【#英语口语# 导语】高考是人生的转折点,想要在高考中拿到好的成绩,英语作为主科之一,是必须重视起来的。以下是©文档大全网整理的高考英语拿高分的方法,欢迎阅读!
I’d like to talk about the time when I found the school ID card lost by my classmate. It happened last semester. That day I planned to make a revision of calculus so I went to the library. I chose a seat and as soon as I sat down at the table, I found that there was a student ID card left on the desk. I looked around again to confirm that this seat had not been taken by others and then picked up the card. School ID card is really important for everyone as without it, you will not be able to enter the library, canteen or dorm. In this case, the person who lost it must have been very upset.
Luckily, basic information of the student was recorded on the card, so it was easy to know who owner the owner. I took a photo of the card and then posted it on the forum of my university attached with my phone number. The post was soon reposted by hundreds of other students and after about half an hour, the owner contacted me. At last, the card was back to her successfully.
As for how I felt about this experience, well first of all I was quite delighted. The owner was so excited when receiving the card. You know the feeling of helping others and seeing smile appearing on his or her face is really beyond decription. What’s more, I found out that life nowadays is far more convenient than before thanks to the modern technology. It was because of the internet and social communication applications that the information could be spread so fast and widely.
Example 1: How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?
Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to using mobile phones.
Most of young guys in China are more likely to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet.
By contrast, the old generations, on the whole are bigger users of voice calling .
I suppose the reason is probably because younger adults are more willing to adopt advanced technology whereas senior citizens are out of touch with the world.
Example 2: Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?
Well, to be honest, I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that most of young guys in China show a big preference for some challenging activities, like roller skating and bungee jumping, whereas the old generations, on the whole are quite into less competitive exercises, such as Taichi or jogging.
I guess it’s probably because younger adults are quite adventurous and energetic. Also doing challenging activities would be an effective way to release pressure and get rid of a hectic routine life. By contrast, the main purpose of doing less competitive exercises for the old generation is to stay in good health.
Describe an interesting lesson that you attended.
You should say
1.where you attended this lesson
2.what it was about
3.and why you found it interesting
1.I'm going to talk about an interesting science lesson that I attended at secondary school when I was 14 or 15 years old.
2.It was quite a long time ago, so I can't remember every detail, but the lesson was about respiration. We learnt about how the lungs work, how we breathe, and how oxygen passes into the blood. The science teacher also talked to us about the effects of smoking on the lungs.
3.I found this lesson interesting because my science teacher, Dr. Smith, always introduced new topics by showing us a video. We watched a short film about how respiration works, and I found this much easier to understand than a science textbook. The film showed diagrams of the lungs to explain the breathing process. Later in the lesson we saw real photos of healthy lungs and lungs that had been damaged as a result of smoking; they had turned black. I think the image of a smoker's lungs is the reason why I remember this lesson.
1. Don't prop your feet up. 不要把脚跷在椅子上.
Prop up 是支撑的意思, 如果用手托著你的头, 这动作就叫 prop your head up. 蛮实用的. 还有有的时候我们用东西把门撑住, 让它不会自动关起来, 这个就叫 prop the door. 所以我住的地方楼下都会贴出告示, Don't prop the door open.
2. Scoot up. 向前一点.
Scoot 这个字如果你去查字典, 它告诉你的解释是: "轻快地奔跑", 但是一般在日常生活中如果用到 scoot 这个字的话, 则是表示稍微移动一下的意思. 比如说有一次我去图书馆念书, 我坐在我的位置上, 把走道都堵死了, 结果有一个老美要过过不去, 他要我把椅子稍微向前移动一下, 他会说 Scoot up. 你也可以说 scoot up a little bit, 表示往前靠一点点. 类似的用法你也可以说 move up.
3. Scoot over. 往旁边靠一点.
Scoot up 是往前, scoot over 则是往旁边的意思. 最常见的情况就是比如照像时有人站太旁边了, 要请他靠中间一点, 就跟他说 Can you scoot over? 他就会了解. 又比如说别人坐在一张长椅子上, 你要人家向旁边挪出一个位子给你, 你也可以说 Scoot over please. 如果你的发音他还能了解的话, 他就会往旁边靠一些, 让出一个位子给你. 另外跟 move up 类似, 你也可以说 move over 这也是往旁边靠一点的意思.