
时间:2021-08-24 07:14:46 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一轮明月,映照喜庆人间;一盒月饼,融入幸福香甜;一樽美酒,酝酿团圆美满;一句问候,道不尽情谊绵绵;一声祝福,情谊中秋洒遍。愿我的祝福陪你度中秋,幸福美好全部接收!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the Mid Autumn Festival, I asked some students to enjoy the moon on my balcony. Dad also prepared moon cakes, pomegranates, pears and other food for us to enjoy the moon.

  In the evening, the little friends I invited came to my house one after another. Everyone sat around the round table, eating food, talking and laughing. Gradually night fell, when Zhong Yuanyue shouted, look! When we looked in the direction he pointed, we saw the moon like a shy girl, shyly stretching out half of her head from behind a layer of dark clouds and secretly looking down. We found nothing moving. As soon as we turned around, it appeared in the sky. The sky was like a bright lamp, and the surrounding scenery was plated with a layer of silver white. My friends and I looked at the bright moon hanging in the night sky and talked about it. After a while, the moon girl disappeared surrounded by a layer of white. What a disappointment! We had to wait patiently for the moon girl to come out again.

  After a while, the moon appeared. Now we found that it was brighter and more crystal clear. It was so pure and bright. It was really beautiful. We stared at the bright moon and vaguely found that there were countless gray mountains in the moon. My partner Zhou Duan couldn't help telling the fairy tale of Chang'e running to the moon. She spoke so loudly that we were all attracted by her.

  After a while, a piece of white clouds floated on the horizon, covering the beautiful face of yue'er. Yue'er immediately radiated Qinghui from the edge of the white clouds and inlaid a brilliant halo around the white clouds. The halo held the white clouds to flow gently under the moon. The moonlight lit up half of the sky. Only one or two stars could be seen in the far horizon.

  Looking up into the distance, the bright moonlight shone brightly on the willows by the lake, like a layer of white frost. The shadow of the moon seems to be reflected on the lake. The lake forms a layer of bright waves, glittering like a swimming dragon like a silver scale. Fang Liang, who is known as a little literary hero, looks at this beautiful scenery, is full of poetry, walks on his back with his hands, and can't help reciting ancient poems. The moon in front of his bed is bright, and he doubts the frost on the ground

  After a while, the moonlight disappeared again. The night was very deep, but everyone was still talking together. When it comes to the ideal of growing up, we all hope to be astronauts, travel in the sky in spaceships, land on the moon, develop treasures and serve the people.

  Everyone looked at the sky and hoped that the moon would reappear.


  Mid Autumn Festival what a beautiful traditional festival it is. I've heard from my mother that this day is in autumn, so it's called the Mid Autumn Festival. It is commonly known as August Festival. On this day, people celebrate this traditional festival in various forms.

  The Mid Autumn Festival, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally arrived. After dinner, our family happily came to the seaside to enjoy the moon. Unknowingly, we came to our destination. The beach was full of lights and a sea of people. We walked along the beach while watching. This is, I saw a bright moon hanging in the sky, illuminating the whole earth. There are groups on the beach, singing and laughing one after another. Some gathered around to raise their glasses to the moon, some sang and danced. Laughter has long broken the silent night.

  We found a place on the beach, covered with plastic cloth, took out moon cakes, fruits and drinks, and sat together to enjoy the joy of the festival. Looking at this noisy scene, I can't help thinking of the story that my grandmother said, "there is Chang'e and the lovely little jade rabbit on the moon". I thought: if only I could play with them! Staring at the moon, chewing sweet moon cakes and listening to my father talk about the legend of the moon, I think of whether my relatives in the distance enjoy the joy of the festival like me. At this moment, it reminds me of the poem "raise your head to look at the bright moon and lower your head to think of your hometown" by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

  The beach is getting busier and busier. This is, I found many children holding a red lantern to light a fire below. I came closer to see that it was called "Kong Mingdeng". It is made of small iron wire and red plastic paper. There is a piece of wax oil at the bottom of the lamp. Light the wax oil and wait for a while. Push it up by hand as much as possible. It will rise slowly and higher by the wind. Looking at the "Kongming lamp" released by others, I was very envious. My father seemed to see my mind and bought me a "Kongming lamp" and I released it myself. "Kong Mingdeng" rose into the sky. Looking at the "Kong Mingdeng" rising higher and higher, I silently wish all children a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

  The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable. It was getting late, so we had to leave the beach reluctantly.


  On the morning of August 15, I opened my eyes, put on my clothes and got out of bed. I found that my parents had prepared breakfast early. I talked about hygiene and came to the dinner table. My father said to me, "Jiacheng, do you know what day it is today?" "August 15th reunion day." I said. "By the way, after breakfast, because it's reunion day, I'm going to grandma's house for the festival," said dad. Not to mention how happy I was.

  After an hour, my father picked up my fourth father. My mother and I moved the big and small bags downstairs. There are Grandma's favorite clothes, tea and snacks, Grandpa's favorite taste, mellow Laobaigan and wine

  On the highway, there is a constant stream of vehicles. People waiting for cars to go home for the festival are standing by the road one after another. Rows and rows of white poplars stand on both sides of the road, like standing guard for us. Chirping birds fly around, like passing the good news of "festival, Festival...".

  Unknowingly, I went to grandma's house. After I said hello to my grandparents and hugged them, the family was immersed in the joy of reunion after a long separation.

  Jingling, the phone rang. I picked up the phone. It turned out that the second father and the third father called from Beijing. I said hello to them and passed the phone to my grandmother who was busy preparing meals with my mother. Listening to grandma's happy words and the long telephone time, I can feel how much my second father and third father in Beijing miss their relatives at home. Because today is reunion day!

  At noon, it's time for dinner. Mom and grandma made a lot of delicious food. There is braised pig's head meat. The pig's head meat emits a strong aroma. When chewed, it is unique. Five kinds of seasonings are added to the taste, which is particularly delicious. And the dumpling filled with leek and diced meat. When you bite it down, the soup overflows... The food on the table is really a delicious meal. The delicious food on the table seemed to wave to me. My eyes lit up and my mouth watered greedily. After Grandpa, grandma, dad and mom sat down, I couldn't wait to pick up a piece of braised meat. As soon as I was about to send it to my mouth, I remembered what my mother said to me, "good things should be given to my grandparents first". I stood up and sent the braised meat to my grandparents. My grandparents couldn't close their smiles and boasted that I was a good grandson.

  In the evening, one family in the East and one in the west of the village set off firecrackers one after another. After dinner, we went to the bungalow, took out colorful fireworks and firecrackers, and began to set off. I lit the firecrackers and fireworks leads with incense, hid in the distance as soon as possible, roaring... Several loud noises, all the fireworks rose into the sky, drew beautiful arcs in the sky, and drew beautiful sunflowers, red peonies Brilliant stars, small lanterns, falling meteor showers, vigorous and powerful fireworks words

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival is as happy and peaceful as in previous years. May all people be immersed in happiness forever.

