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【#少儿英语# 导语】英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书面形式记叙英语口语。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。要想练好英语口语就必须练好英语发音,下面是©文档大全网为大家整理的英语发音,欢迎大家参阅。


Video Text:

  The [æ] sound is a front vowel, which for me means it feels like it comes more from here, aa, than from here, ah. It's a bit difficult to explain, so I am going to explain it in terms of another vowel, and that is the [e] as in "pet" vowel. Both of them, eh, aa, you can see my tongue is up, as opposed to ah, "father", where you can see the dark space in my mouth. Aa, all you see is tongue. So it's coming up, and making a bit of a wall, so that you see this part. The way it's different from the eh vowel, which is more like this, eh, aa, is that the tip of the tongue is not touching underneath the teeth as it is in eh. This part of the tongue is a little more vertical and more spread for me, which feels like it creates more space back here. Aa, aa. Also the jaw has dropped a little bit more than on eh. Aa, aa. And the last subtle change that happens is here. It's easy to see. The lip comes up just a little bit. Pets, pats.



  Sample words:

  habit 习惯

  understand 理解

  Sample sentence:

  Cameron is mad about fashion. 卡梅隆痴迷于时尚。


Video Text:

  The [l] sound. To make this sound, we use the very tip of the tongue, and we press that to the roof of the mouth. This is different from the nn, N sound in which we use the forward part of the top of the tongue to touch the mouth. In the L, ll, we're actually using the very tip, which means the tongue has to curve up to touch. Ll, ll. Because the tongue is curving like that, that means this part of the tongue is actually touching the back part of the front teeth. But where the pressure happens is where the tip of the tongue reaches up to touch the roof of the mouth. Ll, ll, ll. The rest of the mouth stays relaxed.


  Sample words:

  last 最后的

  parallel 平行的

  limber 灵活的

  Sample sentence:

  Last fall, we flew to California. 去年秋天,我们坐飞机去了加州。


Video Text:

  The [əu] sound does not occur on its own. It is always in diphthong with the "uh" as in "pull" sound. For example, 'no.' It's not 'no,' 'no.' To make this sound the corners of the mouth come in a little, oh, which meant that the lips themselves press out a little bit: oh, oh. The tongue comes up a little bit in the back, and the tip of the tongue comes forward, oh, and is extremely lightly touching the soft part of the mouth underneath the front teeth, right here.


  Sample words:

  no 不

  go 走

  Sample sentence:

  Mr. Stone shows off his snowmobile. Stone先生向人炫耀他的雪地车。

  Sample words:

  habit 习惯

  understand 理解

  Sample sentence:

  Cameron is mad about fashion. 卡梅隆痴迷于时尚。


Video Text:

  The [ɔɪ] diphthong. This sound combines the aw as in law with the ih as in sit. Though I have found in practice, as with many diphthongs, that the vowels within this diphthong are not quite so pure as they are when they stand alone. So with the aw as in law, I actually find it to be a little closer to the oh, as in the first sound of no. It does assume the same mouth position, aw, the cheeks come in a little bit and the lips round and come out, aw, law, but rather than saying an aw sound here, it's a little bit more like an oh. And to make that differentiation in the sound, the tongue comes up a little higher in the back than it does in the aw, law, pure sound by itself. Oy, o, oy.

  The second sound: the ih as in sit. Ih, ih, oy. I sort feel at times like it's ih with a little bit mix of an ee as in she though it certainly is not oyee, the lips don't come out that far. Oy, oy, oy. So as you can see, o, the tongue is raised in the back more so you see the darkness in the mouth: o, oy... and there you see the tongue come forward for the ih, ih, ih. And the corners of the mouth come out just a little bit.



  Sample words:

  deploy 部署,配置

  soy 大豆;酱油

  enjoyable 有乐趣的

  Sample sentence:

  The boy is annoying. 这个小男孩很烦人。


Video Text:

  The [ei] diphthong. I find this diphthong hard to classify. I've seen some sources that use an open e sound at the beginning, that would be the [e] as in bed, and others that use a closed e, which doesn't exist on its own as a vowel sound in English. {[e], 'ey'} And then the final sound is [i], the open vowel, as in sit. Although I find it, in practice, to be halfway between the ih as in sit and the ee as in she. The first sound: ey. Now in the sound my tongue, in the very back, is actually touching the top of my mouth. Is it the top of my mouth, is it the throat, it's hard to tell because it's so far back there. Ey, ey. It's kind of where the top of the mouth meets the throat. Where the back of the tongue comes up to touch there. Ey, ey. Now that's different on the eh as in bed where the tongue is not acutally touching the roof of the mouth. Eh, as in bed, the tongue feels a little more forward. I would say this is eh, ey, ey. So it comes back a little so it can touch back there. Ey, ey, ey, as you can see, the jaw is quite closed, ey, ey, and the rest of the tongue comes forward. Ey, ey. Now to go to the ih sound, the jaw closes even more, ei ei ei, and the part of the tongue that touches the roof of the mouth is this part. So in the ey, it's back here that it touches, and in the ih, it's this part that touches. It just comes up and touches the roof of the mouth further forward.



  Sample words:

  say 说

  grey 灰色

  may 可能

  Sample sentence:

  I stayed at the bay and played all day. 我在海湾玩了一整天。

