

时间:2022-05-17 18:55:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】五月五,我用真诚的心包一个粽子,我集美好的祝福做一只香囊,我以甜蜜的微笑采一株菖蒲,送给你,愿它们给你带来幸运、幸福与平安,端午节快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, the fragrance of zongzi floats in the streets and alleys. This year, my mother's craft has improved again. Her zongzi is not square or round, but diamond shaped. The shapes and varieties of zongzi are different, including red jujube stuffing, meat stuffing, bean paste stuffing and honey jujube stuffing... My favorite food is honey jujube zongzi. Peel off the leaves of zongzi. There is a round honey jujube in the snow-white glutinous rice. Take a bite, which is sweet but not greasy, and gives people endless aftertaste.

  Speaking of Duan Wu Jie, there is a touching story! The Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than 1000 years. It is said to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a minister of the state of Chu named Qu Yuan. He not only writes poems well, but also has considerable strategy; He is both a poet and a politician. Qu Yuan was born in the nobility of the state of Chu. At first, he was trusted by King Huai of Chu. He was a high-ranking official of Zuo Tui. He advocated improving internal affairs and uniting Qi against Qin. However, Yin Zijiao, the order of King Huai of Chu, Jin Shang, a senior official, and Zheng Xiu, his favorite imperial concubine, were bribed by Zhang Yi, an envoy of the state of Qin, which not only prevented King Huai from accepting Qu Yuan's opinions, but also slandered and alienated him. As a result, King Huai of Chu was lured away by the state of Qin and imprisoned to death in the state of Qin. After King Qingxiang ascended the throne, Qu Yuan continued to be persecuted and exiled again and again. In 278 BC, general Bai Qi of the state of Qin led his troops South and conquered the capital of the state of Chu. Qu Yuan was desperate for his future and committed suicide in the Miluo River in May of the lunar calendar. After hearing the news, everyone fished Qu Yuan's body one after another, but found nothing. People were afraid that fish would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they threw zongzi into the river. From then on, there was the custom of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. Qu Yuan wrote many immortal poems, such as "Li Sao", "Tian Wen" and so on... I like the Dragon Boat Festival very much because it contains rich meaning.

  The happiest part of the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to our children. When we came to the street, there was a fragrant pendant on our chest. It was called a sachet. It was woven with fancy cloth and embroidered with various blessings with colorful threads. Sachets have different shapes, heart-shaped and star shaped... I have a sachet with the word "heart" and charming aroma


  On May 28, the weather was a little hot, but it could not stop people's enthusiasm for the traditional event of dragon boat race in the Dragon Boat Festival.

  This morning, as a member of the dragon head * *, I came to the opening ceremony of the "XX Xi'an Seoul Lake Dragon Boat Festival". The gongs and drums were noisy and very lively. Here, I saw the team members from 13 different contestants preparing for the competition on site. Among them were the team of foreign students. The team members formed a circle to cheer and encourage their team. Their cheering methods were particularly eye-catching.

  I interviewed the participants at random, and they expressed great enthusiasm for the topic of dragon boat race. I interviewed one of the big Chinese brothers, "how do you spend the Dragon Boat Festival?" But unfortunately, my brother didn't hear me very clearly. I asked, "do you eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival?" This time, the big brother replied loudly, "of course!" Just as I was preparing for the next question, our team shouted to gather, and I said to my big brother, "thank you, come on, come on!"

  At the opening ceremony, the guests made a "dragon head finishing touch" for each participating dragon boat, implying good luck and wish the team members good results. After the completion of the sacrificial offering and sacrificial ceremony, the Dragon Boat Race officially began.

  The 13 teams, in pairs, need to complete the 500 meter race in the shortest time and compete for the right to enter the semi-finals. The game begins! Among them, the contestants of the West first dragon boat team made great efforts to move forward. When they were close to the finish line, the cheers of the audience on the stand became more intense.

  Moreover, there has always been a boat on the river, carrying the performance team, singing loud songs for the audience and competitors.

  This is my first time to do * *. Thank the dragon head culture for giving me this opportunity to show myself.


  What a nice day today! Sunny, blue sky, floating a few white clouds, leisurely strolling around, can be really beautiful!

  The annual Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is coming again. The streets and alleys are filled with colorful flags, and the aroma of zongzi is floating in the windows of every household. People dressed in gorgeous clothes came to the river to watch the dragon boat race. I saw eight handsome dragon boats lying in the shape of "one" on the river, like dragons ready to take off. The Dragon Boat athletes are full of spirit one by one, with hero knots tied on their heads, with the word "victory" written on them. The cheerleading team is also ready to raise their voice and shout come on

  Just listen to the referee's gun "bang", the dragon boat on the river rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, and the drummer beat the gongs and drums hard. Every time he knocked, he rowed an oar. The Dragon Boat athletes paddled with powerful arms and rushed to the end. At this time, I saw the No. 6 dragon boat gradually pulling away, and other team members were unwilling to be outdone, especially the No. 8 dragon boat. They rowed their double oars like crazy and rushed forward. They were about to reach the end. The team members rowed faster and harder than before.

  At this moment, No. 2 broke out, surpassed No. 8 in one breath, changed to the second place, and the distance from the first place gradually narrowed. When No. 2 and No. 6 competed for the first place, No. 4 surpassed No. 2 and No. 6 and reached the first place. Finally, No. 4 won the first place, and the applause and cheers of the audience resounded through the sky!

  Today's dragon boat race is really spectacular! At the same time, I also understand that learning also needs to make efforts to achieve good results!


  I stood on the noisy arch bridge. The air was filled with the smell of ice cream, glutinous rice dumplings, and the smell of algae from the river... It was like a pot of hodgepodge. Not only the smell is strange, but also noisy. In front of him, a tall father let the baby ride on his shoulder. The baby panicked and scratched on his father's head with chubby little hands. But Dad's hair was short and sweaty. The baby's hair "slipped" and slipped away again, which made him more worried. His head tilted back and just knocked on the head of the person behind him. The people behind wanted to talk to the father, but they couldn't say anything, just adding a bit of excitement to the bridge.

  Compared with the noisy bridge, the opposite bank is much cleaner. One by one, high-rise buildings seem to line up to the end of the world. Sometimes, when the breeze blows, it will shake the tender green willow branches, just like a green swing flying into the sky.

  Suddenly, the drumming of the drum burst into my ears - it was the beginning of the Dragon Boat Race! I pushed away the crowd and pushed to the front. At a glance, I saw the blue dragon boat rushing in front. The Dragon Boat didn't use drums to sound, but whistles. The commanding hand was agitated by his cheek, which made the veins on his neck burst. He didn't think it was enough to dance with his hands and feet. It was a complete struggle. The rower worked too hard and splashed white water. The water dragon churned and splashed the helmsman. But the helmsman didn't realize that whether it was sweat or river water, he just narrowed his eyes into a slit and looked hard at the heading ahead.

  At the end of the race, the people on the Dragon Boat relaxed and accidentally turned over on one side. Although the crew fell into the water, they didn't care at all, and their faces were still excited and excited. There were many cheers and curses in the Dragon Boat Festival air.


  Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity of the Dragon Boat Festival of the Chinese nation. The origin of this activity is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient China.

  On the fifth Dragon Boat Festival in May this year, I had the honor to watch a dragon boat race with my father. Although it was 7 o'clock in the morning, the shore was already packed with people. Before the game started, the two sides of the Strait were already thundering with applause and shouting. My father pulled me to rush left and right, pushed forward and pushed back. I finally squeezed into the crowd. Standing in the crowd, I really felt like a Tang Monk and apprentice stepping into the flame mountain.

  Exquisite dragon boats are moored by the river. The dragon boats are long and narrow. Each dragon head is very beautiful and lifelike. The dragon tail is also like the tail of a Python and the tail of a lion. Seen from a distance, it looks like several dragons ready to go on the water. The clothes of the racers on each boat are neat in style and bright in color, but the colors are different, some are red, some are yellow, and some are blue... They are really gorgeous and beautiful.

  The dragon boat race began. Each dragon boat was like an arrow off the string. It rushed forward vigorously. The speed of each dragon boat was equal: Red No. 1 in a moment and blue No. 8 in a moment caught up again. Suddenly, the rowers seemed to have a great increase in strength, and the speed of each dragon boat was faster. At this time, the drummer began to sound the drum, and the rower immediately shouted with rhythm: "Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Ho! Ho! Ho." God seemed to cheer, and it began to drizzle. What a drum! voice! Cheer!

  The speed of the dragon boat is faster and faster, as if the dragons were soaring in the river. Gradually, gradually. No. 1, No. 5 and No. 9 constitute the group. 100 meters! 50 meters! The 20 meter finish line is getting closer and closer, and the power of No. 5 broke out uncontrollably! Left the two dragon boats far behind, and then crossed the line!

  Through this dragon boat race, let me understand that only unity and cooperation, perseverance and never give up will win!


  Today is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar. It is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. The sun scorched the earth, but the hot weather couldn't stop my enthusiasm to watch the Dragon Boat Race in Jinsha Bay. I urged my parents to come to Jinsha Bay early.

  Jinsha Bay is a sea of people, with colorful flags and gongs and drums. My parents and I squeezed into the crowd and found a good place to watch the game. On the broad river, there are six dragon boats side by side. The dragon head of the dragon boat is vividly carved and tied with red silk representing victory. The contestants were dressed in uniform with bright headscarves tied to their heads. They were in high spirits and ready to go.

  With the sound of drums, the game began! Six dragon boats, like arrows off the strings, flew straight to the other side! They sometimes go hand in hand and sometimes compete with each other... The red team is far away, and the yellow team follows closely behind, catching up! The spectators watching the red team shouted: "come on! Red team, come on..." the spectators watching the yellow team were also unwilling to show weakness: "yellow team, come on! Yellow team, come on..." the cheering sound rose one after another, one wave after another. The players of the red team and the yellow team heard the sound of refueling, like a fully oiled racing car, flying on the water! Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin, the green team, was killed on the way, and the power from the green team caught up! Two meters away from the finish line, the audience shouted, "come on! Come on..." the sound was earth shaking. The green team won the championship miraculously! The red team and the yellow team were hoodwinked at once! The green team is amazing this time! The players of the green team clapped their hands and cheered, and the audience was boiling!

  The dragon boat race was over and the crowd dispersed slowly, but the exciting scene and the spirit of the contestants fighting for the first place were deeply engraved in my heart.


  Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. Originated in ancient times, the people of the state of Chu were reluctant to give up their virtuous minister Qu Yuan and died in the river. Many people rowed to catch up and save them. They scrambled and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, we row a dragon boat on May 5 every year to commemorate it. By rowing a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river, so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body.

  We eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional custom of the Chinese people. Zongzi was officially designated as the food for the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, in addition to glutinous rice, the raw materials of zongzi are also added with Yizhiren, a traditional Chinese medicine. Cooked zongzi is said to be doped with yizhizong rice, chestnut, red jujube, red bean, etc., and the variety increases. Zongzi is also used as a gift for communication.

  Famous AI and AI Hao. Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oil. Its peculiar fragrance can drive away mosquitoes, flies, insects and ants and purify the air. Acorus calamus is a perennial aquatic herb. Its long and narrow leaves also contain volatile aromatic oil. It is a drug for refreshing and dredging orifices, strengthening bones and eliminating stagnation, killing insects and sterilization.

  It can be seen that the ancients inserted AI and Acorus calamus had a certain disease prevention effect. The Dragon Boat Festival is also a health Festival handed down from ancient times. On this day, people sweep the courtyard, hang wormwood branches, hang Acorus calamus, sprinkle realgar water, drink realgar wine, excite turbidity, remove rot, sterilize and prevent diseases. These activities also reflect the fine traditions of the Chinese nation.

  In the Tang Dynasty, the rice used in zongzi was as white as jade, and its shape appeared conical and rhombic. The wrapping material of zongzi has changed from wild rice leaves to Ruo leaves, and then zongzi wrapped with reed leaves. The additional materials have appeared bean paste, pork, pine nut kernel, jujube, walnut and so on.

  Until today, at the beginning of May every year, Chinese people soak glutinous rice, wash Zongye and wrap zongzi, with a wide variety of designs and colors. From the stuffing point of view, Beijing jujube zongzi with more jujubes in the north; In the south, there are bean paste, fresh meat, ham, egg yolk and other fillings, including zongzi in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.


  Yesterday, I took a bus home and suddenly saw a dragon boat on which side of the gray bridge. I thought it must be the Dragon Boat Festival again. When I got home, I told my father about it. My father said, "well, tomorrow is a weekend. I'll take you to see the dragon boat race." I was so happy that I almost fainted.

  Early this morning, we took our own dumplings and set out for Sanlong. Sanlong is a wetland in Wenzhou. Where the river network is vertical and horizontal, many dragon boats race there every year, which is lively. On the way, my father told me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It turns out that the Dragon Boat Festival is a memorial day to commemorate Qu Yuan, an ancient patriotic poet in China.

  During the Warring States period, there was a monarch of the state of Chu who was very fatuous. He ate, drank and played all day and ignored the government. The people lived in dire straits, and the country was already under siege. In order to save the country, Qu Yuan put forward many good policies for governing the country to the king, but the king didn't listen at all. Qu Yuan didn't want to be a subjugated slave, so he threw himself into a river in the Miluo River. Later, in order to commemorate him, people had the custom of eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats on the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When we arrived at Sanlong, the river bank was already a sea of people. There are many dragon boats approaching here on each river. The competition is about to begin. The athletes are grinding their fists and rubbing their palms, eager to try. In the first round, there were four dragon boats: red, yellow, black and white. I like the white boat and I want to cheer for him. At this time, there was a gunshot, and suddenly the Dragon drums and bugles were roaring. The four dragon boats shot out like arrows. The audience on the shore was boiling. I also began to cheer for the white boat: "come on, come on, come on, white boat." The race was over. Although I was a little sorry that my favorite white boat only won the second place, I was still moved by their spirit of gritting their teeth and sticking to the end when they were behind. I think today's Dragon Boat Festival is really delicious.


  Dragon boat racing is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival and one of the most important folk activities of the Han nationality in the Dragon Boat Festival. It is very popular in the south of the people's Republic of China and there is also the habit of rowing dry dragon boats in the north. There are many theories about its origin. There are sacrificial activities such as sacrificing Cao E, sacrificing Qu Yuan, sacrificing water god or Dragon God. Its origin can be traced back to the end of primitive society. It has been listed in the intangible cultural heritage list. Dragon boat racing has been introduced to neighboring countries such as Japan, Vietnam and Britain. It is an official event of the Guangzhou Asian Games.

  "Dragon Boat Race" is a custom that existed in the Warring States period. During the Warring States period, people carved dragon shaped canoes in the rush of drums and played Race Games to entertain gods and people. At this time, the dragon boat race was a semi religious and semi entertaining program in the sacrifice. In the two lakes region, sacrificing Qu Yuan is closely related to dragon boat racing. Maybe after the death of Qu Yuan, Cao E and Wu Zixu, the local people also used soul boats to bury their souls, so there is this custom. However, in addition to commemorating Qu Yuan, dragon boat racing has also given different meanings to people everywhere.

  Before the dragon boat race, we should invite the dragon and offer sacrifices to the gods. For example, before the Dragon Boat Festival, Guangdong dragon boats should start underwater, sacrifice the Nanhai God in the Nanhai temple, install the dragon head and dragon tail, and then prepare for the race. And buy a pair of paper cockerels and put them on the dragon boat, thinking that they can bless the boat. Fujian and Taiwan went to Mazu temple to worship. Some sacrifice the dragon head directly by the river, killing chickens and dripping blood on the dragon head, such as Sichuan, Guizhou and other individual areas.

  Before the dragon boat race, various sacrificial and commemorative ceremonies will be held. Generally, incense candles and paper money will be burned for chicken, rice, meat, fruit, zongzi, etc. Nowadays, these superstitious rituals are rare, but in the past, when people offered sacrifices to the Dragon Temple, the atmosphere was very serious. They prayed for a good harvest in agriculture, good weather, going astray, bustling about disasters and good luck in everything, and also blessed the safety of boating. In people's words, "a lucky picture" expresses people's good wishes.


  The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is inserted, and the hall is full of incense. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat went into the water happily. Today I'll take you to the Dragon Boat Race!

  At seven o'clock this morning, the river was already crowded with hermits. The race was about to begin. Several dragon boats lined up on the river. With a bang, all the dragon boats rushed out. Like a runaway horse, a stray arrow, galloping through the waves. The cheers and cheers of the audience on both sides of the Strait are cheering for their champion team.

  A hundred oars flew over and stirred up snow-white waves. It's almost the end, and the players on each dragon boat are exhausted. But they still paddled the oars hard, fell together, and the dragon boat approached bit by bit.

  Finally, No. 2 Dragon Boat won the championship! The competition was over, but the Dragon Boat spirit of chasing after each other, striving for the top, fair competition and positive progress deeply infected me!

