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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。演讲稿具有宣传,鼓动,教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点,主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, I am very excited and happy to stand here and share my patriotic feelings with you. What is patriotism? There is a song like this: "home is the smallest country, and the country is thousands of families." when I heard this song, I thought: patriotism is loving home. This is my first understanding of "patriotism".

  I have loved reading since I was a child. In the book, I understand that patriotism is loyalty and love for the motherland. We know that in all dynasties, many people with lofty ideals have a strong thought of worrying about the country and the people. Taking state affairs as their own responsibility, they continue to be indomitable in the face of difficulties, defend the motherland and care for the people's livelihood. This valuable spirit has enabled the Chinese nation to survive disasters.

  Later, I learned from the book that China has magnificent rivers and mountains, long history and splendid culture. When I read that "the magnificent Great Wall is our pride. It has a history of more than 2000 years. You can see it when you look at the earth with the naked eye in the universe." there is an inexplicable excitement and pride in my heart. I am proud of being a Chinese because I deeply love our motherland.

  Later, my father told me that loving the mountains and rivers of the motherland, loving the national history, caring about the fate of the motherland, fighting bravely in times of crisis and dying for the motherland are all manifestations of patriotism. The teacher told me: patriotism is to grow into a "five good" small citizen. In school, we should be united and friendly, help each other, respect others and be good at cooperation; When facing life independently, we should have a broad mind, mental health, diligence and autonomy, and be good at innovation; Be filial to parents at home, care for relatives, be diligent and thrifty, and love labor; In society, we should love our motherland, be polite, honest and trustworthy, abide by discipline and law; In society and public places, we should take good care of public property, pay attention to hygiene, protect the environment and abide by order.

  When a young man is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when a young man is strong, the country is strong. Here, I would also like to call on everyone to love our great motherland, study hard today to revitalize China, and contribute their own strength to create a brilliant future of the motherland tomorrow!

  Finally, thank you again to teachers and students!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  From the continuous great wall to the towering five mountains; From the magnificent Forbidden City to the solemn and vast Tiananmen Square in Beijing... These are owned by our great motherland. We should be proud of them.

  When the invaders trampled on our beautiful mountains and rivers, every Chinese with conscience shed tears on his face and blood in his heart. For the sacred and inviolable motherland, they groped in the dark and fought in humiliation.

  Turning over the long history of 5000 years, I found that the Great Wall, the quintessence of life of the motherland, recorded many vicissitudes and showed such tenacity. It is not only a sign, but also a force, a spirit and a yearning!

  The Yangtze River - that is the pulse of the motherland! Jumping with inexhaustible throbbing, waving boundless feelings. The Yellow River - that is the blood of the motherland, boiling, surging, invincible, holding your head high, what confidence and pride it is!

  No matter when and where, I will always miss my motherland. The surging river, the rolling Yellow River and the continuous mountain roads all belong to our great motherland.

  We should work hard, pursue progress, and let the feeling of patriotism spread in everyone's heart. Patriotism is just a small act and a small word. Let's take action and keep the word "patriotism" in mind!

  The Oriental lion is no longer sleeping. It has gradually awakened and stepped firmly to the forefront of the world! China, come on!

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The topic of today's speech is "I forge ahead with my motherland".

  Our Chinese nation has a long history, 5000 years of splendid history and splendid civilization. On this more and more prosperous land, there are hardworking people and our cross century new generation. We are getting bigger and bigger now, and we have lived in this land for a long time. I think we don't have to wait until we grow up to contribute to our motherland, but to contribute some of our strength to our motherland now.

  Some students may say at this time: "we are just a child. It's their adult's business to repay the motherland. I just have to be myself!" this idea is really disagreeable. We should always think about what I do for our motherland. Maybe our strength is still very small and we can't be like adults, but we can do a lot for our motherland. For example: greening the motherland, beautifying the living environment and studying hard. As long as we can strive to do these seemingly ordinary things and do them consistently, we will already contribute our strength to the motherland.

  There is a good saying: "if a young man is rich, the country will be rich; if a young man is strong, the country will be strong." now, the motherland is still a developing country. If we still have some distance compared with those economic powers in Europe, only our continuous progress can gradually shorten this distance. As a primary school student and a member of the Chinese Communist Youth League, I must study hard, be a qualified successor in the future, and make my own contribution to the future development and growth of the motherland with my own strength.

  Finally, I want to say: "I want to forge ahead with the motherland, I want to fight with the motherland, and I want to make progress with the motherland!"

  My speech is over. Thank you.


  hello everyone!

  What is patriotism? Patriotism is to love the mountains and rivers of the motherland, patriotism is to safeguard the dignity of the motherland, and patriotism is to care about the development of the motherland

  Patriotic feelings are as pure as lotus and as tenacious as plum. Patriotism is what Gu Yanwu said. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Mao Zedong, who was born in the remote Shaoshan, realized from an early age that the people of the motherland were in dire straits. The three mountains of feudalism, colonialism and imperialism overwhelmed the Chinese people. For the sake of the motherland and the people, the children in the mountains dared to fight the world. His patriotic spirit of daring to be the first in the world inspired the people of the motherland to fight for the reputation and freedom of the motherland.

  Patriotism is what Fan Zhongyan said, first worry about the world and then enjoy the happiness of the world. Qian Xuesen, the father of China's missiles, heard the call of the motherland, gave up the superior life of the United States, overcome many difficulties, sailed across the sea, resolutely returned to the embrace of the motherland, shouldered a heavy burden for the impoverished motherland, removed obstacles one by one, overcome difficulties one by one, and made outstanding contributions to China's national defense science and technology. His spirit of selfless dedication and regardless of gain and loss is always worth learning from.

  In the twinkling of an eye, the motherland has gone through great changes. In the blink of an eye, the motherland has gone through the world of mortals. Overlooking the magnificent Great Wall and the spectacular Tiananmen Square in Beijing, I can't help but feel a surge of respect and patriotism. Patriotism can be vigorous and moving. Patriotism can also be bit by bit, ordinary to true. Loving the environment is patriotism, loving life is patriotism, thrift is patriotism, and studying hard is patriotism

  Motherland, thousands of years have passed, your beautiful face is still, and your dazzling light is not extinguished! Motherland, at first, I was a red lotus, and you were a lotus leaf to protect me from the wind and rain. Now, let me protect you!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  Today, the topic of my speech is - patriotism is a powerful responsibility.

  Looking up at the flying five-star red flag, I saw a deep color of blood.

  We have received patriotic education since childhood. The students will not know less about the revolutionary predecessors than me. At that time, the dying China was able to resurrect because of these martyrs who devoted their lives to the country. They deeply understand that without a country, there is no home. They rushed to the battlefield with dreams, responsibilities and noble righteousness.

  Have you ever thought that if you were born in that era, do you have the courage to shoulder this responsibility? Will you treat death like our predecessors?

  Have you ever thought about whether what you are doing now is worthy of the five-star red flag flying overhead, and whether what you are doing now is worthy of the smiling revolutionary spirit?

  Die in national disaster, and die suddenly. The indomitable souls of countless hot-blooded men are flowing in the blood of the Chinese people. How many honors and disgraces, how many hardships; How much struggle, how much sacrifice. Our ancestors forged the immortal Chinese soul with their blood and sweat and precious life in exchange for the sunshine of China's rivers and mountains. It was the unity and struggle of our ancestors and the bloody struggle of our ancestors that brought everything today.

  Patriotism is not only a responsibility, but also an obligation. We should respect the national flag and emblem and sing the National Anthem well. When raising and lowering the national flag and playing and singing the national anthem, we should stand in silence and pay attention to the ceremony, and the young pioneers should pay a team salute. Love your country, school and family. Love your motherland, because patriotism is a sacred duty!

  Our speech is over, thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  good morning! Today, the title of my speech is "patriotism is the soul of the nation".

  Today, I am very honored to stand under the solemn national flag and speak to you. Patriotism is what we must do!

  The Chinese nation is a great nation, and patriotism is the most beautiful flower of our nation. Patriotism is a sacred word. In the tortuous process of historical development, patriotism has always been advocated by our people. In the 21st century, our great motherland is becoming more and more prosperous, and patriotism should become the voice of this era! Patriotism is the glorious banner of the unity and struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in China and a powerful driving force to promote the progress of China's social history, and patriotic education is undoubtedly the most important education!

  Looking back on the long history of the Chinese nation, countless national heroes who threw their heads, shed blood and made selfless contributions to the country still live in our hearts. In ancient times, Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, Qi Jiguang in the Ming Dynasty and Zheng Chenggong in the Ming Dynasty... Since modern times, in order to defend the country and resist imperialist aggression, many people with lofty ideals have died generously to defend national sovereignty.

  After the founding of new China, there were many outstanding figures, such as Deng Jiaxian, Hua Luogeng, Qian Xuesen and so on. They gave up their glorious life abroad and returned to their poor motherland to contribute to the country's modernization. The glorious image of these people and their moving deeds will always inspire every Chinese to make progress!

  As the young generation in the new century, we are the hope of the motherland, and the future of the motherland will belong to us. Therefore, we should inherit and carry forward the lofty spirit of patriotism.

  Patriotism is the supreme moral character and the soul of the nation. Dear students, for the honor of XX, the important task on our shoulders, and the take-off of the Chinese nation, let's study hard and be a patriotic XX student worthy of the people!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  As children of the Chinese nation, we are committed to the future of our motherland. Therefore, we should love the great motherland with a sincere heart, actively carry forward patriotism, and be determined to contribute to the motherland and build it stronger and more prosperous.

  How can we be patriotic? That is to have a loyal heart of loving the motherland. Looking back on the past history, many great men have a strong spirit of patriotism. They always take state affairs as an important task, shoulder the responsibility for the future of the country, contribute wholeheartedly to the country, defend the dignity of the motherland, defend the territory of the motherland and defend the people of the motherland. This is patriotism, a valuable spirit. It is this patriotic feeling that has enabled the Chinese nation to experience all kinds of disasters without inundation, rise and fall.

  Patriotism can love the lofty mountains and majestic rivers of our motherland, understand the rich heritage of 56 nationalities, care about the destiny and development of our motherland, and give our own strength to our motherland. When the motherland needs, we should have the spirit of looking back to death, be fearless and defend our motherland. As long as we do this, we can achieve the foundation of patriotism.

  Because of patriotism, our hardworking and wise ancestors built a beautiful Chinese nation, broadened our vast territory and created brilliant history and culture. Therefore, we should emulate our predecessors, be a patriotic person, shoulder the responsibility of realizing the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation, love the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, and actively safeguard the independence, sovereignty and integrity of the motherland. We should understand national affairs, actively participate in activities initiated by the state, and do our best for a more brilliant country in the future.

  The sentence "a strong youth makes a strong country" reflects that the future of the motherland lies in our children. Therefore, as the flowers of the motherland, we must turn our patriotism into a trip to serve the country. Let us rise up and study for the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation and create a brilliant future for the motherland.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Today, I am very honored to stand under the solemn national flag and speak. The topic of my speech today is: patriotism is the soul of the nation.

  The Chinese nation is a great nation, and patriotism is the most beautiful flower of our nation. Patriotism is a sacred word. In the tortuous process of historical development, patriotism has always been advocated by our people.

  In the 21st century, our great motherland is becoming more and more prosperous, and patriotism should become the voice of this era! Patriotism is the glorious banner of the unity and struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in China and a powerful driving force to promote the progress of China's social history, and patriotic education is undoubtedly the most important education!

  Looking back on the long history of the Chinese nation, countless national heroes who threw their heads, shed blood and made selfless contributions to the country still live in our hearts. In ancient times, there were Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, Qi Jiguang and Zheng Chenggong in the Ming Dynasty... Since modern times, in order to defend the country and resist imperialist aggression, many people with lofty ideals have died generously to defend national sovereignty.

  Now we live in peace, and our motherland does not need us to go to war. How should we love our country? As students, the first thing we should do is to love our school. How can a student who doesn't love his own school love his own country?

  We should cherish time, study hard, work hard, and contribute our part to the motherland in the future, so as to repay the school that raised us and our beloved teachers!

  Patriotism is the supreme moral character and the soul of the nation. Dear students, for the honor of the school, the important task on our shoulders, and the take-off of the Chinese nation, let's study hard and be a patriotic XX student worthy of the people!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  In the eyes of some people, national interests and national security are not important at all. But in the eyes of others, national interests and national security weigh a thousand pounds, even higher than their own lives.

  Our ancestors irrigated our supreme motherland with their blood, forged the tradition of the Chinese nation with their flesh and blood, and spelled out today's motherland with their fighting spirit.

  As long as a person has a patriotic heart, he can solve any problem, suffer any pain and grievance.

  Yes, everyone is the same. No matter you go to the ends of the earth, you can't leave the motherland. The motherland will always accompany you.

  I believe that if one day the motherland really suffers from an unprecedented disaster, most people will die and return to death. If one day the country dies, as long as we firmly adhere to the belief of the motherland, we will have infinite power and invincible. Defeat one enemy after another and let our motherland reproduce today's glory.

  The motherland, like a great and gentle mother, raised us. Now, when we grow up, we should repay our motherland with great achievements. Our motherland actually has a lion's heart, but the lion's heart should be awakened with our actions and incomparable enthusiasm for the motherland.

  Patriotism does not come from mouth. We should not only always cherish the motherland, but also start with practical actions bit by bit and ourselves.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech to you today is patriotism.

  Our great motherland is a country with vast territory, beautiful mountains and rivers, fertile land and rich products. It stands like a giant dragon in the east of the world. We are proud of our motherland. We are proud of our motherland. We have no reason not to love our country.

  Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Needless to say, countless martyrs shed their blood for the liberation of the motherland and national independence; It is needless to say that many ancestors sacrificed their personal interests and gave up preferential treatment abroad for the prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity and strength of the nation; At the Athens Olympic Games alone, there were many examples of our patriotism. Liu Xiang's courage to move forward, Li Ting and sun Tiantian's strength to defeat the heroes, and the women's volleyball team's strength to turn the tide

  We are the future and hope of our motherland. We are the successors of the new century. We have more responsibility to love our motherland and make our great motherland prosperous and prosperous.

  Some people may say, you are an 11-year-old or 12-year-old boy, what about patriotism?

  Then I want to tell you, comrade, you are wrong. We all have a responsibility to love our country, regardless of men and women, regardless of age. We should establish lofty aspirations from childhood, start with small things, develop good codes of conduct, love our classes and teachers, strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and master various skills. Only when we grow up can we contribute to the construction of a beautiful country. This is what we can do, this is what we must do.

  Students, let's shout: "motherland, you are the sun in our hearts, we love you forever!"

  Students, let's join hands and work together to build a patriotic great wall and make the future of our motherland more beautiful, brilliant and brilliant!

  Thank you!

