

时间:2023-11-09 16:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  66. ---- Can you come to my birthday party?
  ---- Sorry, I can’t. I________________ . (have)
  67. ----Does he do exercises every day?
  ----Yes. It___________________ evry morning. (take)
  68. ---- Do you know anything about the singer?
  ----Yes. I hear she_____________________ at the age of six. (sing)
  69. ----- Did you go to the movie last night?
  ---- Yes. But by the time I got there, the movie ____________. (for).
  70. ---- I’ve waited here for along time. It’s too late.
  ---- Bon’t worry. You______________________ . (until)
  71. ---- what do you think of the hotel?
  ----They _______________. (enough)
  72. ---- Could you tell me_____________________? (put)
  ---- Sorry, I don’t know.
(2011年 襄阳)
  66. have to (stay at home and/to) look after (take care of/ care of) my grandmother at home
  67. takes him half an hour to run to keep (stay) fit(healthy) to make his body strong
  68. began (started) to be (become) interested (take an interest) in singing foreign songs
  69. had been on for more than (over) ten minutes
  70. won’t (can’t/aren’t going to) leave (aren’t leaving) (here) until you are called (someone calls you)
  71. serv e(d) (us) warmly enough to make us feel at home
  72. if (whether) the math (game/competiton) should b put off (we should put off the match/game/competiton) because of the rain (because it will rain/it is raining)

