
时间:2023-09-05 11:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】比大地更宽广的是天空,比天空更广袤的是大海,比大海更包容的是您的胸怀。老师您的节日到了,祝您桃李满天下,身体健康,万事如意!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《教师节英语日记范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.教师节英语日记范文 篇一

  Today is September 10th, which is a memorable holiday because it is Teacher's Day.

  Teacher's Day is a holiday for teachers. On September 10th every year, we give teachers some small gifts, such as greeting cards, small green plants, and so on.

  You see, as soon as the teacher stepped into the classroom door, the students eagerly rushed to give gifts. Some of them sent greeting cards, which were very exquisite. The colorful appearance also had some beautiful patterns and words inside, which were deeply moving; Some send flowers, whose colorful fragrance is refreshing to the heart; Some students also send fruits, yogurt, hand cream, and so on. The 56 cans of yogurt are sent out in a bag, with original flavors, apple flavors, and other different flavors; What about fruits? It looks very fresh and makes people salivate.

  On Teacher's Day, when the teacher gave a lecture to the students, they listened very attentively and actively raised their hands to speak. No one was making any small moves because everyone knew that this was the gift that the teachers most wanted to receive.

  Today is a memorable holiday, and it is Teacher's Day.

2.教师节英语日记范文 篇二

  Today is the annual Teacher's Day. Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us, so that we can grow and thrive. Some people say that teachers are our mentors on the journey of learning, leading us to the other shore of success. Some people say that teachers are like machines that never stop working. But I have to say that the teacher is like a candle. The phrase "Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, and wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry" is most appropriate for teachers. The teacher silently imparts knowledge to us and takes us to explore the ocean of knowledge.

  Every time after school, the teacher doesn't have much time to rest well and has to work hard to grade our homework. Every check mark and red cross in the homework book embodies the teacher's sweat. When we have difficult problems that we don't understand, the teacher always patiently explains them to us. They put their heart and blood into it, they are willing to serve as a ladder of people, and what are their lifelong goals in poverty? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, teachers are an inconspicuous candle, silently dedicated at critical moments. They sacrificed their precious youth, burned themselves, and illuminated others. They selflessly contribute to society and cultivate batches of pillar talents for the country.

  Teachers are selfless and should receive all praise.

3.教师节英语日记范文 篇三

  Today is Teacher's Day. As soon as I arrived in class, I hurriedly packed it up because I wanted to give the greeting card I wrote to the teacher. With excitement, I gave the card to Teacher Guo. Because the other teachers haven't come yet, I can't deliver any other letters. Not long after, Teacher Wang arrived, and I happily gave the greeting card to Teacher Wang. I am really excited today because it is the teacher's holiday. They are happy, and of course I am also happy. However, there is still one letter that hasn't been delivered, which is Teacher Liu's letter, haha! Tang Weihan also came to deliver the letter. Tang Weihan said, "Teacher Liu must be in her office. Let's go and find it together." We went to Teacher Liu's office together, and it happened that Teacher Liu was inside, so we gave her the letter.

  All three letters have been delivered, it's really smooth! I returned to the classroom happily, filled with joy in my heart, because the teacher taught us and took care of us. I hope the teacher is happy and safe.

4.教师节英语日记范文 篇四

  Today is Teacher's Day, my first Teacher's Day as a primary school student, and I am very happy. Because I can also send teacher greeting cards like those big brothers and sisters. When I was in kindergarten, on Teacher's Day, I saw my older brothers and sisters selecting exquisite greeting cards for teachers at the stationery store. At that time, I envied them.

  I also want to buy, but I don't have that much money on me. I also want to express my respect and love for the teacher. Moreover, my mother said that when I grow older, I will write my own greeting cards to make sense. Yesterday, I happily asked my mother to take me to the stationery store. I carefully selected three greeting cards that I thought were the most beautiful, and when I got home, I excitedly opened them. My mother told me the format, and I carefully started writing them myself. This is my first time writing, and I still wrote with a signing pen. My mother said, I chose to write with a signing pen, but if I make a mistake, I can't erase it. But I really want to give it a try again. I want to write a blessing for the teacher. I became particularly careful, afraid that I might accidentally write too much, or that I might not write neatly. After finishing, my hands would sweat. Although I didn't write very well, it was still good. Both nervous and excited. Then I carefully dried it and put it into an envelope, and my mother decorated the beautiful flowers I picked on the envelope.

  I think it's too beautiful. I hope the teacher likes it. When I gave the greeting card to the teacher this morning, the teacher said to me, "Thank you. I feel very happy.

5.教师节英语日记范文 篇五

  September 10th is the annual Teacher's Day, but I didn't send greeting cards or flowers to my former teacher Chen. I really hope that Teacher Chen can teach us now. When Teacher Chen used to teach me, I always wandered off and didn't take classes seriously, but now I regret it.

  On that day, every time I saw someone holding either flowers or greeting cards, I came to school empty-handed. My desk mate also brought two hands full of flowers. My desk mate was a teacher who had taught him before. When there was only one flower left to give to Teacher Chen, I followed him. I dare not go in because I have nothing to give to Teacher Chen. I only looked at the office door and could see my desk mate Li Junfeng giving flowers to Teacher Chen. Teacher Chen's face turned pale, and there were also several white hairs on his head. Teacher Chen picked up the flower sent by Li Junfeng and kindly said "Ah" to him. Li Junfeng said, "Teacher, you have worked hard. The teacher let out another sigh.

  When Teacher Chen taught me before, I didn't listen in class, and the teacher often said in the evaluation manual that she liked me and wanted me to study hard. She must have been disappointed not to see me come today. My eyes blurred when I thought of this.
