
时间:2023-08-25 06:48:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我的校园生活英语作文是每个学生都需要写的一篇作文,它记录了我们在校园里的点滴生活。®文档大全网为大家准备了《校园生活英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.校园生活英语作文范文 篇一

  We have a beautiful campus.

  As soon as you enter the gate, you can see a wide playground. There are basketball racks, horizontal bars and other sports equipment on the playground. In the center of the playground is a bright five star red flag, with several yellow stars shining brightly. A gust of wind blows, and it floats in the wind, like a brave warrior guarding our campus. The playground is sometimes lively and sometimes quiet. After class, the students all rushed towards the playground, some playing shuttlecock, some playing football... The playground suddenly became boiling. Class is over, and the playground has become quiet again.

  In front of the playground is a towering teaching building. As soon as you climb the stairs, you can see our classroom. It is the place where we absorb knowledge and the cradle of our growth. In the classroom, some students are reading and some are writing seriously. Look how serious they are!

  There is a rockery at the back of the classroom. For safety reasons, the school has enclosed this rockery with iron chains. Students often come here to play, leaving behind a string of laughter and laughter.

  Ah! Our campus is so beautiful! I love our campus.

2.校园生活英语作文范文 篇二

  When it comes to my campus, I have a genuine sense of pride.

  My dear alma mater is located on the most beautiful street in the most beautiful countryside of Jiangbei.

  Our campus is a truly large garden, full of vitality and the fragrance of birds and flowers. Swallows soaring in the sky, lively students on the ground; In this big family, thousands of people read and write in the classroom, bathed in the selfless care and sincere guidance of the teacher, and grow happily! I believe that in the near future, there will definitely be national pillars among students.

  There are clean and spacious roads on campus, with neat and tidy trees on both sides. As soon as I entered the school gate, I smelled a fragrance, ah! It is the fragrance of roses and violets that emanates. Look, there are many bees shuttling through the flowers, diligently collecting nectar. Listen, each flower shows a happy smile, welcoming the music of spring played by the bees.

  Walking closer, to the left is the double shade pavilion surrounded by Keke Hundred Days Red. Looking further to the left, there is a rose forest and a large leaf privet forest. In the middle, there are three stone like lambs sitting in the mushroom pavilion, one eating grass, one sleeping, and the other sitting in the shade in the pavilion. There is also a pavilion next to the Daye Ligustrum Forest, but it is much larger than the Mushroom Pavilion and Double Shade Pavilion, with dozens of pillars and covered with wisteria vines. On the right side of the pavilion is a large area of small leaved Ligustrum lucidum forest and roses, with clusters of flowers and shade of green trees. Reading and studying in such an environment is really a pleasure.

  On the right is a teaching building, and next to it is also a teaching building. Every Monday, students wear school uniforms to sing the national anthem and raise the national flag. There is a square in the center, with the National Flag Platform on the right and the Star of Hope in the center. At the end of the campus is the playground, where there are various sports equipment.

  The conditions in school are quite good, so I study hard, make progress every day, and be an excellent student. This is my campus, and we are proud to grow and learn on this campus!

3.校园生活英语作文范文 篇三

  Our Chengguan Primary School is a place with beautiful scenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers. If you don't believe it, I will introduce it to you!

  Entering the campus, you can see a wide playground. There is a big garden next to the playground. In spring, the pink peach blossoms bloom like the smiling face of the child; In summer, the purple sky flowers bloom, and when the wind blows, the purple sky flowers dance gracefully, beautifully! After the purple trumpet flowers wither, they will grow small round fruits. Of course, that fruit cannot be eaten; In autumn, when osmanthus blooms, standing in the distance, one can smell a strong fragrance; In winter, the plum blossoms bloom and emit a faint fragrance, which is really delicious! Next to the garden is a large football field, and the grass on the field is soft and soft, like a sofa. I love lying on it and looking up at the sky. I often play football with my friends here. There is a thousand year old tree near the football field, Luohansong. Luohansong is over 200 years old, and we all call it Grandpa Luohansong. Every morning at school, Grandpa Luo Hansong kindly stood there, as if saying, "Welcome to Chengguan Primary School, and you should study hard when you come to Chengguan Primary School!"

  Further ahead is our tall teaching building, which has five floors in total. My classroom is in Class 403 on the fifth floor, which is very clean and tidy. The teaching equipment is also very complete!

  I love my campus, and friends who haven't been here before must come and take a look at our school.

4.校园生活英语作文范文 篇四

  I have a beautiful campus, and I love it. Because my campus has beautiful flowers and trees, calm lake water, and simple pavilions. By the way, there's also a lively playground!

  Let me first talk about the flowers, plants, and trees on campus! There is my favorite peach tree on campus, with butterfly like peach blossoms blooming on the winding branches, emitting a faint fragrance. The bees saw it, drooling and rushing towards the peach tree, as if "losing their soul" dancing among the branches. Some are still lying in the hearts of flowers!

  There is also a beautiful lake in our campus. The clear and bottomless lake water mirrored the sky like a mirror. When I want to look at the sky in the future, I just need to look directly at the lake water! One day, while I was still admiring the sky from the lake, a gentle breeze suddenly blew in. The lake water couldn't help but ripple layer upon layer. At this moment, the scene reflected in the water was a hazy lake, and I had to return to the classroom.

  There is also a peaceful little pavilion! Our pavilion is well ventilated on all sides, with green trees shaded by it, and the air is fresh and sweet.

  At the end of class, the peaceful playground suddenly became lively. Some of the students were playing football, some were skipping rope, and some were playing catching people. The lively playground is like a market paradise for our games, a joyful world.

  I love my campus, love every plant and tree, love its liveliness... I want to say to the campus again, "You're amazing

5.校园生活英语作文范文 篇五

  Close your eyes and remember clearly the scene that day: the green leaves of wutong in the campus were rustling in the breeze, and the air was filled with the unique fresh flavor of plants. A group of childish children on the teaching building are celebrating the end of the final exam. It seems that their relaxed mood has not passed for a long time. From the deep curvature of their mouths, it is clear that they are really happy at this moment. The paper plane is constantly circling on the playground, carrying their happiness and dreams.

  That was the memory of my last day in elementary school, when we spent it amidst laughter, unaware that what awaited us was the fate of separation.

  Entering a new campus, entering a new class, the smile is mixed with too much helplessness and sadness. Time passed by day by day, gradually diluting our beautiful memories and the indestructible emotions of the past. The previous friendly greetings were all swept away by the expression when they met. Tears swirled in my eyes, but I firmly refused to let them flow. You may have forgotten the time we used to sprint on the playground; The scene of being cautious when catching tadpoles in the field; The soft whispers that comforted me when I saw my sadness and unease.

  So many memories, forgotten? I really forgot. I can't remember it anymore like I lost my memory. Why can't we go back anymore? I want a wall to clearly divide us up. You will look at me later and at the clouds later. I think you look far at me and very close to the clouds.
