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【#托福# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。©文档大全网整理了“托福写作范文学习:长寿的秘诀”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  The causes of people's longevity today

  In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


  首先提供一份数据给大家参考:20世纪初全球平均年龄(life expectancy)大约45岁。到20世纪末,这个数字已经增长到70岁左右。考生可以结合这份数据来做一些文章。然后要分析人们越来越长寿的原因,大家可以从这几点来展开:越来越好的饮食条件,饮食卫生,越来越科学的饮食模式;越来越发达的医疗技术、越来越完善的医疗保健系统;经济稳定、社会稳定。举个极端一点的例子:前苏联(the previous Soviet Union)解体(disintegration/breakup)后,俄罗斯的平均年龄大幅度下降。


  Among various factors that contribute to today's longevity of people are three most obvious ones: the improvement of food conditions, the development of modern medical technology, and finally current stability of economy in our country.

  Food conditions are better than before and are still being developed with a rapid pace. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, sterilized skim milk, which are cheaply supplied in supermarkets. Furthermore, foods are more nutrient. Not to mention various carefully designed nutrient products. People can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic, since they can keep nutrient balance by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compound every day. Another essential improvement that contributes to people's longevity is swiftly developing medical technology. Development of modern medical technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expenses, but in the past, they are all probably lethal ones. The dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to people's longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect: he might even die of a toothache!

  Current societal and economic stabilization is also a very indispensable factor. People have less pressure in a more stable society, the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. Today's ideal stabilization even provides people an opportunity to secure their future—buy insurances. Various types of insurances are readily available, which make people feel safe, and have to a large extent reduced people' anxieties, and therefore indirectly contribute significantly to the longevity of people.

