

时间:2023-03-19 15:14:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



  A. It is considered to be part of the secondaryeducation.

  B. It is given to anyone wanting to get a driver'slicense.

  C. It is carried on at the same time as other schoolcourses.

  D. It is offered to all teenagers free of charge.


  A. Traffic laws and turning corners.

  B. Driving theory and practice.

  C. Switching lanes and turning corners.

  D. Ways to avoid traffic accidents.


  A. There is a sign of "green hand" inside the car.

  B. There are two sets of brakes inside the car.

  C. It is only big enough to hold 3 persons.

  D. It can't run very fast no matter how you drive.


  [26]In America, driver's education is part of theregular high school curriculum. Every student in hisor her second year of high school is required to takea class in driver's education. However, unlike othercourses, it is not given during the regular schoolyear. Instead it is a summer course.

  [27]The course is divided up into two parts: class time for learning laws and regulations anddriving time to practise driving. Class time is not unlike any other class. The students have atext from which they study the basic laws they must know. Driving time is a chance for thestudents to practise starting steering, backing up, parking, switching lanes, turning corners,and all the other maneuvers required. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. Thestudents are divided up into groups of four. The students and the instructor go out driving fortwo hours. Thus, each student gets half an hour driving time per outing. The instructor andthe "driver" sit in the front seats and the other three students sit in the back.

  [28]Driver's education cars are unlike other cars in which they have two sets of brakes, one onthe driver's side and one on the other side where the instructor sits. Thus, if the student drivershould run into difficulties the instructor can take over. The car also has another special feature. [28]On the top of the car is a sign that reads: STUDENT DRIVER. That lets nearby drivers knowthat they should use extra caution because the student driver is not very experienced andprone to driving slowly.

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. What is special about the driver's course in America?



  解析:细节题。短文开篇就告诉我们:“在美国,学驾驶是常规中学课程的一部分”,A项中的secondaryeducation是原文high school curriculum的同义替换,故A为答案。

  27. What can students learn during class time?


  解析:细节题。文中介绍driving course分两部分:class time后面听到的关键实义词是laws andregulations;driving time后面是practise driving。

  28. How is the driver's education car designed in order to prevent accident?



