

时间:2023-10-26 04:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Beijing plans to repair it's old city wall. It is said to be the city' b/l 1 ever cultural relics (文化遗迹) repair project. The wall t/w 2 will be 1,600 metres long from Dongbianmen to Chongwenmen will k 3 the same look(面貌) as the old one.
  The Beijing people are also asked by the city government to r 4 old wall bricks(砖), which were o 5 used to build houses in the 1960s. So f 6 , more than 200,000 old bricks have been returned, but two million s 7 bricks are needed for the repairs.
  The old city wall was built in the Ming Dynasty. The wall was b/s/t/q 8 damaged(损坏) over the past years. “The repair project has brought more v/t 9 to Beijing," a city official(官员) said," We hope that it will m 10 Beijing even more beautiful.”
  1 largest /biggest 2 that /which 3 keep 4 return 5 once 6 far 7 such 8 badly /seriously /terribly /quite 9 visitors /tourists 10 make

