After getting up in the morning, I'm in a hurry after breakfast, mother with a very important thing and a couplet. Home have two antithetical couplets, posted on the door, is another post on the street gate. We start, my mother and I take a chair and tape, tape put good position fixed couplet, good after the stick couplets. We're going to clean the house. Mother is responsible for the roof and wall clean, and I am responsible for clean the table and sweep the floor. Why doesn't dad? Because dad busy hang lanterns. I carefully wipe the table clean, mom is exaggerated, she left our home cleaning the spotless. I make cloth zhang xi xi, ran to the pipe. The water in the pipe can be really cool ah, my hands frozen shuddered, but I did not flinch, continue to my work. Until around noon at eleven o 'clock, we put up at home. In the evening, we'll stay up late, don't sleep a night. Until New Year's morning, scratching gunfire rang, the whole village are immersed in the joy of holiday. I go out a see, and it is full of "red" red ground. Also reminds me of a poem "for a New Year's eve firecrackers, spring gifts into the toso. Find Tong Tong, always put the new peach in old character." 早上起床后,我匆匆的吃完早饭,就和妈妈干一件非常重要的事情一帖对联。家中有两副对联,一副贴屋门上,则另一幅帖街门上。 我们说干就干,我和妈妈拿着椅子和胶带,放好位置用胶带固定好对联,将对联贴好以后。我们就要打扫屋子了。妈妈负责屋顶和墙壁的干净,而我负责擦桌和扫地。为什么没有爸爸呢?因为爸爸在忙着挂灯笼。我认真的把桌擦得干干净净,妈妈更是夸张,她把我们的家打扫的一尘不染。我把抹布弄得张兮兮的,就跑去水管洗。水管里的水可真凉呀,把我的手冻的直发抖,可是我并没有退缩,继续着我的工作。直到中午十一点左右,我们才把家里收拾完。 到了晚上,我们都会熬夜,一晚上都不睡觉。直到过新年的早上,噼里啪啦的炮声响了起来,整个村庄都沉浸在欢乐的节日之中。我出门一看,真是满是“红花”红满地呀。也让我想起了一首诗“爆竹声中一岁除,春光送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。”