
时间:2023-05-19 02:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】端午节是中国传统节日之一,也是重要的民俗节日。它的起源可以追溯到战国时期。在这个节日里,人们会吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂艾草等。端午节虽然是中国的传统节日,但是它也有着深刻的文化内涵,是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分。在©文档大全网上,我们为大家准备了有关端午节的英语作文,让大家更好地了解这个传统节日。

1.有关端午节的英语作文 篇一

  The Dragon Boat Festival can be considered grand in Chinese folk festivals. Zongzi, tea eggs, and wormwood are all the characteristics of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When I was a child, I was excited about the Dragon Boat Festival a week in advance, because I could eat delicious Zongzi. At that time, life was monotonous and very bitter, not that I could not eat anything during the festival. Speaking of Zongzi, it is not only delicious, but the most important thing at this time is to make Zongzi, which reflects the fun. Every year, when the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, my mother prepares a pot of glutinous rice on the first night. The next morning, my mother and I wrap it together. The green leaves of the dumplings are wrapped with glutinous rice and dates, and they are wrapped into a triangular Zongzi. After wrapping, they are put in a big pot and boiled for three or four hours. After that, my mother soaks the Zongzi in two prepared buckets. When it is cool, she carefully pokes the bamboo leaves, bites a mouthful of white and tender glutinous rice, and the purple and red dates are exposed, dipped in white sugar and eaten again, At that time, it tasted so sweet and delicious, enduring aftertaste.

  On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, every family inserted mugwort picked on the mountain in their door, saying it was to ward off evil spirits. Our children just followed suit and didn't understand the meaning behind it.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, after waking up, our mother wrapped colorful silk threads around our wrists and ankles, which we will always wear in the future. It is said to be able to eliminate diseases and evil spirits. In fact, in my heart, these colorful silk threads are substitutes for those exquisite bracelets. Some families also spend some money to buy fragrant lotus bags for their children to carry around. My mother made them herself with some small cloth, stuffed with cotton and placed some vanilla inside. Even then, we are very happy.

  Remembering childhood holidays is joyful, and the festive atmosphere is stronger than at this moment.

2.有关端午节的英语作文 篇二

  Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is said that this festival was handed down in ancient times. At that time, it was to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan threw himself into the river because he was loyal to his country and loved his people. In order to prevent the fish in the river from destroying Qu Yuan's appearance, the local people started to wrap up palm seeds, and then threw Zongzi into the river so that the fish could eat Zongzi without damaging Qu Yuan's body. So people will make delicious Zongzi to commemorate this day, and some places will race dragon boats, and some will hold Zongzi competitions

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, according to our customs, we kill chickens, wrap Zongzi and worship gods. That morning, our whole family got up early to prepare the materials for making Zongzi. When all kinds of preparations were done, we washed our hands and began to make Zongzi. Grandma is a master at making Zongzi. Many people ask her to help them make Zongzi at their home. After that, she will naturally send some to her. As for me, I like Zongzi best. I can't help but feel greedy when I see Zongzi. So I left the leaves at hand and ate delicious Zongzi. This Zongzi stuffed with lean meat and shallots is for eating. I ate it with a big mouth and soon solved several Zongzi. Hee hee... "Everyone covered their mouths and laughed. I felt embarrassed at a loss, but I was also very confused. Why were they all laughing at me? Finally, someone was willing to tell me the reason: "Look at you big cat, you're eating all over your face." As I handed me the tissue, I wiped it, and it turned out to be filled with rice grains. I couldn't help but laugh.

  Finally, we finished the Zongzi. It was noon now. We quickly took the chicken and our own Zongzi to worship God. My grandmother and my mother closed their hands, knelt down, and talked a lot. After that, they burned paper money and went home to eat Zongzi.

  On this day, I had a very happy time because I not only had delicious brown seeds to eat, but also could hear the ancient legendary story - the origin of wrapped brown seeds.

3.有关端午节的英语作文 篇三

  May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival. Inserting fragrant leaves and wearing sachets... "Whenever I sing this nursery rhyme, I always think of the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.

  Every May 5th, there is a grand festival called the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Ninth Festival.

     Scholar Wen Yiduo believes that the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Festival, was a festival celebrated by ethnic minorities in the southern region four or five thousand years ago to commemorate the Dragon God.

  During the Dragon Boat Festival, eating Zongzi is a very important activity, and there is another activity, that is, dragon boat racing. Why do we race dragon boats? It was to rescue the patriotic poet Qu Yuan who died by drowning in the Miluo River. People throw Zongzi into rivers one after another to make fish, fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough and stop eating Qu Yuan's remains.

     During the Dragon Boat Festival, people need to clean their houses and sprinkle a lot of realgar water in the kitchen to kill poisonous insects or prevent their breeding.

  The Dragon Boat Festival also weighs five, and in short, many customs are also associated with the number "five". Using red, yellow, white, black, and blue silk threads to tie children's necks, wrists, or ankles is called the "Long Life Thread". Famous families also insert the "Five Ends": Ge Pu, Ai Cao, Pomegranate Flower, Garlic, and Dragon Boat Flower.

  I not only know the knowledge of the Dragon Boat Festival in the north, but also know the food for the Dragon Boat Festival in the south!

  Every time we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in the south, we must eat the "five yellows": yellow croaker, cucumber, Salted duck egg yolk, Zongzi wrapped in yellow petals and the most delicious food - realgar wine. Whether in the south or north, on this day, it is necessary to use realgar wine to draw the character "Wang" on children's heads, and also to wear colorful sachets.

  After several years, I remembered 'May 5th, it's the Dragon Boat Festival, inserting mugwort leaves, wearing sachets...'

  At this moment, I remember the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown again

4.有关端午节的英语作文 篇四

  It is also the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, as the name implies, I want to eat Zongzi. Today, I will make my own Zongzi.

  Today, I got up early to help my grandmother make Zongzi. Naiani got the materials ready, and then began to teach me to make Zongzi. First, I put rice into water to soak, then poured water, put some salt (different flavors), and then put red beans together. Then, I put rice into the shape of zongzi leaves, tied it with string, and finally put it into the pot to boil. About half an hour later, I could eat it. I will do as Grandma does, but I put salt into sugar. Our family used to eat salty Zongzi, but this time, I put sugar. After waiting for a long time, Zongzi was ready to eat, and my father got up. When eating, my father suddenly froze and said calmly, "How is this Zongzi sweet, I feel like vomiting! I swear I will never eat sweet Zongzi again, no! I don't want to see it again! Anyway, I just feel very nauseous!

  Actually, sweet zongzi is also eaten by people, but it's just that I'm not used to it. Eating Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is another traditional custom of the Chinese people. In addition to eating Zongzi, wormwood should be put in front of the door to ward off evil spirits on the Dragon Boat Festival, and in memory of Qu Yuan

5.有关端午节的英语作文 篇五

  The annual Dragon Boat Festival slowly approached us in a heavy rain that came as promised.      I have carefully understood the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. As a traditional festival of our Chinese nation, it has existed since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period more than 2000 years ago. People eat Zongzi, race dragon boats, and drink realgar wine on the fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who threw himself into the Miluo River angrily because he couldn't bear to see his motherland being invaded.

  For thousands of years, this custom has not changed. Due to its vast territory and numerous ethnic groups, the customs in each place are different. The custom in our hometown is to hang calamus, wormwood, eat Zongzi, salted eggs, garlic and so on.

  Today, after breakfast, my grandparents went out to buy holiday supplies. In a short while, they returned carrying a lot of things. Among them, some branches caught my attention. I asked my grandmother, "Grandma, what are you buying these branches for, It turns out that I am very happy to learn new knowledge.

  At lunch time, we gathered around the table and happily tasted Grandma's crystal clear Zongzi and moderately salty salted eggs. The whole family spent the Dragon Boat Festival in laughter.
