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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网为大家准备了《中秋节英语作文精选》,中秋节起源于上古时代,普及于汉代,定型于唐代。中秋节是中国的传统佳节,每到这时候人们都会购买各种月饼、水果,回家团聚,走亲访友,共享秋天丰收的喜悦。也希望对大家有帮助。

1.中秋节英语作文精选 篇一

  "When will the moon come? Ask the blue sky about the wine." Yesterday was the annual traditional festival of the Chinese nation - Mid-Autumn Festival. My parents told me that the Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion, and on August 15th every year, the moon is always very round. Travelers who study and work far away from home always miss their hometown and loved ones very much on this day. Many ancient people wrote many popular poems on this day, which have been passed down to this day.

  Yesterday, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house for a reunion dinner. My sister's family also went. Everyone happily enjoyed a harmonious reunion dinner, sharing delicious mooncakes while enjoying the TV Mid Autumn Festival Gala.

     I really hope that every year on Mid-Autumn Festival, like this year, the whole family will be reunited, never separate, and share the happiness of our family. As the poem says, 'I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of a thousand miles.'

2.中秋节英语作文精选 篇二

  Although the sky is hazy, the moon is still hanging high. This year, unlike before, I grilled meat at my classmate's house, giving it a unique flavor.

  The delicious barbecue, meatballs, pork, fish... are tempting me. I can't help salivating! The color, aroma, and taste are all perfect. It tastes great and makes me indulge in it! The fireworks show came on stage, all kinds of colorful, each exciting and beautiful. Although it was fun, my hands were in agony because everyone couldn't use lighters, so I had to help them light them?! The taste of being burned by fire is not covered.

  I am so happy today. The feeling of Mid-Autumn Festival at home is totally different from that at home. I am looking forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow, and where will I be next year's Mid-Autumn Festival?

3.中秋节英语作文精选 篇三

  The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the day our people look forward to reuniting - Mid-Autumn Festival.

  In the morning, my parents got up early to clean up, while my grandmother was busy preparing a hearty lunch. My sister and I were happy to watch the cartoon, but suddenly my grandmother shouted loudly, "My rabbit has given birth!" My sister and I hurried to the balcony and saw five more rabbit babies the size of mice. They were so cute My sister and I were so happy that we held hands and jumped and jumped, extremely happy.

  It was already noon in a blink of an eye, and there was a drizzling rain outside. It seemed that the moon was no longer visible at night. Chang'e and her jade rabbit may have gone home to reunite with their loved ones, right. It's really a bit regrettable. Although I can't see the moon like a white jade plate today, my mother told me that tomorrow's moon will be rounder and brighter.

  Although the heavens are not beautiful, it is still a very happy thing for a family to be together. May all people and families in the world be happy.

4.中秋节英语作文精选 篇四

  I always look forward to the Spring Festival, the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival... but what I want most is to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, which always brings me a warm memory

  On the early morning of August 15th, my grandmother felt that the supermarket had bought a large box of mooncakes, and my sister stared greedily, eager to grab it and swallow it. Unfortunately, I could only watch my grandmother place it on the top of the cabinet, experiencing a painful feeling of being "visible but not touching".

  Waiting is always so long, after spending several hours, we finally saw the curtain of darkness enveloping the sky. Our family sat on the balcony, waiting for the most important moment of today - appreciating the moon. The mischievous stars blinked their eyes, and a hazy light emerged from behind the clouds, so charming. The moon is about to come out! "Mom smiled and pointed at the sky. Everyone's eyes stared at the sky without blinking, the hazy light bit by bit bright, revealing a jade like face, and a faint cloud enveloped the moon. The earth is bathed in a bright moonlight, expressing its praise for the moon in the language of a purple sky orchid. The night is peaceful and warm, and the gentle wind seems to be a homage to the moon. What a beautiful moon! Everyone was stunned, no one spoke, no one broke the peaceful atmosphere.

  Eat mooncakes! "Grandma called out, and I grabbed a piece with my old sister and tasted it beautifully. Grandma hugged us and told us ancient folk stories such as Chang'e running to the moon and Wu Gang's expedition against Guangxi. While eating mooncakes, she listened to the stories, which was the sweetest taste of happiness in childhood.

  These memories always warm me up. Often in my dreams, I dream of the beautiful moon, that magical legend, and it seems that the fragrance of mooncakes still fills my mouth, unwilling to dissipate for a long time

5.中秋节英语作文精选 篇五

  Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. Early in the morning, my father packed a lot of things and took me to visit relatives.

  We went to Grandma's house, Grandpa's house, and other relatives' houses, where I experienced the hardships and joy of rural life. My father told me to be filial to my elders, especially during holidays and festivals.

  In the evening, my father fried a plate of chicken and brought in big, fragrant and sweet mooncakes. Looking at the delicious table of dishes, I couldn't help but feast on them. Our family had a happy reunion dinner.

  After dinner, we went to admire the moon. The beautiful moon was like a big jade plate, hanging high in the sky. I think of the great poet Li Bai's "Silent Night Thoughts": the bright moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon, bow your head to think of your hometown. Looking at the round moon, I told my father the story of Chang'e running to the moon. I seemed to see Chang'e, Yutu, Guishu, and Wu Gang.

6.中秋节英语作文精选 篇六

  The annual Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is a good day for people to get together. After dinner, we moved out of the table and put the food on the table. "Wow! There are many things to eat." There are red apples, yellow bananas, fragrant Hami melons, purple grapes, light yellow grapefruit, red persimmons, double yellow moon cakes, sweet litchi, green pomegranates, and mouth watering snails, It's really everything, and it's both good and affordable.

  As soon as eight o'clock, the sky appeared in the deep blue sky, with a dark cloud spreading over the moon, like a shy girl. Ah。 Out! At nine o'clock, the moon showed a smiling face. It was round and silver, like a white jade plate, surrounded by stars, and extremely beautiful.

  The moonlight of Mid-Autumn Festival is the most beautiful day for us to get together.

7.中秋节英语作文精选 篇七

  Mid-Autumn Festival, the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, is the festival I am looking forward to very much.

  It is said that the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival is big and round. I can finally see it tonight! The sunset gradually fell, night fell, and a bright moon arose. I found today that the moon is like a big jade plate, larger and rounder than any full moon I have ever seen before. I am filled with beautiful fantasies about the moon, as if I saw Chang'e sitting on a chair in Guanghan Palace looking down, as if looking for her husband. Wu Gang was still chopping at the osmanthus tree knife by knife. The Jade Rabbit is still carefully pounding those herbs.

     The moon in the Mid Autumn Festival is so beautiful, so bright, so round! At this moment, my mother asked me to eat mooncakes, breaking my illusion of the beauty of the moon. I looked at the moon again, and then I smiled happily.

8.中秋节英语作文精选 篇八

  Today is another Mid-Autumn Festival. The brother's family has returned. Just after lunch, we set off to the wild with delicious mooncakes. In the wilderness, we encountered a mother and daughter pulling peanuts. So we came together to help. I pull up three trees and one tree at a time, doing it happily. But my brother can pull out five every time! I'm surprised, how did he do it? After the peanuts were pulled out, we started pulling the cart towards the field and then carrying the peanuts onto the cart, causing me to sweat profusely and covered in soil. But I have a great sense of achievement.

  As night fell, a beige, large, and round new moon slowly rose. We sat on the ground, eating delicious mooncakes, admiring the moon, and chatting about the sky

  What a wonderful unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival!

9.中秋节英语作文精选 篇九

  Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and it's a big reunion day. After dinner, my father, mother, sister and I went to the yard to watch the moon.

  The sky gradually turned from azure blue to deep blue, with several sparse stars blinking bright eyes. Mom said, "Today is a sunny day, why hasn't the moon come out yet

  I looked up at the sky and saw the moon protruding its head through the clouds. As the sky gradually brightened, the outline of the moon became clearer and clearer. The color of the moon is very light, very light, and soon it gradually deepens, and the light emitted is also getting brighter and brighter. Finally, a full moon hung high in the sky like a huge silver plate. Wow! It's so beautiful, "I couldn't help but marvel. It's time to go to bed, and I think it's really fun today.

10.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, a bright moon rises. Our family sat on the balcony, bathed in the moonlight, eating mooncakes while admiring the beautiful moon.

  The moon of fifteen is large and round, like a silver jade plate. The moonlight like water illuminates the deep blue night sky, casting a soft silver veil over the earth; She is like a childish and mischievous doll, sometimes hiding in smoke like clouds, sometimes jumping on the tree tops, so cute; She is like a big mooncake, golden and yellow, making people want to bite it immediately.

  I asked my mother curiously, "Mom, why is the Mid-Autumn Festival moon so big and round.

11.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十一

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and August 15 of the lunar calendar is the Mid Autumn Festival every year. People want to eat mooncakes! On this day, everyone took a break and stayed with their family. In the evening, we enjoyed the round and bright moon in the sky together, and prepared many delicious dishes such as mooncakes, apples, bananas, grapes, etc. The family was so happy to talk and laugh!

  This Thursday is Mid-Autumn Festival. My mother and I are going back to our hometown to visit our grandparents, grandparents and bring them moon cakes! Have a happy holiday!

  I would like to wish Mr. Hou, Mr. Dong and Mr. Liu a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance! Round and round! Happy and happy!

12.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十二

  Today is "August 15", the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. My aunt uncle are here. I am bouncing to meet them and welcome them to my home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. At noon, Dad invited us all to have a reunion dinner, and everyone sat at the table chatting and laughing. The dishes Dad ordered were really delicious, including fried shrimp, fish and small rice dumpling. After dinner, I went to the supermarket and bought many snacks, as well as various mooncakes.

  At night, everyone sat in the yard, watching the jade plate like moon while eating fragrant and sweet mooncakes. Everyone was talking about happy things, and there were bursts of laughter in the yard. I played the song 'Fishing Boat Sings at Night' with a guzheng and received encouraging applause.

  Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion, and also a happy day!

13.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十三

  Long, long ago, Hou Yi and Chang'e were a couple. Because Hou Yi had meritorious deeds in shooting the sun, the Queen Mother gave Hou Yi some elixirs, and Hou Yi was entrusted to Chang'e for safekeeping. Chang'e put the medicine in the treasure chest, and one of Hou Yi's students found out and went to grab the spiritual medicine. However, Chang'e couldn't beat him, so she reluctantly swallowed the medicine. When Hou Yi returned home, he saw that there was no one at home and saw her shadow on the moon. He then placed an incense table in the back garden to invite Chang'e back. Gradually, eating mooncakes and admiring the moon became customs.

  People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. It's difficult to complete this matter from ancient times. I hope people will last for a long time and share the joys and sorrows of a thousand miles. Now it's not difficult for us to reunite, but when will Chang'e be able to reunite? I really hope they can reunite!

14.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十四

  The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the day our people look forward to reuniting - Mid-Autumn Festival.

  In the morning, my parents got up early to clean up, while my grandmother was busy preparing a hearty lunch. My sister and I were happy to watch the cartoon, but suddenly my grandmother shouted loudly, "My rabbit has given birth!" My sister and I hurried to the balcony and saw five more rabbit babies the size of mice. They were so cute My sister and I were so happy that we held hands and jumped and jumped, extremely happy.

  It was already noon in a blink of an eye, and there was a drizzling rain outside. It seemed that the moon was no longer visible at night. Chang'e and her jade rabbit may have gone home to reunite with their loved ones, right. It's really a bit regrettable. Although I can't see the moon like a white jade plate today, my mother told me that tomorrow's moon will be rounder and brighter.

  Although the heavens are not beautiful, it is still a very happy thing for a family to be together. May all people and families in the world be happy.

15.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十五

  The annual Mid-Autumn Festival finally arrived, and our family were busy to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival.

  My mother and I hang lanterns, my father sets fruits and mooncakes, my grandfather sets tea sets, and my grandmother pays homage to God. My mother and I lit the lantern, and it lit up. A gust of wind blew by, and the lantern flickered and swayed.

  It rained heavily in the morning, but at night, the rain finally stopped and dark clouds covered the moon. We all said we couldn't see the moon anymore. At this moment, Grandpa shouted, "The moon is out!" My father, mother, and grandmother stood up in surprise and looked up. The moon was indeed high in the sky. The moon seems to be playing hide and seek with us, sometimes hiding, sometimes drilling out, like a shy little girl.

  Kong Mingdeng floated and flickered in the air, like a mischievous star.

  My father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother were chatting and laughing while admiring the moon. How happy we were!

  This is really an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival!

16.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十六

  Mid-Autumn Festival, when night falls, a bright moon rises into the sky.

  I went to the yard with my parents to admire the moon. The moon seems to know that today is Mid-Autumn Festival. It comes out earlier than ever, brighter than ever, and much rounder than ever. The moon also seems to be playing games with me. I run and run, I jump and jump, I stop and stop. It's like my shadow, following me wherever I go.

  The moon of Mid-Autumn Festival gives people a very mysterious feeling. Under the moonlight, the pine trees in the courtyard appear even more lush upright. Even the kittens and puppies don't want to rest, they seem to have come to Mid Autumn Festival!

  Look! There are many faint black spots on the moon, but what is the blurry scenery like? Is it a tree? Is it a mountain? Is it sandstorm? Or an alien base? I looked for a while and suddenly remembered Guanghan Palace. I wonder if the Chang'e Fairy and her beloved Jade Rabbit inside are okay? Are you also celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival! The moon is rising higher and higher, and has climbed to the top of the building. It gazes down at the earth, scattering the afterglow. I looked at the moon in the sky, softly humming a song, intoxicated by the situation just now.

17.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十七

  The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history. The word "Mid Autumn Festival" first appeared in the book "Zhou Li", which has a history of more than 2000 years.

  Eating mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival, like eating Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival and rice dumpling on the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, is a traditional folk custom in China. Mooncakes also serve as a symbol of auspiciousness and reunion, conveying people's beautiful wishes, and the customs of eating and delivering mooncakes have continued to this day.

  This Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and brothers, my whole family got together to celebrate the festival. That day, we agreed that everyone would tell a joke to make everyone laugh before they could eat mooncakes. My brother made everyone laugh and proudly took a piece of mooncake. While eating, he laughed and said, "Come eat, it will be over in a while!" After I finished telling the joke, everyone laughed incessantly, and their stomachs hurt. Then I said, Brother, the mooncakes are mine now. Look how they laugh. "Then he carried the plate with the mooncakes and ran away, shouting," Help! 110, come and save me! "The whole family laughed, and the laughter spread far and wide.

18.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十八

  Tomorrow is another Mid-Autumn Festival, but I don't want to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival as usual. I want to celebrate a new festival. So, a good idea came to my mind.

  Early this morning, I sent my mother to buy me mooncakes. The more flavors I bought, the better. I cut a few more window flowers, pasted them on the window, and then placed all the snacks at home on the floral table. Alright! Everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed! "I laughed and said. In a short while, my mother bought the mooncakes back, which contained many flavors of mooncakes, as well as knives and forks.

  In the evening, I brought my brother and sister to my house. My mother, cousin, cousin, and brother sat at a dedicated tea table with snacks and mooncakes on the table. While pouring tea for my brother, I suggested that everyone sing a song. Firstly, my older brother went on stage and sang a song called "The most dazzling ethnic style", "The vast horizon is my love..." "Ah, good!" I took the lead in encouraging him. Next it's my sister's turn, but she just refuses, so it's my turn. Okay! "I walked onto the sofa and sang a passionate song called" Legend of the Twelve Zodiac Signs ". After singing, I want everyone to put together a mooncake platter. I opened a milk flavored mooncake and said, "Wow! How fragrant!" I was immersed in the world of milk mooncakes. Then, I used lotus seed mooncakes, egg yolk mooncakes... to put together many plates.

  In this way, I had a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

19.中秋节英语作文精选 篇十九

  Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle. In the twinkling of an eye, it is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Reunion Day. It is a good day for families to get together, taste moon cakes, drink and enjoy the moon.

  I finished dinner with my parents and waited for the appearance of the moon father-in-law. Through the window, I saw the moon slowly rising from the corner of the building, like a shy little girl. When it reached the top of the building, it seemed bold and jumped out. Suddenly, the moonlight spread all over the earth. Moonlight shines on the leaves, and shadows can be seen on the ground. I stared at the moon in a daze, as if seeing Wu Gang chopping osmanthus trees, the beautiful and moving Chang'e, and the lively and lovely Jade Rabbit. You see, Sister Chang'e is smiling at me. It flashes as if to say, "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

  We sat on the balcony, enjoying the moon while eating mooncakes. We took out a few mooncakes, which were made of five kernels, black sesame, and lotus seed. It's delicious! I remember the poem from "The Journey to the Moon in Gulang": "When I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called it a white jade plate. I also suspected that the Yaotai Mirror was flying in the blue clouds. After eating the mooncakes, our family went outside to spread and watch the moon! A golden full moon hung in the sky, as if a large jade plate was set off against a deep blue sky. A gust of wind blew on me, feeling really comfortable!

20.中秋节英语作文精选 篇二十

  At night, it was extremely quiet, with a jade like full moon passing through the clouds, and a faint moonlight shining on the earth. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the children would carry lanterns and run happily all over the street.

  We are no exception, carrying lanterns and candles and running towards the rooftop. On the rooftop, the bright moonlight shone on the happy faces of the children, appearing very cute. We sat on the bench, enjoying the beautiful moonlight and savoring the delicious mooncakes, very happy. At this moment, a little girl walked over and sat on the bench, recording the happy moment. The gentle moonlight shone on the peaceful face of the little girl, appearing very beautiful. Just as we were happy, a gentle breeze came and blew out the candles.

  We had to relight the candles. The night gradually darkened, and people's laughter shattered the tranquility of the night. The stars playfully blinked in the sky, while the moon widened its eyes and looked kindly at the green grass, much like a polished silver plate. Ah, the scenery of the stars and the moon is so beautiful, it's like a mother telling a story to the children, and the children are entranced by it.

  The moon gradually rose, and she was wearing a white veil, quiet and serene, gentle and generous. Her silver face, shining through the treetops, left a gentle smile. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is so beautiful, it left a deep impression on my childhood.
