

时间:2021-08-18 12:54:00 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2021年《开学第一课》也将如期而至。今年的《开学第一课》由中宣部、教育部、中央党史和文献研究院、中央广播电视总台联合制作,主题为“理想照亮未来”,©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  There is a lamp in everyone's heart. Its name is ideal; Everyone has to go some way. Its name is life. There is a famous saying: it is terrible for people to live without ideals. Yes, if there is no goal in life, like a boat wandering aimlessly on the sea, it will eventually be destroyed. People with ideals are happy and happy.

  There is always an ideal in my heart: to be a doctor. In my image, doctors are a noble profession. Because doctors save the lives and heal the wounded in their own posts, they pull one patient after another back from the line of life and death. Doctors are gods. Then I made up my mind that I would be a doctor like an immortal. When I grow up, although I understand that doctors are not immortals, the ideal of becoming a doctor has taken root in my heart.

  Of course, setting up an ideal can not be just an illusion. We must not block the road of striving for the ideal for any reason. First of all, I should learn cultural knowledge well. Only by carefully completing my homework every day, listening carefully in class, and reading some books on medicine on the basis of stable learning, can I be admitted to a Medical University; Another is to cultivate my careful habit. I can't be careless as before. Even if it is a small calculation problem, I should do it seriously; Another is to exercise my physique. With a healthy physique, I can become a doctor. I should protect my eyesight, strengthen my practical ability and exercise well; Be loving. I want to love public property, honor my parents, respect teachers, and be loving and unselfish to every creature in nature. As long as I have love, I can give my love to my patients.

  Ten years to sharpen a sword, only hard to hone themselves, take the ideal as the goal of progress, pay and harvest can be equated. Therefore, I can't help but fall into the vision of the future: at that time, I will operate on one patient after another in the operating room, so as to revitalize their endangered lives and reunite with their relatives healthily.

  Krylov once said: "the reality is this bank, the ideal is the other bank, with a turbulent River in the middle, and action is a bridge over the river. In order to realize the ideal, it is not enough to say, but what matters is to do. Therefore, I must learn to observe life, study hard and lay a good foundation.

  Ideal is a stone, knock out a spark; Ideal is fire, light the extinguished lamp; Ideal is a lamp to illuminate the road of night navigation; Ideal is the road that leads us to dawn. And I walk slowly on this ideal road... Ideal is an abyss that forces you to fight hard from the moment you jump down. Or the ROC will spread its wings and soar up; Or, the stone sinks to the bottom of the abyss and there is no sound... And I choose the former. I will work hard and move forward to my ideal step by step!


  Everyone has his own ideal, so do I. although I have two ideals - singer and adventurer, unlike others, I change an ideal in three or two days.

  Be a singer! You can taste singing all the songs in the world, happy and sad, how open; Be an adventurer! How free it is to visit all the beautiful and moving places in the world and visit mountains and rivers. Moreover, in the process of becoming a singer, I travel all over the world. Isn't this the ideal of having the best of both worlds?

  But why is my ideal to be a singer and adventurer? I was about eight years old. I saw my uncles and aunts on TV playing in many places, with beaches shining on them in the sun; Night view. Shining in the light... Seeing the beautiful and wonderful pictures aroused my desire for adventurers; Moreover, they have many different stages in each region. How happy they are, they have to sing and play. Therefore, it aroused my desire for singers. At that time, I thought it was good to have ideals! Therefore, I must strive for my ideal. Although I will suffer hardships in the struggle, I will stick to my ideal.

  I will strive for my ideal!


  Ideals, like stars in the sky, guide the way of light on the way of darkness; Ideal is like winter sunshine, melting ice and snow with warmth in the cold world; Ideal is like the water of hope, which condenses many water droplets into an ocean. The strength of a ship lies in its oars, and the strength of a man lies in his ideals. Life is full of hope and vitality because of ideals.

  "The sea is wide, fish jump, and birds fly high." The sea is owned by the fish, and the fish are also born by the sea. The sky provides a laissez faire place for the birds, and the birds return to the sky with the most beautiful posture. Everyone has a reason to stick to his ideal. Wang Xizhi, known as the "sage of calligraphy", was a dull child when he was a child. He only took geese wandering in the street every day. Wei Fu called him "dead character", but he practiced calligraphy hard and refused to give up. When practicing calligraphy, he ate steamed bread dipped in ink, but his kung fu paid off. He devoted himself to practicing calligraphy and finally became a calligrapher. Maybe people live for a belief“ It's a long way to go. I'll look up and down. " The road of pursuing ideals may be full of thorns, but it is precisely these thorns that temper the will.

  The sky is beautiful, white clouds are elegant, birds are free, everything sounds quiet and beautiful. I also imagined myself in a corner of the sky to have a panoramic view of the beauty of all things. I hope to greet every dawn in a state of, feel the comfort of the sun on my face, communicate in fluent English, convey with the most beautiful smile, and express with the most sincere emotion, so that every passenger feels comfortable, moved and at home, This is my dream job - stewardess. But heaven didn't fulfill people's wishes, let me pass it by, because my eyesight was unqualified, and the contradiction between reality and ideal annoyed me. But I am not discouraged. At least I have direction and ideal. I have never felt lonely and am still very satisfied. In fact, life is a marathon. If you fall and get up again, you should stick to it no matter how long the road is. The end of hope along the way is waving to you. If God closes a window for you, it will open a door for you. I will pursue it bravely without losing or giving up.

  Ideal is not real food. We need to sow grain by grain before we can harvest fruit. Ideal is not a gorgeous picture, but a piece of white paper that needs us to draw. Ideal is not a verdant oasis, but a wasteland, which needs us to reclaim.

  The wind of ideal has blown the sail of life, the pole of struggle has raised the flag of ideal, sincere, gold and stone open, one day we will reach the other side of the ideal, don't hesitate, step forward and start towards the ideal!


  Ideal is the beacon of life sailing, marking everyone's direction. In the bottom of my heart, there is also a seed that breeds ideal. It is taking root and sprouting. I tirelessly nourish it with fertilizer called "diligence and effort" and look forward to its flowering and fruit.

  When I was a child, I always thought, what will I do when I grow up? When I see thieves stealing from others, I want to be a policeman and catch all the thieves; When I see the patient's very painful expression, I want to be a doctor and cure all the patients; When I see many beautiful pictures, I want to be a painter and draw many beautiful pictures... When I grow up today, I have a mature answer - my ideal is to be a writer.

  When I was very young, I read fairy tales and fables word by word under my mother's guidance. Gradually, I grew up and began to read compositions and classics. Every time I get a book, I will be very happy and read it eagerly; Whenever I read a wonderful passage, I admire the author's writing and envy it; I imagine that one day there will be books I write with my name and photos printed and read by people.

  I am looking for happiness in the ocean of books. I imagine uncle Qi Zhi is so eloquent and knowledgeable that he can write very good books that people love to read and read; I imagine that uncle Zheng, the king of fairy tales, wrote a fairy tale book such as "general mobilization of XXX", which is deeply loved by children; I imagine uncle Cao writing such books with profound truth as goats don't eat paradise grass, fine rice and bronze sunflower; I imagine that one day my book will be so popular and clean my heart

  I have been fighting for my ideal and have won several small Writing Awards, which is not a small encouragement to me. But I know that it's not enough to be a writer. I still need a long journey and strong perseverance to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Because once I have loosened my request, my ideal will float away like a bubble. I can not find it or find it, so I learned to accumulate. I will spend a lot of time reading books every day, extract good words and good sentences, transform it into my own language, so that I can apply it to writing. I often write small essays such as diaries and essays to record every bit of my life. I imagine that one day I will write my wonderful life with my pen; Write your beliefs and your joys and sorrows with the pen in your hand; Write Baiwei life with your own pen and bring happiness to the world; Use your pen to describe the great rivers and mountains of the motherland

  I looked at my ideal lighthouse. Its light was bright and warm. I kept accelerating my steps and running steadily in the direction of the lighthouse.


  Everyone has a beautiful ideal. Only when we study hard can we go further from our ideal. I also have my ideal, that is to be a healer of human soul and help people overcome their inner fear.

  Now many people leave a shadow because they can't overcome their inner fear, so that they don't dare to face what they have failed, and don't dare to do it again, but give up and don't do it again, so that they are always afraid, don't dare to face their friends and make themselves feel guilty, and don't move forward in the face of failure, So I want to be a healer of human soul, help human beings overcome their shadow, let everyone bravely face difficulties and failures, and make themselves more confident. Let yourself succeed.

  So I want to be a healer of human soul, help people overcome their inner fear, face their failure bravely, and then correct to succeed. Let people face themselves bravely. Never bow in the face of difficulties and overcome difficulties and everything.

