrellas, the Eco­friendly Umbrella________.

A.is changeable

B.can be folded

C.hasn't any surface

D.is made of newspapers

15.Where does the text probably come from?

A.A personal blog.     B.A health report.

C.An official document. D.A science report.


(2016·河南省八市重点高中质检)Moving abroad can be a challenging experience. You leave your family, friends and everything you know behind. You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different. __16__. It's a time to discover new things, make new friends and begin a new adventure.

So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?

Live with a native speaker

__17__. First, you have a friend! Living alone can be a lonely experience, especially if you're far from home. I've also had the opportunity to meet my housemate's friends and socialize (交往) with them. __18__. In addition, you have someone to tell you about the cultural customs and interesting places in the area.

Socialize with the local people

The thought of making friends and mixing with the local people may seem scary at first but it's worth it. __19__, attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange with people that are interested in learning your native language.


The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience. I've tried things that I've never tried before. My knowledge of different bread and cheese types has grown greatly.

A.Try the local food

B.But it's also exciting

C.I currently volunteer with homeless people

D.You can also speak the local language every day

E.Improve my French vocabulary and understanding

F.You can meet other people in the area by joining a club

G.There are many advantages of living with a native

speaker Ⅲ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

(2016·山西省八校联考)One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored.__21__ feeling sorry for myself, I wanted to meet people and have new __22__ so I decided to start volunteering.I found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.

Volunteering __23__ so many opportunities to have fun and share __24__ stories.It was the first time for me to work on a farm.It was almost a(n) __25__ holiday as food and accommodation were provided.It was not one __26__ holiday, however, as I had to __27__ fifteen horses and sheep!I soon discovered that I was a(n) __28__ farmer but it did not matter because I made some great friends and also improved my __29__.

However, you do not __30__ go abroad to volunteer.I have had plenty of adventures at home as volunteering can become a __31__.For example, I love __32__ so I had a good laugh waving my arms in order to __33__ my local choir (合唱团).At university, I organized a concert for charity with my friends.It was really __34__ to find bands and raise money for a cause.

It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other __35__.I once volunteered as a steward (干事) at a charity sports event where the organizers __36__ gave me cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my __37__.I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to __38__ my wardrobe.

While this is all fun, my favourite aspect of volunteering is __39__ and sharing stories.My terrible __40__ at farming has given me funny stories to tell!

21.A.Apart from      B.Due to

C.Instead of D.But for

22.A.experiences B.discoveries

C.opportunities D.changes

23.A.recommends B.demands

C.offers D.seizes

24.A.popular B.fantastic

C.familiar D.important

25.A.impressive B.free

C.cheap D.special

26.A.unique B.regular

C.typical D.convenient

27.A.attend to B.research into

C.hunt for D.communicate with

28.A.skillful B.suitable

C.hard­working D.awful

29.A.English B.French

C.Russian D.Chinese

30.A.normally B.basically

C.naturally D.necessarily

31.A.hobby B.trend

C.job D.reality

32.A.dancing B.writing

C.singing D.performing

33.A.greet B.control

C.organize D.conduct

34.A.powerful B.hopeful

C.meaningful D.successful

35.A.adventures B.advantages

C.factors D.achievements

36.A.generously B.cautiously

C.equally D.proudly

37.A.services B.patience

C.determination D.choices

38.A.decorate B.replace

C.beautify D.update

39.A.creating B.imagining

C.choosing D.completing

40.A.offence B.shame

C.attempt D.annoyance





Baidu is not a doctor

When people __1__ (face) with a health or nutrition question, it's __2__ (increasing) common to go online and diagnose (诊断) themselves. But the Internet is full of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to get rid of the wrong advice, some of which __3__ (be) extremely dangerous!

Also, search engines rank results by popularity rather than __4__ (accurate), so solid facts can be tricky to find. It's worth __5__ (check) if the writer of an online piece is properly qualified as an expert. Anyone can call __6__ (they) a “diet expert”, “nutritionist” and even a “doctor” — given it could refer to qualifications like a PhD. But remember, only officially __7__ (recognise) practicing doctors as well as dietitians have degrees in giving medical __8__ (suggest). So if you're unsure and still wondering __9__ the chocolate diet really does work or not, then it pays to make __10__ appointment with your dietitian or doctor. The truth is out there, and you just need to look in the right place!

1.____________2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________

6____________7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________ Ⅱ.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear David,

I'm glad that you've noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. Thanks your concern.

Although too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our government encouraged us to use environmentally­friendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become a rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. Realized the advantages of such bags, more and more people have started using it.

I believe that the widely use of these shopping bags can improve their environment. This is one of the many steps we take to make our country an even clean place.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua













参考词汇:接待家庭host family

Dear Sir/Madam,Yours faithfully, Li Hua






1.选A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“His silence about his feelings and thoughts”可知,父亲是沉默寡言的;根据第三段可知,其实父亲很关心作者。A项意为“安静和体贴的”;B项意为“乐观和粗心的”;C项意为“自私和孤独的”;D项意为“冷漠和严肃的”。故选A。

2.选C 词义猜测题。根据下文的“so I could see him as real and accessible”可知,作者需要父亲展现真实的自己。故选C。

3.选A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Two weeks later, it showed up in my inbox: a much­thought, three­page letter”可知,父亲的邮件并不是很快写完的。故选A。

4.选B 标题归纳题。作者与父亲之间真正的内心情感交流是由父亲回复的邮件开始的,也是这封邮件让作者找到了与父亲交流的途径。B项紧扣主题。故选B。



5.选A 细节理解题。根据第二段的整体内容可知,屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔奖,她的故居因此声名大噪,成为一个新兴的旅游景点。

6.选D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Taking children to visit the former dwelling places of celebrities (名人) is a way to inspire them to study harder”可知,Xu Lingfei带儿子参观屠呦呦故居是为了激励自己的儿子。

7.选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Tourists started visiting Mo's former home in rural Gaomi, Shandong Province, in an endless stream starting the day after he won the prize”可知,莫言的故乡在山东省高密市。

8.选C 主旨大意题。文章第一段开篇点题,并和最后一段首尾呼应,由此可推知,本文主要讲的是诺贝尔奖获得者的故居备受人们追捧,成为新的旅游景点。



9.选B 细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段中的“Your plan will keep you in control of your life, moving ahead toward your goal of success and happiness”可知,制订计划可以让我们离成功与幸福更近一步。

10.选C 推理判断题。根据文中最后一段的内容可推知,如果一个人只是制订计划而不付诸实践,那么就永远不会成功。

11.选D 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述的是成功不是偶然的,它需要我们对自己的未来有明确的规划。只有这样,我们才能离成功与幸福更近一步。故选D。



12.选B 推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句可知,Eco One是主要由植物制成的环保型产品,故选B。

13.选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The pollution­sensitive EPA Dress by Stephanie Sandstrom notices pollution in the air accordingly.”可知,EPA Dress有助于让使用者了解到空气的污染程度。故选D。

14.选C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Traditional umbrellas ... It's actually only an umbrella skeleton without any surface, which can be folded”可知答案。

15.选D 推理判断题。文中主要介绍了四款环保型科技产品,故可推知其最有可能摘自科技报告。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五


16.选B 根据空格前的内容“You enter a new culture where ... are different”及空格后的内容“It's a time to discover new things ... a new adventure”可知,空格处起承上启下的作用。故选B。

17.选G 根据该段小标题“Live with a native speaker”可知,应选G。

18.选D 该段主要讲述了与本地人一起居住的好处,故选D。

19.选F 根据该段小标题“Socialize with the local people”及下文的“attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange”可知,空格处内容应是与当地人交往的具体做法,故选F。

20.选A 最后一段讲述的内容与饮食有关,故选A。



21.选C 下文提到作者决定做志愿工作,故这里应是“我想见到更多人并有新的经历,而不是自怨自艾”。Instead of“而不是,取代”,符合语境。

22.选A 参见上题解析。experience意为“经历”,符合语境。

23.选C 此处指“志愿工作提供很多能让人玩得愉快并分享精彩的故事的机会”。offer意为“提供”,符合语境。

24.选B 参见上题解析。fantastic意为“美妙的,精彩的”,符合语境。

25.选B 根据下文的“as food and accommodation were provided”可知,农场提供食物和住宿,故此处表示它几乎是一个免费的 (free) 假期。

26.选C 根据上文的“work on a farm”及下文的“as I had to ________ fifteen horses and sheep”可知,这不是一个典型的(typical)假期,因为作者在农场工作,而且必须照顾十五匹马和羊。

27.选A 参见上题解析。attend to sb./sth.意为“照顾某人/某物”。

28.选D 根据下文的“but”及最后一段中的“My terrible ________ at farming”可知,此处指“不久我就发现我是一个糟糕的(awful)农民”。

29.选B 根据第一段中的“on a farm in France”可知,作者在法国的农场从事志愿工作,所以应是提高法语。

30.选D 根据下文的“I have had plenty of adventures at home ...”可知,作者在国内有许多冒险经历,故可推知“你不一定要去国外从事志愿工作”。necessarily意为“必要地”,not necessarily“不一定”。

31.选A 下文提到的志愿工作显然是作者的爱好,关键词“love”就是暗示,故用hobby。

32.选C 根据下文的“my local choir (合唱团)”和“I organized a concert for charity ...”可知,作者喜欢唱歌(singing)。

33.选D 根据上文的“I had a good laugh waving my arms ...”及后面的“my local choir (合唱团)”可推知,此处指挥动胳膊来指挥(conduct)当地的合唱团。

34.选C 找乐队并为慈善事业筹钱真的很有意义。meaningful意为“有意义的”,符合语境。

35.选B 根据下文的“gave me cupcakes ...”“so I found loads of nice cheap clothes”可知,这里说的是“你确实能感受到志愿工作的好处,但是它还有其他的优点(advantages)”。

36.选A 根据下文的“...cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to than

