

时间:2023-09-03 09:45:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  I guess I should look upon it as a sweet proof of my tastes. My 17-year-old son, who had for so long 1 my choice of clothing, now 2 searches through my closet. Wasn’t it only yesterday that he had turned up his 3 at my clothes? When Scott was in middle school and 4 beginning to look at his 5 as a creature from outer space, I had once 6 to suggest buying a pair of chions (斜纹棉布裤) while we were 7 . He said nothing but selected a pair of Jeans. He tried it on. “Too 8 ,” I 9 “just right,” was his reply, 10 he admired himself in the mirror, completely 11 with the image. I think that set the tone for the next four years. When it 12 to clothing, the divide seemed 13 .I was chinos, he was outsized jeans; I was neatly pressed shirts, he was loose T’s.
  14 began to change about a year ago. I remember the 15 day. I had gone to my 16 in search of a favorite T-shirt. I couldn’t find it, but it appeared later when Scott returned home from school. “That’s my shirt,” I said. “Yeah, I know,” said Scott as he 17 for the fridge. Since that time, he often—and 18 warning—searched for the new and different in my closet. I asked Scott why he wore my clothes. “I like some of them,” he smiled. 19 by this words, I 20 my tongue as he slipped into a pair of my trousers.
  1. A. thought highly of B. looked down on C. set on D. based on
  2. A. interestedly B. hurriedly C. disappointedly D. unwillingly
  3. A. head B. eyes C. hand D. nose
  4. A. also B. soon C. just D. almost
  5. A. classmates B. teachers C. father D. mother
  6. A. attempted B. managed C. longed D. persuaded
  7. A. reading B. walking C. wandering D. shopping
  8. A. big B. tight C. cheap D. expensive
  9. A. pronounced B. announced C. declared D. added
  10. A. because B. though C. until D. as
  11. A. worried B. satisfied C. proud D. nervous
  12. A. belonged B. talked C. came D. happened
  13. A. opposite B. slight C. unbridgeable D. unthinkable
  14. A. Things B. Times C. Manners D. Tastes
  15. A. first B. exact C. only D. single
  16. A. house B. store C. office D. closet
  17. A. headed B. looked C. searched D. walked
  18. A. about B. with C. on D. without
  19. A. Encouraged B. Disappointed C. Annoyed D. Warmed
  20. A. took B. held C. got D. moved
  1~5 BADCC 6~10 ADAAD 11~15 BCCAB 16~20 DADDB

