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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节到了,大家又可以吃上美味的粽子了,那大家有没有自己动手包 过粽子呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《端午节包粽子英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.端午节包粽子英语日记 篇一

  It's the Dragon Boat Festival. The streets are filled with delicious dumplings. Every family is busy making Zongzi to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, isn't it? Our Class 601 held an activity of making Zongzi.

  The activity of making Zongzi began, and everything was ready. I couldn't wait to pick up the leaves of zongzi, and also learned to fold them into a cone like the teacher, put a little glutinous rice, pick out a piece of meat, and then cover some glutinous rice. I carefully pressed the leaves of zongzi on the glutinous rice, who knows? The naughty glutinous rice jumped onto the table from the tiny crack. "Ah! How can it be different from what you think? It's too difficult."

  The teacher came to help, and she wrapped my first Zongzi as soon as she tied it.

  I was very excited. I picked up another zongzi leaf and planned to wrap a bigger one. I folded three zongzi leaves together. The zongzi leaves moved around and didn't obey me at all. I had to put down one of the other two and change it into a small Zongzi. As the saying goes, "Once you are born, twice you are ripe." The second time you wrapped it successfully, and the naughty rice became more honest. The teacher was full of praise when he saw it. My heart was happy.

  After making Zongzi, I arrived at the moment I most expected to eat Zongzi. When Zongzi was still cooking, I could smell the fragrance of Zongzi in the distance, which made my stomach growl. After a long time, Zongzi finally came out of the pot. I untied the rope, peeled off its green coat, and a smell of rice dumplings came to my nose. I took a bite, and could not help but exclaim, "Oh, how delicious!" I tasted not only the delicious Zongzi, but also the fun of doing things by myself.

  Through this activity, I learned that only by doing things can I enjoy real fun and taste real delicious food.

2.端午节包粽子英语日记 篇二

  We are going to make Zongzi at home to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother wants me to learn a craft and have a special Children's Day.

  Last year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother bought some cooked Zongzi in the food market. I just opened the leaves and said, "Only rice is wrapped, I won't eat it!" These Zongzi were eaten by my parents, and as a result, my stomach was very noisy. So this year we decided to make our own Zongzi.

  On the first night, my mother soaked green beans, peanuts, fragrant glutinous rice and red dates, boiled the leaves for ten minutes, and then soaked them in the pot until the next morning. After breakfast, my mother cut the dates into pieces, then poured the mung beans, peanuts, fragrant glutinous rice, and date slices into a basin and mixed them well. After drinking enough water, the raw materials were bright in color, red, green, and white, making people salivate.

  Making Zongzi has finally begun! I can't wait! Because I have watched the video of making Zongzi many times. When I got the Zongye, I forgot how to make it into a funnel! I asked my mother for advice. My mother taught me with her hands. The zongzi leaves were folded "funnel shaped", packed with materials, wrapped and twisted. I did it according to my mother's steps, and it was finished. One, two... Practice makes perfect. My craft has improved rapidly. Next, my mother and I had a clear division of labor: I made Zongzi and my mother wound threads. We cooperated very well. When I put one up, my mother will wrap one up. After about half an hour, we wrapped up a large pot of stuffing.

  At noon, I tasted the fruits of my mother's work and felt really delicious! "Good food needs your own labor!" I sighed. This year is really a meaningful Children's Day.

3.端午节包粽子英语日记 篇三

  In ancient times, there was a great poet named Qu Yuan who wrote a lot of poems to express his sorrow and indignation because his ambition to serve the king could not be exerted. He was so worried that there was no place to vent. Finally, he threw himself into the Miluo River in despair. People were afraid that Qu Yuan's body would be eaten by the fish in the river, so they wrapped Zongzi and fed fish in the river. In order to commemorate him, people ate Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. The custom of Zongzi has been handed down.

  In May, families began to buy Zongye, glutinous rice and hemp rope. This seems simple, but it is not so easy.

  Looking at the Zongzi made by Grandma aroused my curiosity and asked Grandma to teach me how to make it. Why is glutinous rice soaked in water? Grandma told me that the glutinous rice needs to be soaked for two to three days. If not, it needs to be scalded with hot water before packaging. There are meat fillings, red dates, and nothing but glutinous rice. It needs to be wrapped with wide zongzi leaves. The zongzi leaves need to be softened with water. Put the rice into a clear water basin, take out the zongzi leaves and put them into a cold water basin. Take one or two zongzi leaves to form a triangle. Put the rice into it. You can put some meat or red dates, cover it with rice, fold the leaves back, and tie them with hemp rope. After wrapping, it is in a string shape. Put water in the pot to flood the Zongzi. There are still some things to press on the Zongzi. Don't let the Zongzi move. It needs to be boiled for an hour. Soak it in cold water after cooking. Grandma told me that if it is not soaked, it will stick to the leaves. After cooking, the color of the leaves changed from light green to dark green. Peel off the dark green leaves and see Zongzi as white as jade.

  Zongzi tastes delicious. The leaves of rice dumplings emit elegant fragrance, and a bite of Zongzi is really sweet but not greasy, sticky and refreshing!

  Grandma's Zongzi is really exquisite and delicious, and the process of making Zongzi is full of happiness and unforgettable.

4.端午节包粽子英语日记 篇四

  I love delicious Zongzi, and I have seen others make Zongzi, but I have never made it myself. Until today, I had the chance to show my skills.

  I obediently watched my grandmother and thought that simply making Zongzi could not help the genius of me. I didn't learn to teach myself. Who knows, when I really went to make Zongzi, I realized that it was a handicraft to make zongzi. It was very difficult to make it beautiful and strong.

  At the beginning, I took out two pieces of rice dumplings, one big and one small, folded a corner like Grandma, put a little soaked glutinous rice on the folded corner, stuffed a large piece of pork, and covered it tightly with glutinous rice. I am proud of myself, and I have completed more than half of it successfully than I expected. When I covered the rice leaves again, the glutinous rice jumped out one after another like a child, ignoring my command. I was so anxious that I stamped my feet. Fortunately, my grandmother "untied the siege" for me - cutting off some glutinous rice, and I was relieved.

  Haha, after a small setback, we finally reached the final and simplest step - tying palm rope. It's trivial. Let me show my skill. Everyone on earth knows that Zongzi is delicious only when it is well wrapped. I took the palm rope and tied up the Zongzi in a circle. I also thought that the way they held it was very old-fashioned and ugly, so I made a beautiful bow with the palm rope. The reason is very good. As long as I don't touch the rope casually, it is also very strong. I picked up Zongzi and prepared to put it into the bowl, but I accidentally pulled the short part of the palm rope, and only heard a "clatter". The leaves of the zongzi were scattered, and the glutinous rice fell to the ground one by one like flying beads rolling jade.

  I am not reconciled. All kinds of Zongzi were born in my grandmother's hands, but I can't even wrap one well. Having learned the lesson of failure, I was careful a lot and successfully wrapped up a few.

  Eating the lovely Zongzi made by myself, I felt indescribable joy in my heart.

5.端午节包粽子英语日记 篇五

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother will weave five silk threads for me and make Zongzi!

  Mother took five colors of silk thread, namely red, yellow, green, blue and white. She first smoothed the five kinds of threads and laid them flat on the table, then twisted them into small ropes, and skillfully tied a knot. Four five-wire ropes are ready. My mother told me that it was called "long life wisp", and she carefully put it on my wrist and ankle. He also specially told me to "cherish it. When it rains for the first time after wearing it, take it off and throw it into the rain. Such a long life ray will play its due role." Through the small things of the Dragon Boat Festival custom, I realized my mother's good intentions.

  Next, we need to wrap Zongzi. I saw my mother take bamboo leaves, wrap glutinous rice, and put two dates in the middle. Then skillfully fold the bamboo leaves to wrap the glutinous rice. They were also tied up with five silk threads, and my mother packed a dozen in a row.

  Mother put the wrapped Zongzi into the pot and steamed it for 15 minutes. The steamed Zongzi was put on the plate, and the smell of it was still fresh. I smelled and smelled around the plate, anxiously waiting for Zongzi to cool down. After a while, I can finally stutter. I peeled off the bamboo leaves, and the white and red fillings were exquisite. I took a bite, and it was sticky, sweet, smooth and delicious! Our family laughed while eating, because we all saw the white beard on each other's lips.

  When Zongzi was finished, my father said, "The Dragon Boat Festival is a famous festival. It has many different names, such as Summer Festival, Magnolia Festival, Daughter's Day, Tianzhong Festival, Wax Festival, Poet's Day, etc."

  Mother said: "In addition to eating Zongzi and wearing long life strands, there are also customs such as inserting wormwood, spreading sugar, dragon boat racing..."

  I think there is a lot of learning in this traditional festival! This Dragon Boat Festival has not only eaten Zongzi, but also gained a lot of insight.

  I had a happy Dragon Boat Festival.
