新概念英语 高考-新概念英语高考练习:根据内容提示完成句子

时间:2023-10-06 10:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. It was also a treasure ______ ______ gold and jewels, which took the country's best artists about ten years to make.
  2. Although he had ______ _______ _______for the final of the race he decided at first not to take part.
  3. We are determined to create ________ ________ ________ system.
  4. You should _______ ________ _______ _______the rain-forest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.
  5. _______ _______ _______ ______ that Kip Keino became the only Kenyan sportsman ever to appear on the cover of the world famous sports magazine Sports Illustrated.

  1. decorated with
  2. reached the standard
  3. an even better
  4. pay more attention to
  5. It was no wonder
  1.句意:那也是一件由黄金和珠宝装饰的珍宝,这花了国家的工匠们十年的时间才做成,由......装饰用decorate ... with...,这里是做后置定语的,用过去分词短语,故答案为:decorated with.
  2.句意:尽管他已经打到决赛的标准,但是他决定先不参加,达到...标准,用reach the standard,故答案为: reached the standard.
  3.句意:我们决定研制出一个更好的系统,更好的用even better,故答案为:an even better.
  4.句意:你应该多关注一下我生活的那个雨林气候,欣赏一下动物们是如何群居的,关注用pay attention to,故答案为:pay more attention to.
  5.句意:难怪Kip Keino会出现在世界体育杂志 Sports Illustrated 的封面上。It’s no wonder that…“难怪…” 这里that引导的是主语从句,it是形式主语。故答案为:It was no wonder.

