
时间:2023-02-20 01:21:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】元宵节,中国的传统节日之一,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,时间为每年农历正月十五。正月是农历的元月,古人称“夜”为“宵”,正月十五是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  On this day, people want to bake dumplings.

  This evening, after we had dumplings, our family went to the door to bake a fire. Dad lit the corn stalk with a lighter. Slowly, the fire became more and more prosperous. Dad set off fireworks and firecrackers again.

  I threw the firecracker into the fire, making a few noises, splashing some sparks, and soon the fire went out. Some of my friends and I went to see other people's fireworks. Some fell like meteors, some bloomed like blooming buds in the air, and some fairy flowers were very beautiful. Tonight, we also saw two wishing lights. Because it is cloudy, the moon is not bright today.

  After the Lantern Festival, even if the new year is over, I will soon start school. I have to do my homework as soon as possible.


  Today is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. When it comes to the Lantern Festival, of course, we have to eat the Lantern Festival and set off firecrackers. Therefore, grandma and I went to the supermarket to buy the Lantern Festival.

  There are countless kinds of Yuanxiao in supermarkets, with a variety of tricks. It's hard to decide what kind of Yuanxiao is. Some are like animals, some are original, and some are antique. Immediately, grandma made a decision. This is not the Lantern Festival.

  As soon as I got home, I took out all the firecrackers that hadn't been set off in the new year. I saw that my friends, like me, came to the house to set off firecrackers. For a while, the sound rang through the sky, for a while, it was deafening, and for a while, it was silent. Suddenly, my mother asked me to go home to eat yuanxiao, and the activity of setting off firecrackers came to an end.

  This happy day was spent in the laughter of our family!


  Today is the Lantern Festival. After dinner, I heard crackling outside. Many residents came to the designated place of the property to set off fireworks with their children and all kinds of fireworks bought by their families.

  I saw an uncle holding two big boxes like fireworks coming this way. Followed by two twin brothers, all dressed very handsome.

  Here we go. Here we go. Uncle put the cigarette end in his mouth to the fuse. Sisi saw the fireworks shoot directly into the clouds and then fall from the sky like a woman in the sky. It was very beautiful and spectacular. The sound is deafening. How exciting. My brother screamed at me. These two big boxes have been put for more than a minute.

  Later, together with Yin Yue upstairs and her father, I took our fireworks and began to light them. I saw that the fireworks like skyrockets were like strings of pearls and meteors. We also set off "thousand hand Guanyin". After the fireworks were lit, they would make a fireworks like sound, like true sound sound firecrackers. Looking at the dots, there are "qq small color" fireworks that will disappear after being lit. Three seconds later, a miracle happened, and the word QQ stands on the fireworks. There are also "deep love" fireworks, which are shaped like hearts when lit, and like the fire of love on a quiet night. The sound makes people feel happy and excited. Another kind is "flying fire". This is interesting. As long as it is lit, it will fly up to seven or eight meters. There is a new power to fly to more than 20 meters high. It's amazing. Another kind is Gaosheng, which my brother likes. After lighting it, it makes a squeak and flies to more than ten meters. The fire explodes to form brilliant fireworks and falls one after another

  Anyway, it was very lively and everyone was very happy. It was close to 12 o'clock, and everyone was still in full swing and refused to leave for a long time.

  However, I heard from my father that now everyone advocates environmental protection and fewer fireworks.

  The Lantern Festival is really good. I also guessed lantern riddles online, and my mother made delicious Lantern Festival.


  Today, my mother and I went for a walk in the park. Because today is the Lantern Festival, the park is bustling and crowded. My mother and I went to the place where the bumper car was made and bought a ticket. I stood next to it and waited. It was not easy for me to get the car when I changed people. At this time, an uncle said, "there is another empty car." I hurried to the empty bumper car. The game began. I stepped on the brake with my right foot, held the steering wheel with both hands, and drove the motor car left and right. Because I'm not very good at driving, I hit it for a while... Not only how many times, but also my head was knocked unconscious. "It's time!" The aunt who bought the ticket said with a microphone. After getting out of the car, my mother said to me, "you're a good driver!" I said, "yes?"

  My mother and I watched the night scene again. The night view is beautiful! There are bustling streets in Shanghai; There are beautiful lotus flowers in Daming Lake... The night scenery makes me know my motherland more.

  I shot a balloon once and got ten shots. I'm not bragging. The prize is a small red face man. I'm very happy.

  I also ate a marshmallow and took photos with the national emblem lamp. There are some big words written on it, which I remember.

  My mother and I are going to put Kong Mingdeng. As a result, my mother and I were surprised. We saw a couple put on Kongming lanterns and didn't put them up for several minutes. I thought: my mother and I must be out of business. Besides, it's expensive, not generally expensive. When others fly, I make a wish in my heart. Students, do you say I'm smart or not?

  At seven o'clock, the sky is like colorful butterflies flying, peacocks opening their screens and eagles spreading their wings... Looking at the colorful sky, people look up and point out to each other the sky tonight. They talk and laugh, and keep sending out bursts of laughter and laughter. All their faces show happy faces.

  I looked up and saw how round, big and bright the moon was tonight!


  Just after the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival will arrive in the twinkling of an eye. The Lantern Festival is our traditional Chinese festival, which has been handed down from the Han Dynasty. The moon is very round on this day. I want to eat dumplings. Tangyuan is also called tangtuan, which means round and round. I spent this day shopping, eating Yuanxiao and watching fireworks.

  After lunch, my father and mother and I happily came to the city to watch the excitement and go shopping. The streets are so busy! There are a large number of people here. The road has become a "sidewalk" and both sides of the road have become "supermarkets". There are businesses everywhere, including selling books, selling clothes, pinching sugar people, ferrules, shooting for prizes, and guessing lantern riddles... It's dazzling and dizzying!

  After wandering around for an afternoon and having eaten mother's Lantern Festival, we came to the street to watch fireworks. Only a "boom" was heard. A huge colored ball hung in the sky and burst out all around, like streamers and meteors. Suddenly, a "great waterfall" with a length of tens of meters was displayed in front of people. It was like a fairy, stroking her hair and forming a huge picture. Suddenly, a red ball in the sky floated from a distance, setting off each other with fireworks. Is it a "plane"? Is it a meteor? No, it's Kong Mingdeng. Then, with people's good wishes, Kongming lights cut through the sky, flew away and drowned in the night sky.

  People couldn't help but pick up their mobile phones and cameras and take pictures of this mirage like scene. At this time, countless fireworks rose up in the air, sprinkled in the sky with a full body of flame, shining the heaven and earth brilliantly. People couldn't control their excitement and cheered heartily!

  This year's Lantern Festival is really lively. Amid the cheers, our fireworks party is over. Under the bright moonlight, people looked back from time to time and saw fireworks in the distance. They talked and smiled and left reluctantly.


  Today is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. In our family, we have to eat dumplings and watch lanterns on the Lantern Festival. After eating dumplings in the morning, my mother took me to the street to buy lanterns.

  There are so many lanterns in the street! There are lotus lanterns, animal lanterns... What a lamp mountain and lamp sea. I looked left and right and finally selected a lantern. It's a lantern with the shape of this plane. It's really handsome. Listen to the boss, this is the last one. Mom paid the money and we went home. On the way home, I turn on the lantern and turn it off. This lovely lantern is really adorable. My mother said to me, "don't play bad. I'm going to put lanterns tonight." I quickly put away the lantern and thought: other children will envy me when they see my lantern at night.

  Finally in the evening, my mother and I went downstairs to put lanterns. We saw children holding all kinds of lanterns, showing off to others or exchanging games. There are pigs, tigers, snakes... They are all animals anyway. Among them, the snake lantern is the most eye-catching. The golden body is integrated with the lotus and glitters with colorful flowers. It's really beautiful. But these are definitely not as good as my lanterns. My plane lanterns can rise and fall, and I feel like I'm about to fly up. ha-ha! My lantern is so cool.

  Like the Lantern Festival, like the dumplings and colorful lanterns of the Lantern Festival.


  Today is the fifteenth day of the first month. It's a busy day.

  At noon, after dinner with my mother, I came to the street of petrochemical club. At this time of year, it is very lively here, with gongs and drums and firecrackers. After a while, it was crowded with many people. I saw the Yangko team at the gate of the Cultural Palace twirling Yangko happily, surrounded by circle after circle of people, and some children dancing with them. We followed the flow of people to the crossroads, where dragons and lions are dancing. Look! Those four big lions are so powerful! Looking at us, I seem to say: I'll eat whoever dares to come. Then, they did many funny actions, such as biting their hips, shaking their heads and so on. At this time, several clever and lovely little monkeys came, swinging from side to side as if they were dancing. They were fighting and playing with each other. There was a lion lying on the ground and another lion jumping from its back, which welcomed bursts of applause from the audience. Then he did some beautiful wheeling and an ending. Next, we went to see the dragon dance. More than a dozen people were running around holding a dragon. We saw one person holding a faucet and others drilling under the faucet. It was really like a real dragon dancing there. Later, someone brought two ladders. One person quickly climbed up and whistled twice. All the dragons surrounded the past and proudly raised their heads. The program was over, but it was almost dark. I reluctantly left there.


  Time flies. On the 15th day of the first month, I hurried to the reunion in the sweetness of the Lantern Festival. In the 21st century, with the development of science and technology, this long-standing traditional festival not only does not fade, but also becomes more and more colorful.

  On the night of the Lantern Festival, thousands of families were surrounded by the joy of reunion. Our family sat around the table, with white and tender Yuanxiao floating in the bowl, and the steaming heat warmed everyone's heart. My father pointed to them and said, "there are also a lot of knowledge about eating yuanxiao. Four represent four happiness at the door, eight represent eight faceted and exquisite, and ten represent perfection... They repose people's countless wishes!" With these beautiful blessings, tasting the sweetness that melts in the mouth, our family's lantern riddle guessing competition has also begun. Mother slowly read out the riddle: "tiannv scattered flowers, type a new word." I turned my head and reported the correct answer at the same time with my father: "high consumption!" Mother nodded approvingly: "yes, your head is very flexible. Each person will win a lantern festival!" I'm secretly proud: I've seen this on the Internet and now I'm learning and using it. Next, I also tried the taste of the examiner: "I have no choice but to type a common word." Now my parents were stumped. I shook my head and announced the answer: "ha ha, I don't know! It's' thank you '." Hearing this answer, they looked at each other for a while, and then the silver bell like laughter lingered over my house for a long time. At this time, the gorgeous fireworks burst into a smile, reflecting the brilliance of the world. It seems to embellish the Lantern Festival, and it seems to celebrate a new year

  The Lantern Festival has a long history. It existed as early as the Western Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. It is a very famous traditional festival in China. Its festival and custom activities have expanded with the development of history. At first, it was only the city in the daytime and the lights were lit at night. In the Qing Dynasty, the content of "hundred operas" such as dragon dance, lion dance, stilt walking and Yangko dancing was added, which has been handed down to this day. This traditional festival is a carrier of people's emotion. It gives relatives and friends who can't meet often a chance to get together and share their family. The round and fat image of the traditional food Yuanxiao means that the family can be happy. The stuffing is sweet to the heart and can't help being full of hope and confidence in the coming year.

  Lantern Festival, you are a treasure in China's traditional culture. You make countless foreign friends feel the antique flavor of the Chinese nation; Yuanxiao, you are a bridge connecting people's emotions. You make people who have been a monk for many years feel the warmth of family affection and friendship; Yuanxiao, you are a dazzling pearl shining in the heart of the rooster. You make the Chinese people proud of the ancient and charming motherland! Ah, I love our festival - Lantern Festival!


  Yuanxiao is the first full moon night of the year. It is called yuanxiao. When the Lantern Festival comes, all the people are happy and laughing. On this lantern night, the most attractive thing is to set off "fireworks", because fireworks are not only good-looking, but also their colorful colors will make people feel happy and make people who are depressed happy.

  Today, we ate very early, all because we wanted to see fireworks. As soon as I had dinner in the evening, I rushed downstairs and found all my friends to watch the fireworks.

  Finally, night came. My friends and I came to the stadium to watch the fireworks. It was already crowded and crowded, so we watched it from a distance. We stood there, waiting anxiously. The fireworks exploded with a few bangs. Fireworks of various colors "fly" to the sky. The colors change from time to time. I think purple is the most beautiful. Some of them went up to the moon and exploded. It's really worrying that they will blow up the moon. In fact, the moon is far away from us. Some fireworks are like a flower just opening, with six or seven petals. Some burst into full green "little stars", falling slowly like parachutes. Some spray fireworks on the water, which surprised us very much. Some burst into shapes like globes... Every time the fireworks burst, I applaud and shout loudly.

  Towards the end, the fireworks are set off one by one, but these fireworks are much faster and much larger than the fireworks I just saw. Suddenly, there are fireworks in all directions, all of which are glittering as soon as they radiate. They shine around more brightly than during the day. Suddenly, another string of fireworks opened under the golden "scarf". Then the fireworks disappeared.

  Although the fireworks show ended quietly in our cheers, the wonderful fireworks just now will stay in my beautiful memory page by page forever.


  The jubilant Spring Festival has just been sent off, and the annual Lantern Festival has arrived as scheduled. The Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancients called night "Xiao", and the 15th day is the night of the first full moon of the year, so it is called the 15th day of the first month as the Lantern Festival.

  "Zizizi -" as night fell, the pot on the stove slowly released heat. With the smell of yuanxiao, I kept swallowing my saliva. "Grandma, is the Lantern Festival ready?" I asked for the nth time. "Come on, come on --!" Grandma promised loudly, holding five or six bowls of Yuanxiao on a tray, walking small steps and smiling towards us. I quickly and politely greeted him, happily took away the most bowl of Yuanxiao and enjoyed it alone.

  At first glance, a few red medlar seeds floated on the slightly transparent soup surface, and three or four looming circles could be seen faintly, and the repeated hot air was clearly visible in the cold air. I picked up the spoon and gently opened the noodle soup, and the Lantern Festival came into my eyes. Five or six Lantern Festival, you next to me, I next to you, crowded together, like a big family. I scooped up the top Lantern Festival with a spoon and looked at it carefully in front of my eyes: the plump and round figure and white and delicate flawless skin looked more and more delicate in the blue lace spoon, which made me feel a little reluctant to eat. Gently gather together before the Lantern Festival, take a small bite, and the filled black sesame stuffing can't wait to gush out, with an attractive aroma. The black filling and snow-white appearance form a sharp contrast, just like an elegant ink painting. I bit by bit sucked the black sesame in the spoon, and then ate the rest of the Lantern Festival in small bites. Sweet and thick black sesame and soft glutinous rice noodles linger on my lips, teeth and throat from beginning to end, leaving me with more than enough meaning.

  Scooping up the second Lantern Festival, I saw that its head was round, but its back was pointed, like a small tadpole with a tail. I asked my grandmother curiously. My grandmother nodded my nose and explained with a smile: "this is the mung bean filled Lantern Festival specially made for you. Please try it!" I took a skeptical bite, and the Emerald Green Mung Bean face slowly flowed out, with some yellow millet in the middle. The color was very beautiful. I licked it, ah, a kind of waxy taste, with the unique fragrance of mung bean flour. The unprecedented fresh feeling made me like mung bean Lantern Festival at once.

  I ate one after another in sweat, not only destroying one of my own, but also sweeping away the remaining Yuanxiao in the pot. "Burp -" with a loud burp, I stopped my "Lantern sweeping" with satisfaction.

  After dinner, my parents and I went out of the house to watch lanterns, guess lantern riddles and enjoy lion dance... The lively atmosphere in the street made us immersed in the joy of the festival and didn't leave until 9 o'clock.

  What a happy Lantern Festival this year!

